Even with millions of spics the US is and has always been superior to the UK
Not to mention the UK is on its way towards a 56% society
It will just get worse
Even with millions of spics the US is and has always been superior to the UK
I'll take shit everybody already knew for 500 Alex.
stfu monkey
so much salt for the oludum.
America is not white sweetie
The UK is the worst white country at thought policing. I'm ashamed the home of my ancestors is so oppressive.
Fucking stuck up cunts they are, all high and mighty. Kiwis and Aus Cunts aren't such fucking pussies and prudes. And it serves us we
More like "british porn" if you keep importing pakis
UK user can't handle the bants.
And so many Brits move here and vote left. British are scum of the earth
16 year olds aren't adults. Prove me wrong.
16 yo british women are already gangbanging pakis
Being British is still seen as a positive thing all around the world apart from this shitty board. When people think of Britain they think of sophistication and civilisation. They think of the world language, the empire, the massive influence we've had on practically every portion of the planet.
All you nerds can make your hate threads in your basements for eternity but it won't change the fact that I will always tell foreigners that I'm British with a smug sense of pride whenever I'm abroad, and they will consciously or subconsciously feel inferior to me as a result.
I adore the brits for saving denmark at the end of the wwii although Swedes think Danes are more than a handful :D.
That's been illegal since Tony Blair left office.
For a board which claims to value whiteness and white values so much they show a lot of venom to the country which spread whites all over the globe. I guess it makes sense since this board was proven to be infested with pic related after the HWNDU shit.
you sound like such are LARPing Fag. you couldn't hold to your own backyards let alone you "empire"
London isn't even 56% but something like 40% and that's direction that Bongland follows
>posts gif from a movie about a war the bongs lost to backwater rebels with frog assists.