Why do you follow this double standard?

Why do you follow this double standard?
Both are upstanding citizens.

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Doesn't matter. The rest of the world laughs at how retarded you all are.

Neato. I've only seen this thread 5 times in the last 2 days, it's about time someone made a new one.

One is standing next to the American flag and his children while the other is covered in gang tattoos, posing like a rapper with a fucking UZI.

It's even gotten a fookin meme silencer on it mate

The absolute state...

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The one on the left is pointing a gun at her father's chest...

Well replace the head tatoo on the right with a flag and we're good.

I've reported you to the authorities for this hateful post.

And we laugh at your shitty country

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She's literally pointing the gun at her father's chest. It's not a double standard when you can't fucking follow a single standard

Because the AR15 is as American as apple pie.

A silenced Mac?? Not so much.

Because the one on the right is a nigger.

There's a rooster coming out of that guy's hair.

One is a tax paying, upstanding citizen with no criminal record.
The other is part of a tiny demographic that is responsible for 50% of all violent crime each year.

Not hard to understand the discrepancy.



>dresses like a thug
>shoes deliberately untied because "I run shit" or done other assuredly niggerly reason
>niglet has a pistol pointed DIRECTLY AT HER STEPBROTHER

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>finger off trigger for both father and daughter
>actually being a father in his daughter's life
>implying that because he's black and has a gun he's a thug

Nice job retards, you found the one black guy in the country who is not a nigger.

>Yet another example of the Left can't meme.

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>blacks need to be able to protect themselves from white racists

Your move, libtards.

> Britain


>be on Jow Forums
>not knowing about niggers

Weak b8 fag sage

The one on the left is constantly demonized as a crazy redneck who's inches away from killing his family. Also why does the one on the right have a magazine in his gun? His finger may be off it but a MAC-10 (Don't go Jow Forums on me it's a little hard to tell) has a sensitive trigger

the niglet is pointing a gun at his father, it's clear that her father is not a responsible man

>implying that's the real father


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This. Also muzzle discipline.

It's still a monkey whether it's got a banana in its hands or not

That's what I noticed first

At least, in countries where it is legal.

That's a Mac10 or Mac11

The main reason that photo is bad is the black kid is pointing a gun at her dads chest at least she has trigger discipline and so does he dad. other than that I think both are fine. Guns for Jamal and Shaniqua and guns for Jim, Timmy and little April.

>Tec 9 with supressor
There's a big difference

Seems my fpbp made some Yanks very very salty.

His hair da fuck, and it's normal that nigger can buy gun in USA ? >>>> what went wrong guys ?

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Better watch out for saying the r-word. The thought bobby will come and nick you.

>completely different scenarios with just a single common element
>double standard
maybe learn what double standard actually means faggot


Attached: The+british+police+is+starting+to+save+on+fuel_ec828f_6548509.jpg (1200x762, 134K)

not to mention trigger. Wtf does that kid want to kill her pa?

such fine level of sarcasm completely btfos him and he does not even notice.

Facial tats... obvious gang tats...

Come on now....

Guy with patriotic marking
Guy with gang/prison/thug markings

Pic related is a patriotic father

Attached: wholesomefamily.jpg (600x475, 117K)

You tell em

Attached: bongistan2.jpg (750x438, 27K)

be warned

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based black and white christian citizens of dixieland

>white kid is posing with the gun safely. Fingers far away from trigger, muzzle pointed away from everyone.
>Bix nood is doing some KANG stance with the gun pointed right at her Dad's gut.

big think

Well the nignog had a american flag behind him he would be patiotic too

Why is the little niglet pointing a pistol at her “father”.

what the fuck d you know about gang tats? Jack shit, leaf.

Legit need help filling top right slot... pls send backup

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What's that hand coming out of the big nigs head?

>Both are upstanding citizens.
Yes I know plenty of black upstanding citizens and the ones with gang tattoos all over their body including their forehead are even more upstanding.

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Might go MIA. Might just blow my brains. RIP KURT KOBAIN. I can’t FEEL my face

You are british, your country is the literal origin story or retardation, there is nobody you can laugh at.

Now go pick up that spoon you weakly little maggot


Look at his hair.

H-how does his hair do that

thugs don't have fathers the thug father is a myth

His hair's a fucking abomination, but he's got good trigger discipline, so does the kid. Usually blacks taking pictures with guns involves some retarded gangsta shit.

This image is strawmanned to hell and back, I've never actually seen or heard a pro-gun person claim blacks shouldn't have legal access to firearms.

>all the buttflustered mutts comenting on this post

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Americans will call these patriotic Americans thugs!

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You win this time Nigel...

>Why do you follow this double standard?
I think I may know why.

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Did he purchase the gun legally?

Judging by the age of the photo...
THAT guy has guns to protect from racist whites

At least a Paki isn’t raping my daughter right now boyo.

She is pointing a fucking gun at her father.

>kid has good muzzle discipline
>ear protection provided
>dad endangering daughter with shit muzzle discipline.

>daughter literally pointing a gun a father's chest without knowing it
>father pointing gun in a safe direction with finger off the trigger

Both dads are faggots. One did not teach proper gun safety to his kid. The other throws gun safety out the window for a photo.

Fake pic. Black fathers are an urban legend.

>She's pointing a gun directly at her dads chest


who the fuck made this? who the fuck would think the black dude is a thug for teaching his kid about firearms? what fucking time line is this? what the fuck is going on? i swear to fuck the fast this leftwing vs rightwing war kicks off the fucking better. sick of these leftwing cunts.

>teaching his kid about firearms
>kid points a gun to his chest

Just for once could you faggots stop embarrassing Britain further on Jow Forums?

The double standard is probably because white gun owners almost always use their guns for self defense while black gun owners extremely commonly user them for the violence that they are exponentially more prone too.

Could you Americans please stop feeding me (You)s? It's embarrassing.

>t. Sweden the rape capital of Europe

thank you for reposting obvious bait.
This is awakening the inner Jew in me.
You faggots reply to the most obvious bait in the world and shit up the front page.
You people deserve everything bad that happens to you

Why is she pointing the handgun at her father? Always treat a gun as if it were loaded.

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