Final definition of shithole countries

can you agree?

Attached: XNZRIk80.png (6460x3480, 1.53M)

The green countries are basically the Wakanda Empire

>can you agree?

i'm talking about life quality and not about cucked goverment competition

no leaf is the shitiest
fix it

What is that? The white genocide forecast?

They have "Germ" in Germany so we all can agree it's the biggest shithole in the world.

> Sweden, France, UK, Germany not red
fuck you faggot

enjoy your islamic rape

whiter than you juan

Guess you are the expert on shit related topics.

I think even white shitholes arent actual shitholes because at least they arent niggers

that's the right attitude user. you still have a beautiful country with amazing people, even under jewish occupation.

Canada has blacks and east indians randomly attacking people for no reason. It's a shithole.

Attached: the new germans.jpg (1190x838, 248K)

>Canada not red
>Germanistan not red

Now since it's been established that I'm the expert in Identifying the shit related stuff.
I claim Germany the biggest shithole in the world and deserves quick nukes to end their misery.

Include spain man dont be a dick

why is Italy or czech republic a shithole?

Uruguay and Chile are green

>are shitholes

Czech rep
the Baltics
>are decent white states

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you're only marginally better dutchbro. especially considering you name parks after martin luther coon nigger, and leave your white brothers and sisters to be butchered in africa while giving your nation away to niggers and sand niggers, at a slightly slower rate than germany does.

Russia is the best shithole country

Attached: napoli.jpg (1024x685, 530K)

>not shitholes

world wars losed by spain: 0

world wars losed by germany: 2

why not italy?

Italy includes anything south of Lombardia. Czechs are just bargain-bin Slavs.

I fixed it.

Attached: good.png (6460x3480, 1.82M)

we lost against the entire world being a country smaller than texas, you guys lost a world ruling empire against a bunch of cholos

What did those tiny Russian islands ever do to you?

Mmm.. I think all the countries must be in the red one... All of us are shit... Sorry for be cruel but is true... Or the red kill the green one and finish the problem of their centeredness...

Argentina, Chile and U R GAY are not shitholes
Namibia and Botswana are not shitholes
Czechia, Italy, Spain, Poortugal, Slovakia and Slovenia are not shitholes
Malaysia and Singapore are not shitholes

Thailand, Vietnam, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Iran, Israel

fuck that one part of Ukraine in particular.

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You had a good thing going on with all that weapons trade industry as a neutral power, but I wouldn't consider getting wiped out by a flu a "victory" either.

It's almost like the entire point of the thread is thinly veiled D&C bait

Almost, but Estonia, is not a shithole

That map would be accurate 60 years ago, not so much now.


Spain > France

at least we had empire lol

from english wikipedia page: To maintain morale, wartime censors minimized early reports of illness and mortality in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and the United States.[17][18] Papers were free to report the epidemic's effects in neutral Spain (such as the grave illness of King Alfonso XIII).[19] This created a false impression of Spain as especially hard hit,[20] thereby giving rise to the pandemic's nickname, Spanish Flu.[21]

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Israel isn't a shithole though. In fact, they're really the only bastion of democracy we have in the Middle East.

This what the fuck op

>Not a shithole

Attached: good2.png (6460x3480, 1.18M)

>first world


Attached: countries-with-universal-health-care2.jpg (615x314, 95K)

japan is a shithole nobody wants to live there even the weaboos go back after they realize its no anime

This desu

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yes man, i know my shit

Any map with green Italy is wrong

Here's my map, blue is home, green is ok and yellow is kind of ok but countries run by dictators.

Attached: 1522330992542_map2.jpg (1374x1245, 279K)

Every country is a shithole nowadays

>put women on the work place
>stop pooping kids
>have an economic boost as a result
>in need of immigration
>have such an unsustainable system
>call the counties with a sustainable long term system shitholes

This is why the West is done.

>Iberia: shithole
>Ireland: Not a shithole

Attached: endurlife.jpg (1440x1440, 173K)

well if half the country being shit is criteria for shithole better take the US off that list

Chile has a lower crime rate than america.

>tfw Greek American

What is wrong with Czechia? I thought they had a booming tech industry.

Wow. Even russia has universal healthcare

When did you immigrate to Sweden?


GDP per cap in Chile is 13k, it's nearly 60k in the US. Place is a shithole.

nice i like this one