Why do lefties think everyone in a Nazi?
Why do lefties think everyone in a Nazi?
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same reason millennials call everyone a faggot. it's effective for stalling the argument. you care about how they feel about you and since feelings are myth you immediately lose.
Depends where you are. Normally it's to associate what you're saying with oppressive autocracy, even if they are the ones soliciting for the imposition of rules because from their perspective that is liberation. This is hypocrisy, but pointing that out usually ends in a dumb pissing match where you both end up regurgitating your orthodoxies.
At a large gathering like a protest it's likely an attempt to get you fucked up, or to rob you.
>Why are people calling nazis what they are?
nazi logic
It's what happens when you don't have arguments or solutions. They are just pushing people farther to the right. The Hogg kid is a perfect example, I was over my parents house the other day and they were watching CNN and he came on and my Mom just sort of made a face and changed the channel. I didn't even say anything.
>yfw too many people get pushed to the right and second holocaust happens in north america
>Want a white ethnostate
>want ethnic cleansing
>jewish question
They are not wrong.
they dont, youre intellectually cuckolded by a jewish owned media blitz to make everything seem like an antisemetism concern
>Why do lefties think everyone in a Nazi?
Makes it easier to win discussions if you assume everyone is wrong instead of arguing the point
Because they shifted too hard left too soon. It's a cult and they ostracize people who don't get on board with everything they say. Society didn't react in the way they expected when they accelerated their plan and they are panicking and trying to silence all dissent.
We had a many white nations. The bastards who stole that from us must pay.
They don't have real opinions or arguments so all they have left is to ostracize your character.
Pretty much the same reason why all the hannity zombie boomers call everyone a commie
That Picture is very ableist user, I'm very disappointed with you
TFW being against nazi policies (Socialism, gun free society, all non-aryan races are inferior) results in you being called a nazi.
Kill all commies
Looks like Rhett from GMM
Because the left has become a meta-cult. Explanation: youtube.com
They have no ideas, no principles, no ability to dialog or have civilized discourse with people of differing opinions, so they "make people toxic so they don't have to deal with them".
It's all programming and circular arguments. They support that which makes them feel good. That which makes them feel good is whatever image the TV programmes them with. Reality doesn't get a look in.
It's literally
>Your perspective on reality is wrong therefore you're evil
It really isn't about skin color either, as long as you do exactly as they say. You CAN be white but you must act accordingly. If you disagree than see "argument."