Thread Theme | Téama Snáithe: National Party │ Páirtí Náisiúnta: │ Join the party and spread the word/memes in your social circles online or otherwise. Téigh leis an bpáirtí agus scaip an scéala / na méimeanna le do chairde ar líne nó eile.
"The truth is old , and it has been handed down to us by our fathers. It is not a new thing, devised to meet the exigencies of a situation. " "Irish nationality is an ancient spiritual tradition, one of the oldest and most august traditions in the world." "A nation's fundamental idea of freedom is not affected by the accidents of time and circumstance. It does not vary with the centuries, or with the comings and goings of men or of empires. The substance of truth does not change, nor does the substance of freedom. Yesterday's definition of both the one and the other is today's definition and will be tomorrow's." "They have conceived of nationality as a material thing, whereas it is a spiritual thing."
- P H Pearse
(read the coming revolution and reject foreign ideology like white nationalism)
Thank Christ they're not in the eu we'd have even more immigrants
Jayden Brooks
We need them to fuel the economy.
Cameron Turner
>Is there any point in learning history or about the culture of your nation and your ancestors? Don't most fags not care about that stuff? What's the deal?
Charles Smith
Irish is the most superficial part of our culture though.
Robert Fisher
We need what?
Lincoln Moore
>union Jack AND swastika
Top kek
Julian Watson
It’s our culture, Its an expression of heritage our forebears spoke. Tiocfaidh ar la
Jacob Kelly
Migrants from Africa. They ate environmentally friendly too
Elijah Rodriguez
"It remains the crowning achievement of the "National" and Intermediate systems that they have wrought such a change in this people that once loved freedom so passionately. Threequarters of a century ago there still remained in Ireland a stubborn Irish thing which Cromwell had not trampled out, which the Penal Laws had not crushed, which the horrors of '98 had not daunted, which Pitt had not purchased: a national consciousness enshrined mainly in a national language. After three-quarters of a century's education that thing is nearly lost.
A new education system in Ireland has to do more than restore a national culture. It has to restore manhood to a race that has been deprived of it. Along with its inspiration it must, therefore, bring a certain hardening. It must lead Ireland back to her sagas. "
"The words and phrases of a language are always to some extent revelations of the mind of the race that has moulded the language"
- P H Pearse
Gabriel Anderson
you are slow.
Kayden Green
yeah but if you cant even speak it to most of the population then why learn it?
Zachary Hughes
Lads the fallout from this trial, I didn't believe things had gotten this bad, how do we turn it around
Lincoln Nelson
>Why be a nationalist if the rest of the population aren't?
Ryan Gray
Its like after brexit or trump, sure people are pissed off at the start, but then people just get on with things.
Dominic Perry
>stll no practical reason to learn it >nationalists know it!!! lmao, most nationalits in my area cant even read or write properly in english nevermind another language
brit/pol/ is a sorry fucking state. I actually feel sorry for them. They are trying so very hard to love and respect their monarchy and the only political solutions they have is not to vote.
Oh aye I was listening to that on the radio this morn. What do yis think about it?
Wyatt Price
brit/pol/ is an extension of r9k don't support it's existence make a new thread and don't ever look for mercy here again. I will however shamelessly ask you to bump this one as the superior thread.
Josiah Reed
I have no idea everyone involved probably don't remember it properly either so I honestly don't care they are all retarded and this shouldn't be an issue
Wyatt Bennett
>tfw even though the lads did nothing wrong people still think theyre guilty Normies are retards
Blake Hill
The Irish prole and the English prole are nearly genetically similar all that divides them is an accent, a fake god and the elites that cause all discontent. Its depressing that we will continue to spit at each other until were both dead in the water (us first obviously)
Nathan Bell
>Look for mercy >will however shamelessly ask you to bump this one You make it sound like I am a crypto brit.
I'm not I'm an Ulster user A real one not them phoney Soct wannabe ones
Dominic Jones
Ah fair enough, but all of it still applies regardless
Liam Rogers
the queen should do her fucking job, i am pissed off that she has done nothing despite the absolute state of the UK.
the best thing we can hope for is another great fire
A great GREAT GREAT MEGA fire that consumes the entire Island and wipes the land clean. Then the best thing that could happen is for the Irish to claim the land.
Brody Lopez
Sinn Féin Fags ofc yeah of course. yeah, we are most hostile to immigrants than the rest of Europe
John Nguyen
Thats the last point, we will be first and you lot second. Does Ireland have more of a familial culture where you help each other out? England doesn't and we all hate each other which is why we are so flooded. If the ra' actually cared they could save themselves
Jeremiah Diaz
No. But I am starting to see a few of them and it makes me angry.
Ayden Cooper
She's a coward; Charles is a prick but at least he tried to influence politics rather than playing it safe and ruling over the decline.
I'm a monarchist, but fuck these particular royals. The only one who had potential was Harry and new he's shacking up with a mutt. We need to send the whole Saxe-Coburg Gotha family back to Germany where they belong and get a proper indigenous monarch.
Angel Cruz
>tfw never learnt another language before how do you do it? seems hard, learning irish seems goood because not only can you talk amongst yourselves in ireland but because no one else speaks it you could talk shit almost anywhere in the world without the possibility of some fag knowing the language popping out of nowhere
Enniskillen is an awful town. The under 40's generation are so superficial and dumb it is actually sickening. The place is becoming fucking niggered and chinked, it's disgusting. Similar story with Omagh.
Women are using this as something to bulldoze their next issue through after abortion. Just hoping enough people not internet savvy or well read are able to make the link between allowing the abortion through and seeing these people for what they really are. Because there is going to be another issue afterwards, mandatory consent classes for men, it wont stop until people say enough.
Josiah Wood
All the main towns catch the degeneracy and all the drugs, diversity and bullshit. I hate townies even more as the years pass.
Henry Sullivan
> MOTHER FUCKERS. They aren't even being subtle. At least in Spain we have mulatos, that's a full out and out Black.
Camden White
So do the girls in Rotherham
Michael Lee
Aye the harpies are all around that's the only useful information to come out of the case and we all knew that already
Grayson Diaz
It also is a fantastic barrier to Nogs. Look at Finland as an example. There are Nogs sure, but they never stay too long because of the language.
Andrew Ward
I'll be flying back for a solid No vote anyway lads. So for every cunt Repeal friend you have, know that I'll have cancelled them out.
But then how would you pick who becomes king? The whole idea of monarchies is like fairy tales
Josiah Perry
I don't understand this shit. Is Roma and Muslim immigration EVER viewed positive by ANYONE?
Like the fucking Roma are vermin everywhere they go, and Ireland already has the Travellers.
Brody Smith
thats probably why he was acquitted, just to get abortion through. god knows he wasn't innocent
Jacob Evans
I was wondering this, would diaspora people come back to vote like for gay marriage. Hope the lot of em stay in Australia desu.
Josiah Collins
only by those that dont know them
Jayden Edwards
Is there any "true" King line, like the Tudors or whatever? In Spain they have the Carlist movement which argues that there is a whole other monarch, and the current ones are French and should fuck off.
Jace Young
Never thought of it. Most likely they would be liberal cunts who would vote repeal.
Jackson Nguyen
All they care about is their self image, social status, trivial stuff. I'm sick of this shit. I'm sick of people and I don't even see them that much. I never want to see people, with their fake westernised smiles, I want to live around genuine people if any. If only I was born in the 30's.
Brody Roberts
All irish republicans are communists
Aaron Foster
Muslims at least give us falafels
Dylan Jackson
The Irish language is a component of Irish identity. For the Irish to say that learning Irish is a waste of time is to abandon a part of Irish identity. Regarding any part of culture as a "waste of time" makes it dangerously easy to regard other parts of a culture in the same way, and in that way it becomes a slippery slope. The Irish will abandon the language, as they are abandoning their faith. Soon they will abandon other aspects of Irish identity until they are a nothing people, like us Americans.
Also, when people adopt the mindset of Irish being pointless, they are often doing so from a materialistic perspective. When they say "what's the point," they really mean "what's the point, you can't make money from it." This is a poor mindset to have because it turns us into atomized, selfish children.
Luis Perry
>a fake god Yeah you should probably renounce Islam Ahmed
Nobody will ever fucking "slipperly slope" me again. We gave them the gay marriage and now doesn't matter if the lads were innocent "I believe her".
The lads need to sue that bint.
Jose Morris
Here's another one. Is this a fuckin raid or something?
Gavin Lee
>Failed Swede Good one.
Brody Peterson
Recently went to Dublin and I was surprised. I expected blacks and pakis everywhere but it's almost exclusively asians we got there. How did this happen?
Lincoln Howard
Problem is, no one in the media is willing to calm things down and offer a sensible viewpoint in all this, careers will be on the line etc, or you will just get labelled misogynistic sexist etc I'm worried lad