The Irish prole and the English prole are nearly genetically similar all that divides them is an accent, a fake god and the elites that cause all discontent. Its depressing that we will continue to spit at each other until were both dead in the water (us first obviously)
>Look for mercy
>will however shamelessly ask you to bump this one
You make it sound like I am a crypto brit.
I'm not
I'm an Ulster user
A real one not them phoney Soct wannabe ones
Ah fair enough, but all of it still applies regardless
the queen should do her fucking job,
i am pissed off that she has done nothing
despite the absolute state of the UK.
the best thing we can hope for is another great fire
>country flooded with muds
Not in a couple decades.
Learning a second language only we would know is useful because we can talk about 'taboo' stuff openly like Chinese students do
to all the Ulster posters, is the mud problem worse up there?
Not from there obviously, but I reckon it isn't as both communities are probably very hostile to outsiders
no, the prod problem is the worst
yes, catholic areas are fucking flooded with them, never used to see niggers but now the streets are full of them