>proofs the old testament is real 0 >proofs evolution is real: + 1 000 000
Argument 1 >God is almighty and omnipotent >Yet he had to designe animals in the same way humans are starting to do with GMOs and nanotechnology
Argument 2 >God is almighty and omnipotent >Aka he is a 4D +entity able to travel through time and >God knows everything that was and going to be >aka God can temper with the multiverse, because he wouldnt be able to know otherwise because of Quantum mechanics >Yet he isn't able to design through evolution by tempering with the big bang
>evolution isn't real yet musquitos are becoming resistant to insecticides. >evolution isn't real yet bacteries are becoming antibiotic resistant >evolution isn't real yet genetic diseases are >evolution isnt real yet you are able to create breeds of dogs
All of intelligent creation points to an intelligent creator. If you really believed that the big bang happened, and that there isn't a higher power, you wouldn't have even bothered to make this post, user.
Why? Because ultimately, there would be no divine purpose to anything. Nothing we do would matter at all. Your entire post is utterly useless in the grand, universal plan of random nothing. Why does it matter what people believe? They'll all die one day anyway.
Love how low iq people just assume that in order to belive in science and logic you are automatically an atheists.
Isaiah Sanchez
>Let alone the fact that... >>proofs the old testament is real 0 [No source for this claim] >>proofs evolution is real: + 1 000 000 [No source for this claim]]
>Argument 1 >>God is almighty and omnipotent >>Yet he had to designe animals in the same way humans are starting to do with GMOs and nanotechnology We branched from animals thanks to our free will. But Humans are unnaturally more intelligent than animals for an "adapt to survive" evolutive logic.
>Argument 2 >>God is almighty and omnipotent >>Aka he is a 4D +entity able to travel through time and >>God knows everything that was and going to be >>aka God can temper with the multiverse, because he wouldnt be able to know otherwise because of Quantum mechanics >>Yet he isn't able to design through evolution by tempering with the big bang God is omnipotent, he can create a rock so heavy he can't lift, because he can shape the very nature of logic. Therefore he can create imperfection (us)
>>evolution isn't real yet musquitos are becoming resistant to insecticides. >>evolution isn't real yet bacteries are becoming antibiotic resistant >>evolution isn't real yet genetic diseases are >>evolution isnt real yet you are able to create breeds of dogs You are strawmanning and even incorrectly applying the concept of evolution.
Jace Young
You suck at history. You suck at philosophy. You suck at logic. You suck at metaphysics and theology.
The only thing you excel in is regurgitating the same old atheist mantra's that have been throroughly debunked time after time again.
Are you going to admit that there exists a probability for primordial structure of matter to have become existing by act of God?
Tyler Cruz
At least creationists don't think niggers are our ancestors
Matthew Bailey
>God is almighty and omnipotent >Yet he had to designe animals in the same way humans are starting to do with GMOs and nanotechnology So are we able to design an animal's structure from cell level to macro level of aesthetic looks and create a being that has not existed on this Earth before?
> >Yet he isn't able to design through evolution by tempering with the big bang What makes you to believe this? Why couldn't God do this? Did you cuck even know that the Big Bang was first theorised by a Belgian catholic priest? How did all of matter that exists have become existing? How was it able to fit into area smaller than a needle head?
Leo Clark
Scientist have proven that central Africans inter bread with ape like anthropomorphs.
Easton Allen
butthurt kike lover detected
Kayden Powell
How did already optimized creatures grow new half-organs that are not optimized yet for their surroundings and then somehow survive for multiple generatioms, competing with their unchanged and still optimized brethren, ling enough for these half-formed and useless organs to become functional and thus finally, after mulitple generations result in a new, optimized creature?
Evolution is philosophically impossible, mathematically impossible, religiously impossible, and scientifically impossible.
God created Heaven and Earth according to the Scripture. Only debate is Augustinian vs. Mainstream.
Jeremiah Foster
What I am trying to show is that you don't actually need to result to simplistic models of understanding in order to preserve your belief in god.
Dylan Price
I know, Quantum physics studies are part of my physics bachelor. Are you going to admit that there exists a probability for primordial structure of matter to have become existing by act of God?
William Ward
Also we are only witnessing the premises of bioengeneering.
Yet already created a bacteria from scratch
Carson Baker
Andrew James
> already created a bacteria from scratch By planting a RNA section into already existing one or creating one completely from zero by chemically structuring this bacteria's functionality?
Logan Morales
Then how can you tell me there's no entity equivalent to God?
Logan Roberts
I think that biblical literalism misses the point of christianity entirely
Samuel Gutierrez
You can thank Protestants for that. While every apostolic sect of Christianity has their own societies studying sciences.
Joshua Miller
go back to frogland frogboy
William Diaz
Best way to make someone disbelieve in the ‘intelligent design’ hypothesis is to give them an overview of neuroscience.
I will give some credit to them that biology’s “design” plans for certain functions are actually beautiful. Learning about the auditory system is having the worlds most brilliant engineer describe how they separated out so many types of signals in a purely mechanical way. It’s beyond belief how well it was “built”, so I can understand doubting that there was system that was involved with this. But, at the same time, the visual processing system (as good as it is), from an engineering perspective sucks. There are only a few distinct neural systems trying to separate out all of these signals. It’s metabolically wasteful beyond belief, and any “designer” with omnipotence would recognize that a system with better visual receptors would do wonders for color perception and object distinction. It’s good, don’t get me wrong, but a technically skilled enough designer would have implemented a better system to code visual sensory information. Moreover, a skilled enough designer wouldn’t have easily manipulated and abused reward processing pathways, since a skilled designer would have foreseen that certain stimulation could end up being preferable to the normal functions of life.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to bash on religion or the idea of god. I still have a part of me that legitimately believes in one, but if you believe in creationism you would have to also believe god to be an inconsistent (though on the whole excellent) engineer.
Henry Bennett
I was only the beginning >liposomes are about to be mass produced for targeted medecine delivery.
Soon we would be able to create a membrane.
Wyatt Bell
>>proofs the old testament is real 0 >>proofs evolution is real: + 1 000 000 The word you're looking for is "evidence", not "proofs", and there is plenty of evidence, archaeology and otherwise, for the old testament's being true. (You may feel the evidence against it is greater but that's a different claim.) This kind of line is a dead giveaway that you are not a rational person.
>naive arguments regarding God's purpose for the world, design tradeoffs, and what all precisely falls under the rubric of evolution. saged
Aaron Stewart
I never said anything as such.
Ian Flores
Gay thread
Tyler James
> Soon we would be able to create a membrane. This has been done already with artificial meat. You're late with your news. I can only imagine the cost of it, and energy & resource requirements of turning the technology into mainstream mass consumption. There's going to be a long work ahead to turn anything of this into scientific dream.
Easton Cruz
>Yet already created a bacteria from scratch People really need to stop getting their "information" from pop science sources. They took a subset of the genome to try to form a minimal cell (which is still quite complex). They didn't design the genes or any such thing. And even if they did, all that you would be showing is that an intelligent agent can design life... which is what we're already saying.
Angel Cooper
There is no version of the old testament that is older than 150 AD >but muh oral tradition Epic of Gilgamesh exists from 2000 BC and proves that the story of Noah is a rip off. Ergo there is no sons of Noah. There is no Shem. Ergo there is no such thing as a semitic people. Ergo, antisemitism is a made up word used to silence criticism.
Logan Thomas
> They didn't design the genes or any such thing So this lying Frog needs to deceive to make his point, like every other Atheist+ cuckold.
Thomas Edwards
Evolutionary AI designed plane parts are already better than the original
One can only imagine the wonders it would be to acheve in bioengineering
Jason Hill
If there are "gods" they are men that mastered scientific principles that dick around with other men with lower IQs.
Wyatt Martin
Frog and meme flag were happy to debate eachother until these got busted out