Is it really that bad to date or marry a single mom?
They can't all be bad, right?
Is it really that bad to date or marry a single mom?
They can't all be bad, right?
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if she's a virgin
Only if they are a virgin
I'd suggest give them a second chance, be with them for 3-6 months if they're loving and perfect then why not?
>They can't all be bad, right?
They are bad but you are worse
if you want to be a literal cuck for the rest of your life sure
How does a single mom make you a cuck? She had the child before your relationship. If anything, the original father is the cuck.
What's worse a woman who's had a kid, or a woman who's had an abortion? I'd say the latter.
raising someone else's child is cuckoldry that's the classic definition of it unless you adopt the child or something it is cuckoldry it is based on the word cuckoo a bird that would lay its eggs in another bird's nest and the bird would raise them
I think if you decide to have a kid with another human you better stay with that human and respect your kids first home.
To many whores in this world think its alright, to many men spare their lives.
Only if shes a widow
Hi Sargon!
He's right. Cuckolding first arose in the animal kingdom and then the phrase was adopted in Shakespearean times to describe a man who's wife was an adultress.
In all honesty I considered wife'ing a young widowed mom. The only issue was she would always remember their best moments and he'd always be her only love. If she's widowed and can love you unconditionally, sure but most single mom's are not widows, just poor decision makers. I'm high enough genetic status to not compromise on this
Serious Q:
My Gf has been with 10 guys. She treats me really well, has a good sense of morality and doesn't like race mixing. Partially had so many partners because of encouragement from her degenerate sister. Should I stay or should I go?
>le 56%
>high genetic status
>on Jow Forums
Okay guy
Why doesn't she date her husband?
Use the word "person" instead.
>How does a single mom make you a cuck? She had the child before your relationship.
Cuck. Cuckoo bird. Being tricked into raising another's child, expending your resources to benefit the spawn of another man.
A single mom is less likely to give you a child of your own too, or if she does she's often older (detrimental) or that kid doesn't get the same attention and resources.
If she says 10, she means 20 desu senpai.
If she says she's never done X before, she's done it so many times she's lost count.
what are you even there for?
long term commitment?
GF is a meme when they're all whores and they will abuse you as soon as they can, and feel like it
she's not your gf, you're her status symbol and pet
temporarily until you lose your usefulness and you're discarded
dont let the roasties call the shots, dont have "gfs" you homo
pump and dump and or have multiple plates
or you are being played
>They can't all be bad, right?
Single moms are great if you're looking for a kid to molest. She'll give you plenty of alone time with her little one.
My wife was a single mom, got with her because her daughter was so hot, I needed to get in her. She's such a good little fucktoy.
As as she doesn't have too many kids and none of them are part nigger. Impregnate her yourself and get your own kids.
that's a joke right?! my highest acceptable number is 2 and even that is based on her having near perfect stats in every other department. If you're not shitposting, leave or you'll regret it
i'll pray for you in the name of jesus
A mother has to embrace the fathers genetics to her child, you lot are so somebody else's genetic slave when it comes to your secondary kids. fucking get rekt, because she already IS'
>be dating wonderful woman who was raised Christian served in air force and was faithfully married for ten years until her husband's infidelity
>has three awesome kids
>we get along fantastically and I truly love and respect her
>both want to get married
>shes 40 and doesn't want to have more babies
>I'd gladly be her husband and help parent her kids but I want at least one of my own especially with such a wonderful woman
>we amicably part ways so as to avoid further attachment and pain
Why is life like this
Honestly, unless you're a beta male, it does have a bright side..
Having a father-figure while facing the world could really help a child develop, so it's pretty noble to take on that role.
Besides, if the kid likes you, it will (probably) improve your relationship with it's mother tremendously.
>everyone in America (a nation of immigrants) has been here for 200 years
I wasn't born here genius
nice femin virus rep
I will say though, in terms of "cuckoldry", taking on a woman with a child already isn't such a bad thing if she will carry children of yours aswell. I think the term stemmed more from a married man whos wife got pregnant from an affair and he raises the child as his own.
It's continuing after a betrayal that makes a cuckold, not children already on the scene before you came along.
In "CURRANT YEAR" however, I would still avoid single mothers as a matter of principle. You will always be second best, and depending on the age of the child/the contact it still has with the biological father, you will never really be a "Dad" to it, just a source of resources.
>A mother has to embrace the fathers genetics to her child, you lot are so somebody else's genetic slave when it comes to your secondary kids
Speaky englés?
The fact that you're considering it suggests they're your only prospect anyway
depends on the color of the kid.
What can a long dead rabbi do for me? Im already livibg the dream.
You're to fucking stupid to understand it kid.
At the same time?
OY! Did you get a license before making that hateful comments?
If you want to be with someone that only sees you as a wallet.
came to post this
depends why she's single. if her husband died then i guess.
show your real flag, faggot
She's a single mom for a reason you filthy cuck.
>to fucking stupid
You need to be over 18 to post here.
First baby father gives secondary childs of differing fathers his own primary gene data,.
Any mother is going to love her children 100 times more than any dude they meet afterwards. She'll do or say anything, even kill, for their well being.
There is nothing that can be done to verify she has good intentions in getting with you, and even if she did, all she has to do is change her mind to fuck you over.
>FUCK YOU you're not my REAL dad!
I would never attempt to mentor a child that is not mine.
She will always put her brood first.
You are just there to pay the bills.
Atleast he has his foreskin attached, amerimutt.
> Should I stay or should I go?
Do you even have to ask?
> She treats me really well, has a good sense of morality and doesn't like race mixing.
Unless she has an std and you're still clean, keep a pearl when you find it.
In that amount of time you can be legally designated a "primary care giver" to her children and sued for child support.
>he doesn't know about the 7th month when the facade drops
hello pajeet newfriend
> Not wanting a woman who will let you bang her and throw away the refuse.
Shiggy diggy, user.
I never knew my real dad and was raised by my moms bf, even after they broke up we still tried to hang out as much as possible as we pretty much were father/son and best friends. We even looked alike so everyone thought we were father and son.
But I do understand why it's very unappealing to raise another mans kid. Even I wouldn't want to do it, but i guess it depends on the kid and if the fathers around or not.
Basically lads, your child has the other dads genetics TOO.
muauahahahha *Hysterical laughter*
Which is why marrying a single mother should include the intent to have no more children. Blended families have too much stress and fall apart.
I married a widow with two kids, and raised them as my own. Never heard "you're not my real daddy!" once, because I committed to being their father. My wife is a wonderful woman, and our marriage is rock solid.
I would say the odds that a random person marrying a single mother and having a good result would be about 1 in 7. So it's not ideal. But it's not a guaranteed disaster, either.
Just ended a 3 year relationship 6 months ago. Planned to marry her. She was a single mom. As things got serious like any relationship I started helping out financially. If I lived with her, I kicked in on food and bills. We worked the same job plus she had WIC. Heres what happens user.
1. Credit card roulette begins. Youll be paying minimums.
2. Bad credit.
3. She continues to drain you for the children.
4. If you dont get out, youre bankrupt.
5. The break up is hard on you. She will either cheat or youll come to senses first. By then youll hate yourself for getting close to the kids.
Dont do it user.
I dunno about the laws of the west. I just wanted to help a human being, the planet already has so much sorrow.
Unless you remarried her because her husband died in battle and you were his lonely buddy whom promised to keep her happy, you have no right to a single mother.
Single mothers of their own choices are whores.
I might agree with that but not ere. ;)
>investing your resources in another mans genetic heritage instead of your own
>not a cuck
Pick one and only one
Show your real flag, faggot, or you worship ours by default.
Careful with that edge leaf
> doesn't like race mixing
If you have to ask, you don't deserve her.
This and also only if her child is a daughter and the father was a white dude.
Raising someone elses mutt son is pure cuckoldry.
Found the shitskin
Are you man enough, black boi?
unironicly this meme
you did this
you may have followed your head too much and your heart too little on that one
found the lederhosen
>making IRL decisions based on what strangers, trolls, shitposters, autists, spergs and legitimate psychos on the internets say
I think you should slit her throat. Now do it, faggot
>Being this gullible
No wonder you haven't figured out how to poo in loo kek
> three kids
Would take a lot of dick sucking to make me accept that in my house, user.
Dating no. Marrying it depends I suppose. You have to be very careful in the topic of marrying a single mother, there are tons of them out there who are just looking to find someone to fuck in divorce court before moving onto the next guy to repeat the process. Obviously she's already done it at least once, you must absolutely keep that in mind.
at least i don't worship toilets. they are for pooing not worshiping
No you are just retarded
It’s more likely her husband was deployed and she decided to fuck around because she was bored or lonely (telling everyone she “anxious and scared” and her husband is never there). Honestly, six month mark in a deployment was the tidal wave of Dear John letters, even for the guys with kids....
With strong Wadln ofc
If their husband died or ran off on them then it's fine. If the kid is mixed race then it's not fine since thats just bad judgement skills. Plus she'll probably fuck them while you work since they are unemployed and got nothing better to do all day.
Bong education, everyone.
the truth seems to be that you are scared of attachment
you could die tomorrow, you job is to embrace life
I hate these childish, low effort banter.
been fighting you fags for past 3 years. Whatever go ahead... Have a good day.
> Mohammed
> British
I think you did my job for me, user
LMAO better round that up to about thrice as much
>good morality
See point above
low energy poo :'(
he's somewhat correct Amerijew
depends on the gender of the first child and to what degree you consider it affecting the second. It's scientifically shown that the dna of male children is exchanged with the mom during pregnancy.
> Can't even pass on his genetic material.
You dodged a bullet there m8
You don't know the husbands side of the story do you?
In a perfect world you wouldn't.
We don't live in a perfect world.
Yes, it does genuinely happen that a girl makes a mistake, or hooks up with a real shit head. It happens a lot. If you really truly believe you're so great you're gonna get your perfect virgin waifu who will never do you wrong, well, you're really living in your own world. Good for you I guess? You're flawed and have made mistakes too, if you're too good for a woman that has too, okay then. We live in a flawed world and you're missing out on a lot of good if you're too committed to perfection tho.
Fwiw I might be a little biased because my grandfather married my single mother grandma (knocked up by a foreign exchange student) and my dad married my single mother mother (first husband beat her and my brother too much) so I wouldn't exist otherwise.
> foreskin attached
> poo so can't use it