Is Roseann our (((Girl)))
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Yeah, cuz not all jews are bad.
Roseann is definitely shuckin and jivin for those Jow Forums views. I love it.
Any one who makes Kurt Eichenwald cry can't be all bad
I laughed out loud to be honest family
I wonder if the cookies were macadamia nAZI
If you really want to laugh, read the comments.
jews don't have emotional intelligence...why is he crying?
OH yeah, because they prey on others by mimicking, and feigning outrage.
fuck eichenwald.
yes his relative is one of those cookies. what a fucking joke
Quickly tweet back to him that the picture itself was taken for a Jewish magazine as satire and that the guy should just go lie about another seizure case.
This is the one who called the police because he got a strobe tweet, right? XD
He knows.
This is a low energy kike smear because her pro-Trump show is popular
Then when on Tucker and acted completely batshit insane
Roseanne strikes me as honest, a true anomaly amongst her Tribe.
10/10 would spare from the camps.
I say that there should be hundreds of comments linking directly to this video and telling him to shut up. They mention it in their round table discussion about PC police in comedy.
He's a hypochondriac mess.
Semitic inbreeding has done great damage to (((their))) psyches. Most are neurotic messes.
Her entire show is rich Jews pretending to understand the plight of white American lower middle class. She even put a boy in drag in to rub our faces in her kikery.
Everyone tweet him pictures of octopus sushi and people eating or cooking octopus
Fuck, Tentakurt really seems to be losing it.
I blame you, @jewgoldstein!
someone with twatter, tell him the Holocaust didn't happen and his uncle probably died from a botched and infected circumcision
Haven't seen the new show. Growing up the old one was very, very close to my own upbringing.
I know she was not born into wealth and had to work hard to get where she got.
"murdered. one of roseannes cookies"
No, there's all kinds of shit about her being into the Kaballa and mysticism. Just because she voted for Trump in her show doesn't mean that.
I tried to watch it, but sitcoms have always made me cringe. Hell, TV in general makes me feel dumber by the minute
Holy shit that is a funny fucking tweet. it's like something from a parody.
Patrice seems so out of place.
Yeah I have no desire to watch the reboot, but I did enjoy the old show growing up.
I wouldn't eat that cookie. better turn the oven on high until it disintegrates
Considering she ran against Stein for the candidacy of the Green Party. No! She is more like Twitter,FB, and redits. Even though like many of you retards supported Trump.
I voted for Castle, so thank you for continuing to ruin America again.
I watched this with my mother and father while visiting on a much needed holiday. Seeing Rosanne and her husband in this light, sitting at the table getting their pills sorted out. My mother asked me;
>Are we really like this?
I said yes, and explained how this style of living is destroying society. My father chuckled at first and then went silent, slowly nodding his head as I spoke.
Boomer's are starting to come to terms with what future they have given their children and grandchildren and they can no longer ignore it. Sooner they die, sooner peace can be achieved.
Has the left won? Is this all futile?
This. They guy is a huge, bitching faggot.
of course not! people are waking up to this shit now more than ever. any time they bitch about their 6 gorillion propaganda, SOMEONE ALWAYS sources the true history of that war. it's not a far leap at all from there, just takes time because it is disturbing to most normies
spam his Twitter with pics from the Holocaust that we all saw in history books in school that have been since exposed as edited fakes
he has lost it
Fakes, like what?
This one rekt me desu
Where Antosh belongs.
>Spend months semi-backing Trump, knowing your new show was going to air soon
>Put everything on the show that is counter-culture to the Trump backers
>Keep coming to Jow Forums talking about how good of a job your show is doing pissing off liberals
We don't care, Roseanne. Nobody is watching it because it's filth. Liberal filth at that.
fuck off kike