Ywn have this

ywn have this.

how do you cope anons

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With skyrim mods

>asian women want to exterminate this

then 10 years later:

"daddy I want to racemix like the cool rapers on tv and youtube"

You have utterly failed as a father at that point. Raise them with conservative values in a white neighborhood with a white school district and they won't grow up with degenerate tendencies. Show them good music that isn't trash and bring them to church once a month

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I'll never have kids bc I post on Jow Forums sometimes?

because i can protect those that do have it

eww look at that asiatic slav face

>white neighborhood with a white school district and they won't grow up with degenerate tendencies

that precisely the reason why most middle-upper white suburban kids turn into such advocates of multiculturalism. The grow up in nice white neighborhoods when being teached of now wonderful is this multicultural paradise, the 3 o 4 black people they meet are actual nice people because they live in a nice neighborhood and probably are more wealthy, and they never get a taste on reality.

>slavs aren't god tier

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>be middleclass amerifag
>live in white neighborhood
>thos jefferson highschool 2 blocks from house
>my kids are bussed to MLK highschool on the other side of town

fucking social experiments

This faggot thinking it's 1955 and that America is still 90% white. Great advice, good luck implementing that shit bro.

>"Thanks for letting me come over to your house Daquan, my dad's an oppressive fucking faggot who doesn't let me use the Internet or watch TV or listen to music that he doesn't approve, so I think I'll burn coal just to spite his crusty ass lolz."

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tfw i will never be a chad dad in the op pic

I already do have this?

Who is that?

I've got 2 of them. Incredibly over rated.

This. My naked orc loli children are enough.

14 years later
>daddy I got BLACKED

Even better. I have boys.

but i DO have a dad!

how did you make it anons :(
help us

having a daughter is ultimate cuckmode.

Having a daughter seems like a curse in the current era.

is the daughter-having licence hard to get over there?

>MFW when I have two girls

They are auburn haired though.

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Your first step is take off that meme flag and do something with your life

I prefer my 2 sons over a daughter anyway

You don't know shit, I'm going to have 10.

>having a girl

most useless thing to have in a marriage, why do you think they're referenced as slaves in The Good Earth? Chinks know what's up.

okay now what

Go to the gym.

t. butthurt fat neet

I agree women have been used as property that is exchanged for politics, and to move your status upward. The song at weddings was changed from here come the bribe, to bride when feminism started.

then what :(

Sure I will....I already do, except I have a little boy, not a girl.

Get a job, making as much money as you can.