If you remain involved in the Catholic church at this point, you're a fool. Your pope:
>Used to see a jewish woman psychiatrist to "clarify things"
>Is down with divorce
>Is alright with homosexuality
>Believes jews can go to heaven, which sort of cucks his own religion and Christianity at large
>Now says there is no hell. Do whatever the fuck you want, it doesn't make a difference since there is no eternal punishment for it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Hell isn't real though. Hell is used to keep people in fear.
fuck off heretic!
Hell is referred to 162 times in the New Testament, 70 of which came straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ. If you don't believe in Hell in this life, you will believe in the next life. Hell was made as a mega torture-chamber for non-human beings. Hell was not made for mankind, but for devilkind. Hell was formed for demonic entities (Matthew 25:41).
Post a link faggot
>Catholic Pope Francis made a startling revelation Thursday by stating that hell did not exist, in an interview with a leading liberal Italian newspaper.
In an article titled “It Is an Honor to Be Called a Revolutionary," La Repubblica founder Eugenio Scalfari acknowledged the pontiff's previous remarks about how "good souls" who sought repentance from God would receive it and then asked, "What about the bad souls?" Seemingly going against centuries of core Christian belief, Pope Francis said the souls of sinners simply vanished after death and were not subject to an eternity of punishment.
You catholic retards should start thinking with your mind and not based on an old made up stinky book
Also he encourage to tatoo your self with broken cross aka satanistic sinbol, fuck he even dare to come to my country in august should i pol?
broken cross?
whoops meant for
>If you're Catholic that means you think the man occupying the Vatican is a legitimate Pope
In a few years they will present a bunch of reptilians walking upright as our true overlords and creators.
The pope is already worhippting them publicly in that new snake temple.
It's being embedded into the human consciousness bit by bit.
>i like da gadolic jurj
>bobe vransis my hero
>dayis volt
Fucking kill all Catholics now
If hell doesn't exist then why should i bother believing in god or his rape baby son? It's not like I'm going to hell if i don't.
>If you remain involved in the Catholic church at this point, you're a fool. Your pope:
>>Used to see a jewish woman psychiatrist to "clarify things"
>>Is down with divorce
>>Is alright with homosexuality
>>Believes jews can go to heaven, which sort of cucks his own religion and Christianity at large
>>Now says there is no hell. Do whatever the fuck you want, it doesn't make a difference since there is no eternal punishment for it.
This man, er 'Pope' Is NOT a Christian!
He is Communist.
He is False Prophet ---- perhaps 'The False Prophet'
and Yes ..... HERETIC
Jewish hell is basically Mesopotamian.
Thanks friend
the vatican is compromised. Protestants and orthodox christians still follow the word......
Such blindness! This is a paradigm shift. We have been warned, and now it is here
>his face
>The reporter responsible for this shocking expose has admitted that he makes shit up and has made shit up in the previous interviews he’s had with the pope
Wew lad
The deformed and bent crucifix on the pope's staff is referred to as a broken cross. It's a symbol of the occult.
The first trick the devil pulled was to convince people he does not exist.
The second is to convince people that hell is not real.
Daily Reminder that Catholics are not Christians.
Says you
>you forgot that the pope is gods messenger in earth
the actual heretic its YOU
Genuinely ill from this. I know for many religión and Catholicism is a meme, but for me it is not.
I´m looking into PPSX and other off shoots. I had never actually believed that Vatican II was some sort of plot, now I know it was.
To be fair, M8, he might as well be a jedi priest for all it´s worth.
>vatican backpedals for damage control after their heretic goes a bit too far and spooks the herd.
wew indeed
Says the Vatican. When they condemned it. And now brought back.
this antipope has to go
is this his way of calling out to all the fascists and telling them rope day is here and god will not punish you??????
Check that. The pope is under Satan's thumb. No offense Catholics...
Heaven and hell are not physical locations one travels to after death. They are states of being one experiences during life.
There is no magical kingdom in the sky, or fire prison waiting for us after we clock out.
Hell is the emotional turmoil people experience after they are garbage humans and suffer internally.
This is exactly what Satan would say.
This Pope is further evidence that the church is massively corrupted.
As if protecting those pedophile satanists wasn't enough.
If you love Christianity stick with the Bible and stay far away from the organized stuff.
It's an open secret in the Vatican; cardinals perform sacrifices to the "Superforce", who is the devil, who lives in the Vatican. Popes have said that the smoke of hell is in the Vatican, and there was also iirc a satanic consecration of the papist church in South Carolina in the early 60's, when they still used the broken cross.
well he is the last pope ya know.
God says otherwise. Whom to believe, whom to believe.
I don't know if this Pope is simply not intelligent enough to be able to handle his position, and says things without being extremely careful as to what is coming out of his mouth. Or if he's really just an heretic. I'm more inclined to think he's just not smart enough to handle his role.
>God creates you, the way your brain works, and all the circumstances surrounding your life
>Sends you to hell
Don't worry, goys. This is all part of the clarification Francis received from his (((therapy)))
The old church literally condemned depictions of both the broken cross and depictions of Christ crucified with his arms vertical in the past (both of which are present on Francis' stick or whatever it is)
If the Catholic Church ever was the true Church it is not now, at least not the one Francis presides over, there isn't any question any more.
Yup. The False Prophet of Mystery Babylon has taken the stage. Who is the Antichrist, I wonder.
the door is opening
let zeus enter your heart
Or maybe you have never understood what the Catholic church really is.
If you force God to send you to hell, it's because you didn't believe in Jesus, thereby calling the Holy Spirit of God a liar, who is witness to all men that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
Dead people have no place in the Kingdom of the Living.
He deserves to be burned at the stake, I say this without a hint of irony, the shit he says would have caused one to be punished as such a few hundred years ago.
Check THAT the devil hss s short time left
Probably to learn some manipulation techniques.
>liberal atheist reporter keeps having the pope say heretical shit in interviews
>people think this is true only because they hate religion
>debunking it is met with “LOL BACKPEDAL”
Yeah, I doubt they ever did. Guess what, an upside down cross is also considered a “occult simple” even though it isn’t because it has been a symbol of Saint Peter since the first century because he traditionally requested to be crucified upside down out of humility because he didn’t feel worthy dying the same way as Jesus
Genuinely hoping all the memeing about Bannon plotting against the Church are true, because otherwise we are fucked.
Free will isn't real mate
>If the Catholic Church ever was the true Church
There is no evidence to support that ever being the case. It started with Arius, then the fraudulent Donation of Constantine, and then nothing but one bloodbath after the next.
He’s not an antipope. That would imply that there was another with legitimate claim to the see via Roman conclave election.
Why in the everloving fuck would Francis give audience to such a person in the first place? I understand he is stupid, but to allow for such a meeting to even occur is beyond just stupid, it is malicious and deserving of harsh criticism.
You doubt that it is, when the Vatican said it is, and then give another example of the occult taking its cues from the Vatican (the people who killed Peter).
The cognitive dissonance in your head must be deafening.
This makes no sense
>Believes jews can go to heaven, which sort of cucks his own religion and Christianity at large
I agree with the rest you said
The current pope is also a deepstate puppet that promotes mass-immigration, the mixing of all religions, and want anyone to stay away from Jesus.
Past popes have claimed that they were divine , taught unbiblical things like purgatory and praying to saints and Mary, refused to translate the Bible in something other than Latin so that nobody outside of the Vatican knew what the Bible really said, and killed many many people who dared to think for themselves
These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered. (Pope Leo XIII)
Prove it.
Nice lie, Satan
They claim such is Benedict.
Indeed. He's had some comments attributed to him that go against the fundamentals of the Church, and I don't know if he's really saying these things, or he's just expressing them in ways that leftist take it and spin it to what they want to hear.
The Catholic church has ever been the whore of Babylon. You're only waking up to it now.
>Guess what, an upside down cross is also considered a “occult simple”
Not by the Church, only by uneducated idiots. The broken cross and the vertical-arms Jesus are both condemned by the Church itself.
>arguing with quint 6's.
Oddly, in looking this up, the RCC condemned someone's crucifix for accurately portraying how a man would actually hang, hands over head, in a real crucifixion.
The RCC is nothing if not inconsistent.
Stop spewing lies you heathen heretic. No Pope has ever claimed to be divine.
Lying scum.
Pope Pius V blasphemed, “The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.”
Pope Innocent III said “We may according to the fullness of our power, dispose of the law and dispense above the law. Those whom the Pope of Rome doth separate, it is not a man that separates them but God. For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the true God.”
Pope Leo XIII declared, “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.”
>The old church literally condemned depictions of both the broken cross and depictions of Christ crucified with his arms vertical in the past (both of which are present on Francis' stick or whatever it is
How is it broken? Also, you have absolutely no source on that.
That’s not how the papacy works.
Or the guy who interviewed him is the same guy who has interviewed him multiple times and each time come out with this incredibly scandalous little twist well at the same time being the kind of person who has absolutely no desire to accurately report the pope so much as spread his own narrative
>this makes no sense
The point of Christianity, user, is that Jesus Christ was the savior that sacrificed himself to relieve us of sin and that to attain salvation, we accept him as our savior.
Jews don't believe this, and instead usually view Jesus as a false prophet. Insisting that they can go to heaven, in spite of their not accepting Jesus as savior, absolutely cucks Christianity.
Pope Boniface VIII said “We declare, assert, define and pronounce to be subject to the Roman Pontiff is to every creature altogether necessary for salvation… I have the authority of the King of Kings. I am all in all, and above all, so that God Himself and I, the Vicar of Christ, have but one consistory, and I am able to do almost all that God can do. What therefore, can you make of me but God?”
Pope Pius IX said, “I alone… am the successor of the apostles, the vicar of Jesus Christ. I am the way, the truth, and the life…”
It isn't about "how a person would actually hang" it is about the symbolism of Christ with outstretched arms.
I am not a catholic anyway so I think the entire argument about Christ's arm angle is retarded but the Church has officially completely contradicted itself, and something that claims to be infallible can not do such a thing, this proves that the modern Catholic Church is nothing but a phony organization.
Pope Pius X declared, “The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, he is Jesus Christ Himself, under the veil of the flesh. Does the Pope speak? It is Jesus Christ who is speaking, hence, when anyone speaks of the Pope, it is not necessary to examine but to obey.”
Pope Pius XII said, “…recognize the Holy, Catholic, Roman Church to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither sanctity nor salvation can be found. Call them to the unity of the one fold, granting them the grace to believe every truth of our holy faith and to submit themselves to the Supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.”
Actually the problem with Catholicism is that they DON'T follow the book. The Catholic church is an abomination based on the bible.
One group of Christians wanted to portray Jesus on the cross realistically.
The RCC probably murdered them all for it.
>But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail
The Roman Catholic Church is The Church. It's easy to prove so from the Bible.
The great apostasy was vastly foretold in the culture of the Church, vide the St Michael Prayer and Fatima.
Hell is not being able to face God due to your shame and guilt. The possibility of a manifestation of distorted and evil things undoubtedly is a part of such a conscious state and one to be avoided. Stick to natural law and be open to God and the purpose which flows through the natural world. Existence wasn't created in a vacuum of illusory bullshit.
Papism was a mistake. Real Catholics will have to admit that Orthodoxy was right about this sooner or later.
It's impossible to prove from the bible.
In fact, the opposite, debunking the claims of the Whore of Babylon to be anything but the Whore of Babylon, is easily done from the bible.
satanic check
Your demonic prophecies mean nothing to me. Your entire organization is nothing but satanic.
Which also doesn’t work. Benedict stepped down. An anti-pope is basically the church equivalent of a royal pretender. And if the Monarch abdicates their throne and the successor is coronated, the successor is not a royal pretender. The Royal pretender is the guy in the castle 5 miles away who’s the Cousin of the successor and is being a salt about not getting the throne.
That implies from 325 AD to 1015 AD, the RCC was okay.
I would not agree with that. They were nothing in power, but still a cult.
>or he's just expressing them in ways that leftist take it and spin it to what they want to hear.
That’s how most people should be taking it.
That interview has already been debunked and the Vatican has already corrected the interviewer. Fuck you OP
Surely there will be a coup by the actual Catholics at some point.
"Don't go to God for forgiveness of sins: come to me"
- Pope John Paul II
"Into this fold of Jesus Christ no man may enter unless he be led by the SOVEREIGN Pontiff, and only if they be united to him can men be saved"
- Pope John XXIII
"Wherefore, no marvel if it be in my power to dispence with all things. Yea. With the precepts of Christ."
- Pope Nicholas I
Just look at the things that have happened this century that have not happened for many centuries.
Two popes alive at the same time.
Proof one pope was assassinated in the 20th century.
A pope resigning without dying.
The Malachy prophecy ending.
A Jesuit takes the "seat of Peter".
Brothers, the tongue is full of death dealing poison , love one another as I have loved you_sound familiar?
Surely the Jews with fight the Gestappo at some point.
For free will to be real, their needs to be a part of the will that's neither influenced by determinism nor random.
Because your personality is caused by your genetics, upbringing and events in your life, which are not chosen by you, it's evident that you can't find free will there. So you have to find free will in something that is independent from your brain like a soul or something.
This just raises another question; Can your soul be changed by circumstances or happenings that are out of your control? Then the choices that are made by that soul are not free.
Is your soul made by God and unchangeable? Then there was no influence on your part and free will is impossible.
Maybe there is some situation where free will is possible but I can't think of one.