Globalization’s Backlash Is Here, at Just the Wrong Time

>Globalization’s Backlash Is Here, at Just the Wrong Time
>There shouldnt be a backlash cause jobs cant be saved and your only going to hurt the developing countries
>You wouldnt want that would you
>And globalization is actually good not bad
How pathetic is this?

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how about a link you lazy faggot

yes the benefit is wealth is becoming more centralized as plastic shit is pumped out at an obscene pace to convince the poor they now have "wealth" as they work more and more hours for less and less free time and more and more anxiety

The poor are the ones who have to suffer by living in diverse neighborhoods. Only the rich benefit from the cheap labor

can someone archive this, im not paying to read the jew york times


It writes itself

>plastic shit is pumped out at an obscene pace to convince the poor they now have "wealth" as they work more and more hours for less and less free time


Wages adjusted for inflation have been stagnant for all but the richest since the 1970s. You can't afford a house at 20 but your parents could. You're sold the lie that things are better because you have a chink made iPhone in your pocket now.

Meanwhile living costs are up. You are literally poorer than generations before you. And at the same time you're sold the lie that mass immigration will help. Your country is flooded, your social security system is overloaded with leeches. All these people compete for fewer and fewer jobs. The value of education is in the shitter. 4 years in college plus 5 years experience nets you an entry level position.

Question any of this and you're a nazi.

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What if I want to hurt the developing countries though?

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it's all over

Sorry, its just the right time.

TOP kek

>fucking lucky drumpf!

Sorry, it's probably too late.

I agree.

Though ny times lump all "developing" countries together. I got no beef with asians (real asian, not muslim).

I want to stop africa from hurting the world so badly. They are awful people. So anything that stops african migration and muslim violence is good in my book.

I mean, clearly the article is pointed, and part of the narrative, but they're technically not wrong.

The time to stop Globalism was after the Clinton's Kickstarted it in the 90's. During the Bush Administration. But they were war profiteers trying to settle a score with daddy's baggage, and cleared the way for a democratic landslide as a result.

We're fighting Globalism after we've given China everything. If the rest of the west doesn't get behind president trump, the west will fall, as China has made it's position loud and clear with the Petro-Yuan, and not kneeling before a proposed trade war.

Australia, Poland, and The United States will not see the west fall. Germany and the EU, the UK, might buckle under the pressure of Russia and China, putting them on an equal playing field as real global super powers with the US.

Look at how cucked they are. Unless we see a revolution for all of Europe, which is currently imprisoning white men for jokes and letting shit skins rape their women in the streets, the globalists win.

The world being (((interconnected))) is not a good thing.

It's only just beginning

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to be honest it's possible to fix the economy with simple, but firm steps, which would be very unpopular though

the problem is that democracy is such shit that you have to please so many retards and different selfish and foreign interests, that the only option is to let things go to shit

Europe is more right wing than you right now

I'll believe it when I see it.

i mean all hope is gone
we're fucked and shit is going to be bad

China isn't as competent as the elites need it to be. They could never run that country without jews, jews are on the politboro, jewish mathematicians and game theorists run the state if they left Chinese would be back to rice farmers in a generation

>to risk damaging the ability of rich nations to sell advanced goods and services to the rapidly expanding global middle class.
What the fuck is he fucking talking about?! Does this cretin know that the service market in China is tightly controlled, that it is impossible to break into it as a foreigner?
What a fucking joke.

That's why they just removed term limits, it's military posturing. They're going to shove China through and do damage control after. Trump forced their hand, they know that if they don't act now, when China is at it's peak, with the Lion in the office, they won't have another chance in our lifetime.

Sop buying made in China shit, fags

Let crash the chink economy with no survivors

You are trying to hard to force this retarded "muh Jew run China muh China brownpill le 3 token americans one of them spy working for Russia among thousands in the party back in the 60s" meme Nyugen van Goy.

they are overdue for a govt mandated genocide

^Unironically this

Out of all the ways China benefits from a major conflict, reducing it's population is in the top 3.

They can't achieve globalism with out;

A) a sustainable global population based on available resources.

and B) Bloodshed not yet seen on this earth, Bloodshed so great that the world will unify and beg for it to stop. And it won't stop until the world does that.
