Devs March 29 >No Syrian military operation in Douma due to the large number of prisoners still held by JAI >Jihadist civil war intensifies as Zinki storms HTS areas in west Aleppo >Jewish group calls for Muslims to evacuate Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday >SAA now controls 87% of E Ghouta; currently awaiting Jaysh Al-Islam’s response to deal which has recently expired >Syrian army finds a network of tunnels and Israeli weapons in Harasta >Putin, Erdogan discuss preparations for Russia-Turkey-Iran summit in Ankara >SAA raises flag in Tal Rifaat, states YPG has no intention of turning over town to Turkish forces and that none have arrived yet either >E Ghouta; Underground hospital used by Faylaq al-Rahman discovered by SAA in Kafr Batna town >At least ten buses filled with 566 people departed E Ghouta for N Syria, less than 24 hours remain for evac deal >Iranian officer rejects Saudi allegation of supplying missiles to Houthis >W Idlib; RuAf targeted and destroyed an HTS ammo storage depot inside the town of Al-Hamamah >SAA begins preparations to reopen Damascus-Homs Highway after years of closure, has cleared several barriers around Zamalka >Ru troops enter town of Babila in S Damas to negotiate with rebels inside
Assad holds the position as dictator of Syria, and as such he is the chief of staff of the military, the military or "SAA" is very centralized and this means very little happens on the ground without approval from the top, so as such he is responsible for all the bloodshed. He started the war, the military was sent to quell the protests, they wouldn't have done so without his approval, and with his approval they killed innocent people that simply wanted democracy. He should step down immediately.
>Trump says “we’ll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it. >Meanwhile the @StateDept said "unaware of any plans to withdraw from Syria". The absolute state of american foreign policy.
It will become Erdogan's playground and refugee dumping ground.
Ethan Gomez
it won't be syria by the time they don't leave
Aaron Collins
I'm taking a picture of suheil to the barbers with me this weekend and i'm going to ask him to trim and shape my beard like his, if it turns out alright ill post a picture.
Tyler Diaz
>Pictures from unloading few vehicles probably somewhere in Jordan
Most likely just normal rotational stuff, unless somebody has some ground breaking information.
Jason Nelson
In the last 3 months #Russia has increased its deployment in #Syria by 150% >2-4 cargo plans are landing in #Khmemeim AB on daily bases and not to mention the landing-cargo ships. >New fighters were deployed & air defense systems anti-ship systems EW systems ships-subs
Elijah Cooper
Remember when they dumped hundred millions dollar worth of missiles last time? They were statements like that too.
Wyatt Harris
i was watching videos of him yesteday that guy dont seem human at all, he looks like a fucking evil lizard, pay attention at what he does with his mouth pic related
>Graham: “Who is winning in Syria?” >Votel: “ …It would seem that the regime is ascendant.” >Graham: “Do you see any likelihood that the [opposition] forces…can topple Assad in the next year?” >Votel: “That’s not my assessment.” >Graham: “Is it too strong a statement to say that with Russia’s and Iran’s help Assad has won the civil war?” >Votel: “I do not think that is too strong of a statement. They have provided him the wherewithal to be ascendant.” >Graham: “Is it still our policy that Assad must go?” >Votel: “I don’t know that that’s our particular policy at this particular point.” >Graham: “Thank you for your clarity and honesty; and it is not your mission in Syria to deal with the Iranian, Assad, Russia problem.” >Votel: “That’s correct senator.”
>Is the US really leaving? Holy shit trump hinted it in a speech in omaha today, nauert @Statedeptspox confirmed she hadn't heard anything about it. the deep state plot thickens. or the dementia plot.
Anthony Allen
Forgot to watch speech. (((Bolton))) won’t be happy
Jack Turner
>Germany invades France >Overthrows the French government >"But you didn't defeat the French resistance sooo"
Oliver Perez
>USA leaves Syria >France gets their position >Turkey #rekts shit up because lol France, who gives a fuck about Europe anyways.
Caleb Garcia
Thanks for posting again! You should go ahead and post them in thread, some are lazy! I would like to add some reports to what you posted.
Saudi arabia said if US won't help them to get nuclear they will look for the tech elsewhere
>"If the U.S. is not with us, they will lose the opportunity to influence the program in a positive way," Falih said after he and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met this week with President Donald Trump, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and other officials on a range of issues.
Perry has been quietly working with Saudi Arabia on a civilian nuclear agreement that could allow the kingdom to enrich uranium and reprocess plutonium, technologies that nonproliferation advocates worry could one day be covertly altered to produce fissile material for nuclear weapons.
The kingdom is also in talks with companies from Russia, China, South Korea and other countries as the race to build two reactors in Saudi Arabia heats up.
Ryder Evans
>Is the US really leaving? No, it'd be highly unlikely, probably just a PR muh mission accomplished style thing
Jeremiah Miller
At this point no one is going to stop turkey from advancing out of fear of starting a war. Even I doubt that our generals would keep soldiers in manbij if Turks begin advancing. We fought using Kurds as human shields to avoid losing any casualties, the moment a single American soldier is wounded or killed we'll pull out our forces and retreat to Jordan or Iraq
The French military won't be able to do jack shit without declaring a single war on turkey
Jonathan Allen
We're not there to fight the Taliban. We're there to keep China from mining REE.
>the moment a single American soldier is wounded or killed That happened a long time ago, pretty sure estimates, because the US won't admit anything, is that close to 100 dead burgers alone from Raqqa
Joshua Ward
Yeah great comparison, the one where Germany lost.
Leo Miller
>hostile powers dominate the resources in both iraq and afghanistan today >I'm sure it's fine
Even that is only secondary, Afghanistan was meant to open up Central Asia and Iran to US overt domination to prevent the OBOR from going through
Nathan Collins
That was from fighting Isis, if we risk losing them to Russians or Iranians or even the Syrians we'll pull out and just launch a few useless cruise missiles to not look weak
Kayden Clark
>one off trips god is toying with you
Wyatt Long
No because you must do the best with what you have in life. It's hard for all of us but ending it is the rage quit option, and your not like that.. just keep moving forward no matter what. let life's slaps hit you like waves of the sea do without letting it amount to anything significant
William Foster
Bolton is playing 4d chess, attacking Iran within 2 months
William King
probably, I expect dead burgers to start showing up fairly soon from resistance/IRGC actions on the east side of the Euphrates given that the Kurds have begun their implosion
Brayden Murphy
That's not really a lot in a country of 65 million
Cooper Parker
I'll believe it when I see it. I'm still waiting for the French to send their navy and army like they promised in 2012. K*rds are natural born liars