What the fuck is he doing?
Brother of Stephon Clark “thugs it up” during funeral
what a fucking circus
I am not familiar with Twitter as I am from a poor country (USA) but are the comments usually so toxic?
You mean zoo
He's a clown. Look at his escapades the other day as he interrupted the city council meeting.
>"If you're not black, you're white"
Fuck off.
this a little strange. why he only have 1 listed relative & his brother has nothing. Is that their mom? she is in her 40's
HAH and liberals think that blacks are just like us. How much more evidence do they need?
Holy fucking shit america. We could talk about somalians, bit they are in somalia.
You have this motherfuckers in the US of the fucking A and yet they act like fucking monkeys.
Afroamerican bros. Please, unjew yourselves. Its not clear who the enemy is with such a shamefill community. People are not going to hate Coinblatt when they see this disgusting clown.
Nows my chance to get famous nigga yeaaaaaa lmao
i wish
Depends, these things generally go one way or the other depending on whether liberal or conservative twitter pick up on it first.
>Afroamerican bros
>le BASED niggers are just warped by the kikes
ALL niggers need to GTFO of the West.
He's clearly in mourning
People mourn in different ways. We can't always predict how grief will affect them. If this guy was white, you'd call his behavior noble and distinguished.
>niggers reverting back to their primal early hominid roots in public
Fucking circus monkeys. Fpbp
kid is a goldmine
>liberal or conservative twitter pick up on it first
it's usually better if the libs pickup on it first. otherwise we just bring attention to some idiot and keep them in the limelight like Hogg.
I’d call him a nigger lover with a fake Burberry doo rag.
Is there one of him doing his little dance?
>absolute state of niggers in America
Open Society's funded Beats by Dre.
>We can't always predict how grief will affect them
>We CAN predict how people we react based on the idiot’s race
Sounds good.
he is trying to become famous by his brothers death...truly disgusting.
Surprisingly good trigger control
Lol look at the nigger on the right...
>imma shoot it sideways
>no wait imma just shoot it normal
Everyone unanimously agrees he was acting like a dumbass.
Wouldn't make blanket statements like that, there's always going to be nogs that think this sort of behavior is perfectly normal and white cucks that make comments like unironically.
>stop the madness
>they were not dangerous
Evidently perfectly normal
>He wasn't shooting at nobody 20 times
That was the idea behind what the cops did. Was it so unreasonable.
It's like a comedian was on stage mocking every word that was spoken.
thought he was doing sign language
It's like a Will Ferrel film.
My sides have gone
That evil owld twot shit stirring for bux and the clown miming it all in African American.
>se'quette quette
That is a strange name even by porch monkey standards.
why do they always shuck and jive
they cried wolf too many times after every shooting, even the libtard zombies don't give a fuck anymore
this is their attempt at making a "viral video" to get some headlines (you fell for it Jow Forums)
Thank you for reminding me what a shitshow it was.
They both have monkeys
god fucking damn. saved
Niggers have literally nothing going on in their minds. It's all empty
that nigga on crack
Yeah they aren't indicative of the general population because it's all just drones in cities that retweet and like stuff that fits their beliefs while at "work"(admittedly this is not just the left). Then you get the people just fishing for attention(much like reddit) who compete to get top reply on a popular tweet to validate their existence.
>why do they always shuck and jive
it's in their DNA
Blacks want to be taken seriously but when you dress like a thug to your own brothers funereal you're not doing yourself any favors
This is literally how black people think by the way. Non-black people doing the right thing = white
Remember that video of the black lady who’s son bumped a Mexican guys car, and she started saying “YOU SEE WHAT WHITE PEOPLE DO?!”
Zimmerman = White
Here in Miami us Hispanics are white crackers because for the most part we’re middle class and control much of the politics and business
he reminds me of another attention whore being a camera Hogg.
the difference is the nigger will probably end up dead soon from one of his blm bros
Sharpton should not be allowed to speak on dinduism
He dat bull
I can't see how he is helping his brother's memory. I would be angry to. I am not a nigger though, so acting like one seems irrational.
Nigs used to piss me off. But then I put geographic distance between myself and them and now I think they're the greatest show on Earth.
Many Hispanics are indeed on the road to whiteness in America. Those with European genetics and are firmly part of western civilization can already consumed with themselves white. Second, whites and the fairer Hispanics will mix to make delicious white brunettes.
Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :
>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.
Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.
This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).
It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.
Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)
Thank you so very much, for pushing normal people further to the right.
Nigga, I always get high on sherm at my relatives funeral, sheeeeeeeeeit.
Ashy larry bruh
100 100 100 100 100 100 100
yea I check on stephon clark's facebook and he has only 2 friends & both are just that lady
dude is on drugs for sure
Momma put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them any more
Knock knock knockin' on heavens door
Such a positive influence on his moms other son.
someone please upload this to jew tube so i can spread it.
>manlet nigger
Spotted a real thinker. Thanks user. Will use from now on.
Can I get a quick rundown of what actually happened to the dead brother? Media seems to believe cops just invaded his house and shot him in the dark without provocation which is bullshit but Id like to know more
Bitte shun
Where go?
>>Nog running around smashing car windows
>>tries to break into a house
>>meanwhile cops had been called, had choppers and everything
star achievment
>>Thinks if he olly olly oxen freed to his yard stars go away
>>multiple officers screaming commands
>>Nig thinks he is safe cuz he in his yard
>>"ima call my boys""
>>cops "dont move drop the weapon" etc
>>nog continues unknowing he is out of continues
All caught on camera
But of course, he a good boy
I love a good chimpout
I don't see anything wrong here... He's just being black.
here's the new black lives matter song
Whats the probability of a major chimp out in Sacramento?
This is good because it's 100% true. Without the rise of sjws and the ridiculous behavior of the left over the past decade or so there would be no "alt right," unironic racists would still be seen as loonies and rednecks, and Jow Forums would simply be a quirky, edgy, apolitical anime message board. (((They))) created us.
Say what you will.... the man has a certain 'charisma'... for lack of a better word.
You can't take your eyes off him, waiting for him to do something outlandishly dumb/retarded/crazy
Some jew should get a camera and follow him around taping his every move. I suspect he'll die by bullet soon enough, just like his brother, but it will be a good show while it lasts.
leftists will call this "powerful"
There ya go, they cant win.
Its IOTBW tier
is this the face of the black 'tisms?
No, I wouldn't. Fuck off.
is this that faggot who was running around smashing shit with a baseball bat in the middle of the night?
lmao what a dumbass
This nog legitimately looks like a chimp losing it.
Niggers are just fucked.
USA Today live streamed the Stephon Clark funeral. from about 30-33min
libraries, 24hr youth recreation centers, Aiden and Kyrone (Stephon's kids age 1 and 3) go to the best colleges even if they're not smart enough, his mother should not want for anything not even to pump the gas
Stevante now connected. Hope he can keep his shit together and do something good fir his town.
the dindus are loose!
hes like a nigger train puffin that ciggeratte
LOL absolute niggerdom.
Chimping out this hard at your brother's funeral. How embarrassing.
laughs and jokes around when one of his family members died
i am a sociopathic autistic mother fucker and even i would feign sadness or act solemn during a funeral service. i wouldn't laugh and make some game out of it
>at least a minute of niggas nigging with caskets
Goddamn Cao Cao
Jow Forumstards are mad because this based black man is channeling his superhero powers.