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This may affect my business model.

>Rwanda BTFO

Attached: 63E52CB9-4740-49DF-A11A-B6DD99838E78.jpg (225x224, 23K)

>Set Rwanda as an example.
>you don't wanna end up like Rwanda, do you?

>shitty african country is trying to start up a cottage industry making fucking CLOTHES instead of importing them from countries that produce them at a price too cheap to beat, thus dooming their own industry to being permanently outcompeted

Yankee go home.


Tit-for-tat trade policy is de wae. No more free lunches. You want access to our markets? It's pay to play.

>americans aren't allowed to have protectionist policies
Kill yourself, emu-jockey.

That makes sense

>Wanting to wear clothing produced in Rwanda

Attached: 1451381142489.png (640x472, 227K)

Why is there free trade with Africa?

>Let American workers compete on an even playing field with people who live in mud huts

>Who will take the most shit

Not while simultaneously pretending to be any better than the African shitholes they mock.

Mr. President, that's Rwanda NOT Wakanda.

The English they teach in your schools is quite poor, isn't it?

What was wrong with that post?

You're a cuckeeist (cuckold atheist). :^)

Rwanda is one of the few rising African countries. Their leader Paul Kagame is pretty based and they've turned themselves around after the genocide. They have a law for example that you can't be homeless on the street. You're put to work on infrastructure and provided some sort of job to help the state.

Here is their leader chastising other African leaders for failure to be self sufficient or serving their people.

Despite the America first rhetoric, maybe I have a soft spot to do something to make the very rare rising African country be successful and the Rwandan market isn't that big to pose a serious threat I believe.

Attached: 1200px-Paul_Kagame_2014.jpg (1200x1591, 303K)

That's not a critique of my grammar.

If you start doing the right thing once people might expect you to do it again, yankee.

Cuc'k yourself elsewhere, loser.

Punishing the shithole countries AGAIN.


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4d chess, motherfucker!

>libertardian cuckeeists, i.t.t.
>"muh free markets"
Go back to the 20th Century, you clowns. You're regressive slimeballs.

At least you understand, the others are short-sighted wanna-be's in this thread.

Fuck off kike, globalism is trash.

Rwanda is one of the few rising African countries. Their leader Paul Kagame is pretty based and they've turned themselves around after the genocide.
Paul Kagame was a Leavenworth academy graduate and supported by USA during the Rwandan civil war. He defeated his opponents and stopped the genocide of his people despite being outnumbered 10:1 and Hutus having support of Belgian and French military (including French paratroopers and special forces). It's sad that Trump is willing to throw under the bus one of the staunchest US allies in Africa for no reason.

Rwanda doesn't even come close to the top importers of textiles in the US.

The idea it will safe jobs is a bit silly. This is being done because Rwanda has no political clout on the world stage and its an easy political move.

Attached: apparel-imports-to-the-united-states-feb-2014_chartbuilder-1.png?w=575&quality=90&strip=info (575x574, 45K)

Cool arguments my dude

Trump is the manifestation of the true character of Americans.

They're not even worth excusing with platitudes like "oh, it's only Trump being a retard."

When your country is next in the firing line, you can be guaranteed the same treatment.

>Trump is the manifestation of the true character of Americans.
Yes, that's why I picked him.
I love him for it.

Reminder that the end result of heathenry (the belief system underlying cuckeeism) is that you insist on selling out your country in the name of "competitiveness." Theocracy now, theocracy forever.

It's great watching the libs trigger on a daily basis, isn't it?

Attached: CNN-mocks_POTUS-for_reasons_that_turn_out_to_support_POTUS.jpg (750x851, 99K)

Yeah, my only real beef with him is over CLOUD Act getting passed.
Otherwise I've been impressed with how he's navigated.