One does not simply apologize to Hogg

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, you have to speak slowly and use small words.

ITT we muttpost about Hogg & friends

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I tire about this shit. Laura should have told him to go choke on a dick

Goddamn I hate this fucking kid.


What (nearly) 18-year-old man calls himself that?

Would be absolute kek if laura tweets I rest my case now we know why universities don't accept a whiny retard
Literally this

Le muffin man strikes again.

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What a disgusting little shit. Is this guy even for real? This amount of sniveling self-righteousness is off the charts. Is he mentally ill? I'm not kidding. Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

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Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :

>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."

If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.

Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.

This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).

It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.

Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)

Point out that this silver spooned faggot, that can't spell got denied entrance to schools that admit Jamal and Tykreeshia immediately.

Hoggot, immediately goes for advertiser revenue with his zombie, liberal, equally faggot army of twit followers

Ingraham apologizes when she should've doubled down.

Now Hoggot doubles down...

She fell for it and now is getting raked over the coals, literally a no win situation now.

a shapeshifter, of course

Cruz shot the wrong kids

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This kid is probably one of the top assholes I've ever seen.

Forget that this is about guns.

>demand policy changes due to experience and expertise
>demand government ban and confiscation of previously-legal items with violence
>policy choices get criticized.
>I'm just a kid not a policy expert!

Absolutely sociopathic narcissism.

How has this kid not got is face caved before all this happened?

>admits it fights

>gets hit back

>"Stop bullying me and my friends!"

The gaul of these faggots.

Laura didn't apologize did she? Massive loss of respect for her if true

He's not a child, he's a grown man who starves himself so he looks younger




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>love thy neighbor

Plebbit and CNN really back the wrong horse. No wonder donations to NRA have tripled since Hogg and La Creatura made their debut

He literally refers to his friends and himself as "children"but thinks he's experienced enough to have a real strong political opinion. This would be so comical if it wasn't so sad.

Realistically is her show finished?

>It's time to love thy neighbor
What church does he go to?

“If you find honey eat just enough, too much and youll get sick. Likewise, seldom set foot in thy neighbors house lest he grow sick of you.”

Never appologize to these people. It just inflates their egos.

This kid is cartoonishly unlikeable. It's unreal.

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I'm no psychologist but dragging these kids into the media spotlight to push an agenda can't be healthy for them regardless of what you think about the merits of the agenda. Any good idea is a good idea at any time and not just after a crisis when emotions are high.

>"I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight"
>only accept your apology only if
>not accept your apology only if
>the way your network has treated my friends and I
>not my friend and me
no wonder this kid cannot get into college. i can shitpost smashed from a fifth of vodka in better american than hoggers.

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Bloody women. At least we might get Tucker going full exposure of Hogg being 26 years old and a FBI shill

Someone trying to exploit your emotions.

>love they neighbor
>deletes your sponsors

So when can negative things be said about Hogg?

How long is Hogg allowed to advocate a political position and be treated with the kid's gloves? It feels like the second anyone opens their mouth, the media and his social media fan boys browbeat them that he's a "shooting survivor" and "only 17" and blah, blah, blah.

Seriously, when can people say mean things about Hogg? When he's 18? In college? Never?


how old is he?

Not already knowing that (((Conservative Media))) is controlled opposition

Isn't hogg over 20? Why is he still calling himself a child?

This great. The more twitter fighting about stupid shit, the more people stop listening, and forget about what's important.

Trump 101

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>my friends and I
Go back to school Hog.

The answer is never, the Overton window itself doesn't even know where it is

aint that the truth

What a trap
There's no way this goy isn't wearing women's underwear

>treated my friends and I
>treated I
American education.

Kids like him used to get the shit beat out of them when I was in school.

We need to make David Hogg so powerful, he becomes the voice of the left.

>love thy neighbor
>constantly slander your opponents
Oh, okay, Christ only matters sometimes.

>i'm just a celebrity not a role model
>you should listen to celebrities on matters of policy

This is why you simply do not apologize.

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>I'm a child! Stop hitting back!

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

See, that's what's so bad about this. There are so many people quietly wishing Cruz had popped these two instead of some other kids. I don't understand their handlers' goals here. If CNN is wanting to make these kids the most hated kids in America, they're doing a very good job.

I literally have never hated someone more in my entire life.

Hogg is an unamerican kike traitor child and needs to be deported

He's just really stupid.


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Jimmy Fallon did the same damn shit.

The "comedy" shows on TBS/Comedy Central do that same shit.

Their escape when you criticize blatant policy propaganda is that they aren't experts, or they're kids, or they were just emotional. Redirect, redirect, appeal to emotion. They never have to have a debate.

we need to go Hogg wild!

Im proud of the fact that I dont even know this girls name and i constantly accidentally refer to her as “La Creatura” in real life

I really don't see the issue. No reason for young one to not start having polictal opinion.

>>A few days ago it was about Goblina and gun control.
>>Now it's about Hogg and a conservative thott

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Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the left.


1 you're not my neighbor
2 you're a child
3 fuck off already

Shouldve gone down flaming

It becomes a problem when people put them in the public eye and actually take them seriously. Young people are fucking retarded but it should jsut stay that, a part of growing up.

>So when can negative things be said about Hogg?
The moment he does something worst than having a different opinion than you.

She only apologized because Hogg just had to send one tweet and suddenly she lost half of her sponsors. That's how powerful this kid is, and Sarah is just a money grubbing kike who wants to retain her standard of living.


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>When he's 18?
Dude's at least 25.

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>The Jew cries out in pain as it strikes

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I'm okay with it

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That's why he needs to become the left. We need to make him more powerful than anyone other liberal. We need to meme him into the Nobel Peace Prize.

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I hope this ride never ends

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can you explain this image?

and that's why you don't negotiate with terrorists, why you don't appease germans and why you don't compromise on your morals for a bunch of advertisers.

Can't anymore

hogg is going to get fucked up in prison.

Like leading a mass corporate boycott to encourage the silencing of all who mildly insult him?

Play acting a 17 yr old

Hogg is a very poor implementation. He walks, talks, and looks like an activist in his mid 20s. He's engineered to allow leftists in their 20s and 30s a chance to identify with him. When challenged, he's survived the Shoah™ and is just a poor child. Why do you hate children, goy? Why do you hate clowns, goy? I'm just a comedian.

The problem is that kikes abused this powerful mind control too much and now random people are starting to reject the programming. It's beautiful to watch. Watch early CIAnigger Jon Stewart then watch this David Hogg.

They're identical.

Should have never apologized and just told him to GFY

>be Hogg
>start mudslinging with adults
>gets mad when adults mudsling back

"Now that you have sucked cock, you must eat my shit and give George Soros a rimjob"

Dammet Cruz, you missed one.

No one disrespects the Hoggfather

>The moment he does something worst than having a different opinion than you.

Yes, because that's always been the prerequisite for criticizing a political opponent in the U.S.

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Welcome to the Twitter generation

a Hogg in his position can't afford to look foolish

Hoggy boy can FOAD.

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Now you're on the J.E.W watchlist

If you guys are this butthurt over Hogg, I can't imagine all the crying here after the mid-terms....followed by sever depression when Forest Trump loses his re-election campaign.

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