>After the convention, Denman told Reuters in 2016, J.D. Gordon, a Trump foreign policy adviser, told her he was going to speak to Trump about the language on Ukraine, and that Trump’s campaign team played a direct role in softening the platform language.
>The Trump campaign has denied playing any role in the weakening of the party’s position regarding Ukraine. Gordon has called Denman’s version of events “inaccurate.”
>However, Gordon has previously said he changed the language because of Trump’s position at the campaign’s March 31 National Security Committee meeting. The one where Papadopoulos offered to set up a Trump-Putin meeting.
>The Platform meeting on Ukraine was 7/13.
>On 7/14, Page emailed JD Gordon and others "As for the Ukraine amendment, excellent work".
>The same day, Papadopoulos emailed his Russian contact Timofeev and suggested a meeting in Aug or Sep in London b/w "national chairman" (Manafort) and "maybe one other foreign policy advisor" (? Page) and Timofeev, "members of president putin's office and the mfa". Papad says meeting "has been approved from our side".
Wyatt Rodriguez
But the wall is going up; or isn't it?
Caleb Bailey
Not tall enough.
Jason Rivera
Nice to see the Obama economy kicking back in.
Jaxson Taylor
>is the wall that has already had prototypes built and gone under different stress tests and DHS analyses to determine what material and structures are best and for which portions are already being constructed as I type this and additional funding is being requested for in the FY19 budget being built?
Did the guy before him do that? How does Russia really stay together?
Michael Peterson
yeah burger, the people who created your country were so fucking dumb that when they were forced to co-opt protections for individual rights with main message of negative liberties they totally meant the state with the 2nd amendment
hahah do these people never get tired of being subversive or is that Supreme Court Chief Justice just really fucking stupid? I mean, can SC CJ be, really fucking stupid?
Even Wikipedia can tell you he is wrong, With sources.
stop asking questions. If you ask questions here or have some form of opinion that is not kosher with the parrots in /tg/ or in it's new form /ptg/ you will be accosted to settle for less because they too don't want to be attacked which is a vicious cycle.
Hard to tell bucko. It's been 2 years and the cucked congress hasn't done their job to actually do M.A.G.A legislation.
Nope, the whole "Oh no our population is down!" was similarly approached like Japanese, just push for ethnic Russians to fuck other ethnic fucking Russians.
Grayson Roberts
The militia? Only in certain situations beyond normal duties.
>Much of the reporting and commentary appears to spring from a single story, published in the Washington Post on July 18, 2016, with the headline "Trump campaign guts GOP's anti-Russia stance on Ukraine." The piece reported that the Trump team "orchestrated a set of events" to change the platform in a pro-Russian direction.
>Missing from all the talk is what the Republican platform actually said before it was allegedly "gutted" by Trump. What did the original draft of the platform say about Russia and Ukraine? Was it, in fact, changed? If so, how?
>As it turns out, a look at the original draft of the platform — which has never been released publicly — shows that it always had tough language on Russian aggression in Ukraine. And not only did that language stay in the final platform — nothing was taken out — it was actually strengthened, not weakened, as a result of events at the convention.
>be americunt >wake up at 4 in the morning >drink coffee-infused high fructose corn syrup >gain another chin >open door to leave >dodge bullets from startled police officer >thank him for his service >get in pick-up truck >wait in traffic for 5 hours, only poor people take public transport >the clock strikes 11 past 9 >everyone gets out of their car and faces towards new York >salute the twin towers. never forget. >get to work >see a job creator pass by >prostrate before him and ask if you can work longer and for less >he tells you that that you're going places >the entire office begins clapping, thanking him for being so generous >take lunch break (unpaid) >eat a super size bowl of ranch sauce with a topping of salad >gain a bra size >finally head home from work after working unpaid overtime >get pulled over by the cops >they ask to see your ancestry.com results >60% white >cops feel threatened by how white you are >get shot
James Baker
>8 hour >nap Thats traditionally called sleeping.
Gavin Long
while I never had such nightmares, I did wake up feeling like I was going to be late for only to realize 1) I had the day off or 2) it was too early to get up.
Wyatt Nguyen
At least join a church that doesn't have doomsday predictions, gookposter. Go hang out with Quakers, or take this shit to /x/
Laura shouldn’t have apologized, Hogg is a high school senior and should be able to suck it up when someone acknowledges something that he posted on twitter and reddit for everyone to see.