Wiemar Degeneracy
This is not the best strategy though, consolidating them into one thread. We should be spreading redpills in /b/ tier shit threads.
Let's make a collective of as many RP's as possible on here and then spread them there
Anyone got a redpill on tattoo culture? I know it's degenerate, but I've never seen anyone put into words the reasons why
Redpills, blackpills, all that bad news... why there is never a whitepill thread?
Hitler on neopagan retards/jewish saboteurs
SRS regrets from a tranny who lopped their cock off
sadghuru is redpilling about life. check it out.
Yes but can you retreive your memes from JIS?
biggest redpill: you can get numbers if focused really hard
Capitalism is the different size of the same Semitic coin as Marxism.
White people don't deserve to live, the world runs on might and might alone. If we cannot stand on our own two feet in the endless struggle of human existence we deserve to be exterminated.
(((you know who))) are the root cause of all the world's problems in the modern age.
Funny how all these redpills can only be conveyed in a mangled mess of copied and pasted images and graphics.
This is why progressive , post modern thought is winning.
Simplify your message. Condense it down to a sentence or two.
This goes to show that all you red-pilled folks don't really understand your own beliefs and are unable to articulate it without pictures.
>Dem digits
The lord speaks
This is a shitty redpill image man, use the full version instead
pls correct the text and replace with Goblin face
M9 this one tries too hard and doesnt work. It includes some false shit (Disney wasn't a fag) and as a result gives the kikes an opportunity to dismiss the whole thing.
Thats a efective redpill
>Auschwitz sounds like the best summer camp ever
Wow, what a redpill.
Green doesn't mean gay, it means goy, a non-jew.
Here's a major redpill: by themselves, all these images are useless.
Only people like us, who've already been down the rabbithole, will get much of out them. is partly right; the image dumps in threads like this can't really be used to wake up normies and bluepills. To do that, we need to condense those arguments and frame them in a non-offensive way. But even then, that won't redpill someone by itself, especially with the extreme brainwashing put in place, and the normalfag's laziness for reading long texts.
For any person to become redpilled, they need to:
>already be somewhat aware that something's wrong around them; only needing a push in the right direction
>have a "crash into the wall" moment where all their bluepill beliefs are proven disastrously wrong in front of their eyes, usually by experience
I'm sure the majority of people in this board fit into one of these categories. All we can do in feed light redpills that normies will find unoffensive, until they take them in and become ready for more.
What's this about?
International Red Cross report on the official causalities on "death camp" casualties
Number of white children in UK decreases year on year. They are already a minority in many cities.
This was written in canada almost 30 years ago.
How far we have fallen is the biggest redpill of all.
China Red Pills
The truth about the Communist Party of China.
The truth about Mao Zedong.
Why China is so fucked up.
China was a fucked up place before communism.
The truth about Chinese culture.
The truth about Chinese cuisine.
The truth about Chinese civilization.
The truth about the Chinese race.
The truth about Qing, the last dynasty of China.
The truth about China's dynasties.
The truth about China's origins.
What the Chinese don't want you to know.
The truth about the Terracotta Army.
The truth about China's "glorious" past.
Why do the Chinese love dying so much?
The truth about Chinese warfare.
The truth about Chinese IQ and intelligence.
Doing business in China.
The truth about Chinese pollution.
The truth about the Chinese environment.
The Chinese are incapable of originality.
Jews uphold the power-structure as scrupuli, Latin for pebbles, agitating and challenging the massive step Aryan-dominated growing into a World Civilization built in better tract with the image of God.
We should have sympathy for the pedosatanist Jews who have played the part of agitation-providers and who have now played their out power to the end of their destined reach.
The fuck you doing on this board
Any Germs want to translate?
Moon is actually made of Swiss cheese and not green cheese.
They're too busy getting ass fucked by Muslim immigrants
It's true. Haven't you ever wondered about the origin of the Jews? Do you think it's strange that they were born at the same time Aryan Sargon and the Myceneans were moving into Sumer and Greece? Why would you not play the third card, and dance with triangulations of good, controlled evil, and the controlled pivot? Jews were the pivot.