How do you feel about this Jow Forums

That you only have one life.
One chance at this thing called life in your 75 years(if lucky) on this planet.

But then, you're wasting it all away on the internet. Minute by minute, day by day and year by year. Nothing productive, just sitting on your butt browsing and arguing with strangers whom you don't even know, all day every day.

Then, when you realise this it's too late. You wasted the best years of your life on the internet which achieved nothing for you.

Very sad existence we have.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Better than the average life on earth desu. Imagine being born in africa.

people in 1940s didnt even get a chance at life lol, they got sent to the front lines to be gunned down or bombed in there schools as children, its not so bad


rather be safe in my own room then be a slave in north africa or a poor ass villager in papua new guinea

I would be more sad outside seeing this shit earth with my own eyes.

Yeah this.
I get to see all sorts of things through the internet, many people old, and even alive today wish they were in my shoes.

This is what I find pleasure in, does the fish get upset he must swim? The autist must stay isolated, it's for the health of the community.

I'm not happy anywhere else.

What's "your" room?

Every single time I engage with society I regret it
I feel like I'm babysitting, like I have to pretend being stupid or sophomoric. People are not particularly clever or interesting. Before the internet existed, groups of people who felt this way would sift down and find each other. It fucking sucks now.

So how do I feel about being a hermit? Happy and lonely. Can't win them all.

My only regret is my lifestyle makes it hard to find a qt that wants to live in a cave too

I’m pretty much an agoraphobe and can’t be outside too long without worrying about my own safety. I’m constantly thinking of what can go wrong when I’m outside and feel safe in my nice apartment. I enjoy relaxing and keeping it simple more than anything. To quote myself and my friend on acid:
>life’s just a set of moments and all you can hope for are some good moments

I only have one life and my shot at it was already ruined from birth by kikes. Why would I want to be "productive" for such cretins? Why slave away just for a chance at a job in a corrupt and broken system that hates me? To earn money to impress people that love the system and leftist lies?

Fuck that. I will not waste my energy on a lifestyle I do not respect.

went outside today and some phone texting whore who shouldnt even be allowed to drive ran me off the road without even looking up
never again
i love the internet

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Today you learn, fellow phoneposter

Go back to work normie.

For me, it's rather simple: either you put effort in and make a difference somewhere in a significant way (and thus be remembered by history) OR you put no effort in and go nowhere. To put and effort in, work hard, and then still not be remembered is the lowest form of self-hate.

I'm taking the first path, but nobody is capable of taking someone in their 20's ,seriously in any way unless they are a one in a million prodigy, and that definitely isn't me. So what do I do? Focus entirely on self-improvement and make of myself the strongest and most capable human being I can muster. I work out a lot, I read a lot, I theorize a lot. I am working on that which will allow me to become something more in the future, but to be some slave working away for a house I will never afford is a waste of time and an act in futility.
And most ironically of all: I would not have gone down this path if it wasn't for Jow Forums and it's ability to show people how so much of the world and it's ideas are bullshit. I would still be some soft-of-egalitarian pleasure driven soft basement dweller. Now I am not. And it's all thanks to "wasting it all away on the internet".

Well I'm self-employed and own a small business with 8 employees that do HVAC around my small town and own a small trailer park so I have passive income and can afford to shit post all day.

Bruh. Trust me, I already knew.
Also, Why do you think I'm on a phone?

All can't be indian chiefs, some have to be shitposters on internet.

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I agree most people in the outside world are complete assholes and it's put us off - why bother?.
The anonymity of the internet helps at least to convey and interact in way which isn't particularly uncomfortable.


Well i tried to kill myself like 5 years ago. I didnt plan on being alive anymore. As far as im concerned i died 5 years ago.

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wow this seriously sounds like the greatest life imaginable i am jealous
are there actually whites around for you to rent to or do you need to deal with tons of mexicans

>complete assholes
Be the asshole, faggot. It's easy to deal with people when they mean nothing to you, really.

And you still post with a nazi flag

>Pure Alpinoid
>Perfect body for fighting sports
>High IQ (120)
>Strong chin and jaw covered by layers of fat
Still doing nothing,fucking kill me,I have the means,but I lack willpower.

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Imagine being a nigger in any country.

Yeah. Its not too late for me but I keep saying "I'll start tomorrow"
NEET life is comfy but it ruins you. I used to be a really muscular dude. But now its been so long since I've worked out I got sore shoulders from 60 pushups. Feelsbatman

How is that in relation to anything I said?

At times I feel like we're wasting our potential. We're wasting ourselves and our worth if we don't utilise ourselves properly. Sure they're the stuff you've mentioned. But being a bum, that too willingly, is a big injustice to once self.

But yeah, live your life how ever you want it and makes you happy, and not to please others for sake of it.

Wow really kys. Start training you fat fuck

Cheers to that burgerbro. I'm not agoraphobic, but I feel like I'm getting there. I'm on springbreak right now, dreading the moment I have to get back to the toxic environment of college campus. Just have to survive this semester, then I'm either only going part time, or taking more classes online.

so what? bats spend their lives in caves, squirrels in trees. me, i have my room.

home sweet home, nigger

Tomorrow I'll start Boxing,I hope that will help me

Went outside once, graphics were shit, people annoying. Never again.

Pink Floyd warned you about this 40+ years ago

aaah now thats what i like to hear. Do push-ups pull ups boxing anything that pushes you.

The people who lead 'full' lives today are the same people who thousands of years ago would have been defending the Goat Pass at Thermopylae.There are a handful of these people at any given time, there's no shame in mediocrity.

It's all relative anyway, as others have already said.

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My dream is to do nothing but watch anime and post on Jow Forums desu

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I've been thinking about this alot but i dont know what to do.. sometimes i go for night drives but 60% time i am lonely.

Other 40% school, work and friends but it still feels overwhelming.

I cant see friends everyday so i use my spare time working out or at the computer.

The question is what the fuck should i do with all this time i cant work or do something productive??

thats not true with the way technology and science is developing and projected to develop, get lost Eurotrash ape

but what is the alternative

holy shit, right in the feels

create something
put some pride into it
even a quality post

Can I pass in south Germany as native?

That's a niggers skull if I ever seen one.

It's all relative. Say every Jow Forums poster had gone out, aimed for the wife and kids route. A large number of people would end up worse off because of that decision, whilst some would also be better off. Given men dominate pol users and don't suffer from waiting like women do, it's not obvious waiting is the bad choice for many of them. Your 20's are only your "best" years if you're a woman. They're less significantly great than 30's/40's for guys especially if they put the effort it. And past that point, there's no harm is staying social, even if it is just on a mongolian knitting imageboard. It is an interesting and different existence. A lot of knowledge, but not much social interaction. All things considered it's not the worst think in the world
>t.people are fucking horrible desu.

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Yet the internet let me go to even more places than outside.

Joke's on you, I've changed my room many times.

lol, you could if you speak fluently german and by that i mean no accent also, which can be quiet problematic for a italian i guess?

>That you only have one life.
Then get another.
>One chance at this thing called life in your 75 years(if lucky) on this planet.
t.b.h it's not worth it living that long without a higher purpose
>But then, you're wasting it all away on the internet. Minute by minute, day by day and year by year. Nothing productive, just sitting on your butt browsing and arguing with strangers whom you don't even know, all day every day.
I don't mind
>Then, when you realise this it's too late. You wasted the best years of your life on the internet which achieved nothing for you.
I don't mind. It's one life, remember?
>Very sad existence we have.
If you say so?

>tfw to smart too be a successful member of society

btw nice memeflag
Idk what you're expecting but you can't fool the older players

There is literally fuck all else to do, I'm not kidding.

I've seen enough of the world, I've seen enough of England, I hate people and society as a whole (can't say that without sounding edgy sorry) and the only thing I genuinely like doing is sitting here with a packet of biscuits talking to you cunts on this shithole.

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I'm supposed to be half Italian,but I don't look Mediterranean at all,my phenotype it's Gorid of East Alpinoid,that's why I asked if I could pass as Southern German,of course in the Northern parts of Germany like Schleswig-Holstein I would be a Manlet and probably mistaken for a refugee xd

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Don't worry. I'm using the internet to propel myself into the next phase, and so should you fuckers. Read a book today. Do 100 pushups tomorrow.

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south germany has no problems with sandnigger, if they´re productive members of society. Source: Am 25 year old sandnigger born in germany. So what im trying to say is noone would hate on you.

>75 years(if lucky)
I better not live this long.

>muh nazi bad
>muh nazi can never improve themselves even tho nazis are all about discipline.
I think I see the lefty "logic"

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>A large number of people would end up worse off because of that decision,
Tried to make a life for myself but I ended up sleeping under an overpass for a winter. Fuck that shit. Ive made peace with the fact im a failure and people stopped expecting anything from me long ago.

speak for your damn self, i am in the process of becoming a tradesman while doing online college on the side, AND doing a part time job.

Dude you look Mexican, and not the tolerable kind. Thin lip hair, wide nose, weak chin, down all over your neck and jawline. You're a regular Jose.

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>the bictur was long so da screen is long

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How did you do it?

so amazing
you're gonna achieve great things in life

why would you post on an anonymous board
your fucking face
over and over again
god dammit stop it

That sounds awful tbqh

>That you only have one life.
That's one more than I wanted

>There is no shame in mediocrity
There is a shame in being content with mediocrity. There is a shame in giving up.
For fucks sake lad its not that hard, hit up some mates, go outside and live life.

feel happy doing something you DONT LIKE DOING?

Clubbing is not fun, its just random movement ,you dont talk about anything interesting OR subjects that one is interesting in.

so what do you mean? do you mean working to you drop?

It's great, I specifically set up my life so that I'd never have to work and I do nothing but fuck around online and play with my kids, I'd neck myself if I had to have a job and interact with the average retard.

It seems like most NEETs just stumbled into the lifestyle from previous circumstance, if you don't like how your life is going then change it, that's what I did.

Keep in mind you're not really missing out on much in "real life" since the average normie spends just as much time fucking about on the internet as a NEET now adays just on their cellphone instead of a desktop.

>Perfect body for twink porn
>High arrogance (believes IQ is above 90)
>Strong chin and jaw when I pull all my fat back and clothespin it to the back of my head.

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I like my room. I have traveled all across Canada, parts of the states. Been to London, south Korea. But my room is best. Why would I leave somewhere that makes me happy? Fuck your logic implying that is a bad thing.

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>Dis all wypepos falt! Where da bitches and liquor at? Shiieeet I dunno if I's gon be here tomorrow live it up! *rapes and kills white people with wild abandon*
That was less then helpful, you have to have SOME intelligence to be existentially depressed, AKA not about your sneakers getting scuffed or a lack of rapeable women, but the reality of life.

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What do about it ?

i lreally listened to the lyrics for the first time sunday. Really quite the mindfuck

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I don't like people very much. Solitude is a blessing.

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>Imagine being this butthurt

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>To quote myself and my friend on acid:
>life’s just a set of moments and all you can hope for are some good moments

Lol! Such enlightened platitudes can only come from LSD. Fucking toydrug.

You realize that those who find great success also find great distress
Fame and fortune are not comfy, they're the complete opposite of comfy.
Anyone trying to make you feel bad about being comfy actually hates your guts and probably their own guts too.

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>have a life
Haha nope
>sad existence
It ain't so bad when it is the only thing you know, you know

No,I'm not from the United States of America
I am an Alpinid,I have no asian or african admixture
Keep being butthurt though,makes me laugh

sorry you look like an arab kek

World is antisocial nowadays and divided. don't be surprised that you see people avoiding the outside world. No one enjoys a jewed to destruction world that tries to make you give up on all your ancestors left you and on traditions,eligion, and your country being forced to become melting pot.

Modern society doesn't allow you to have freedom. If you don't spend your life on Jow Forums living like a neet, you'll instead be on a computer in an office all day until the day you die. There's no scenario where you actually have the ability to enjoy life other than being born into a lot of wealth.

>Strong chin
top bantz


Cross over.

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I could be cucked or paying alimony for a child that isn't mine so I don't feel bad and can't find people with similar minds exceot here
t. 2006 lurker

2010 here for me.

butthurt? For calling out a guy pathetic enough to post his picture here, desperate for some kind of validation despite himself? You're embarrassing yourself desu

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Y i know. Praise Christ for letting us see the truth,
Some people enjoy success here on earth and some will enjoy it in heaven.
I don't burden myself much with such thoughts though. Eyes on the prize.
>moreover, that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor--it is the gift of God.
There's no more than it is to it. Don't add , dont take away.

Worked 6 months in a tech company for the (((system))), now doing exactly that, shitposting here and on the civilian internet. More productive and calm this way.