When will Jow Forums accept anarcho-capitalism is the best way to allow the white race to completely trump other lesser races? Government: >welfare for niggers >you must hire despite race >you must provide education despite race >no death penalty or physical removal, blacks will go to jail and waste tax money >(((economic policies))) to (((regulate the market))) >jewish company owners buying corrupt politicians >(((public education))) brainwashing your children Ancap: >charities will help whoever they want, no welfare just for being a citizen >your property, your choice. No obligation to hire or accept blacks in your property. >physical removal of violent blacks, ostarcization of less aggressive blacks >economic freedom and no governments creating jewish monopolies and oligopolies >private militias protecting areas rather than lazy cops that will earn their wage regardless of service >homeschooling or private schools, no need to learn about how marx was a great man
If the white race truly is superior, it will win against others in a free society >Muh open borders YOUR BORDERS You can deny entrance in cities and communities based on race anytime you want
Left-wing Anarchism came first, retard. And unlike your ideology, ours has actually been put into practice in places like Catalonia in the 1930s.
We seek to end Capitalist exploitation, patriarchy and racism and sexism, as that is the only way to lead to a truly equal and free world
Kevin Brown
How are private militias going to protect an area? wouldn't they just facilitate the violent appropriation of property by whoever has the strongest militia?
Logan Russell
Never because your garden ethno-state will never compare to the awesome capability and power of a true nationalist government.
At this point I don't care for political ideologies, as long as it secures a homeland for whites. Politics are just means to achieve this goal.
Andrew Cruz
Not necessarily, I'm just saying that Ancap is FUCKING RETARDED when you assert that it's going to save the white race or whatever.
Camden Martinez
Nationalist-Capitalism is the way.
Isaac Jones
Coming from the guy who lives in a country where militias got freedom from an empire Militias + armed normal "citizens" is the best deterrent you can have
Henry Fisher
Capitalism is oppressive because it's essentially modern day Feudalism. You have to give a percentage of the value you create to a boss, and must work for him in an unequal setting where he wields all the power
Owen Roberts
also thots will know their place once they can be sold. nothing humbles like having a dollar value attached. no longer will thottery be economical. the more white children a women yields, the more money they will be worth
Andrew Baker
And a white nationalist government will like it worked out in the USA back in the olden days?
Angel Sullivan
There is nothing nationalist about capitalism.
Carter Taylor
Here's the true economic power of National (((Socialist))) Germany Piles of bodies and piles of worthless cash
>Hey look at this amazingly good system! Let's try it out >Every person of every race and religion organizes against you >B-but my individual freedom! >Get killed >Atleast I'm not a dirty collectivist! Or worse... A statist!
Lincoln Jones
>Human nature It's a social construct. Human beings do not have fixed patterns of behaviour like ants or robots.
Grayson Morgan
theres a reason weimar rhyms with nigger
Mason Phillips
>Human beings do not have fixed patterns of behaviour like ants or robots. Pick up a biochem textbook and get back to me on that.
Luis Gonzalez
Because they'd have the whole nation kicking their butts most likely, would surely destroy their customers base and they'd be out of business in no time, remember the flight company that lost 1 billion for forcing 1 customer out of the plane?. furthermore you can only buy so much competition till you run out of money, if youre buying them all you're just creating an easy way to get money.
Noah Perez
Yes they do. We are part of this world and all things have a nature. That's the problem with you leftist, you actually pretend you are above that. That's the root flaw in all of your thinking.
Are you actually retarded? The hyperinflation happened during the Weimar Republic, and was one of the reasons Hitler gained power. He also turned Germany into an economic powerhouse.
Carter Bailey
Even if it was okay you'd be hated by literally all of the society and so would the parents You cannot sell your body as it's the source of all property you can own and without it you have no property Nationalist-Capitalism AKA let's put tariffs on foreign products so we pay more for our own
Ayden Miller
All animals have fixed behaviours you mouth-breathing fuckwit.
It doesn't though. What point were you even trying to make?
Why are you using fascist propaganda to advocate ancap? You know we hate you guys as much as commies, right?
Jayden Martin
Does that nation not need energy?
Who is talking about buying competition. I'm asking about violent appropriation of resources
James Cooper
Exactly, mankind isn't something to be molded like a clay pot in our friend's art college workshop.
Aaron Lee
this guy captials, where do i subscribe?
Easton Reyes
>only one form of government ..what?
Jose Morgan
What are you suggesting? Your argument seems to be that humans are 'hardwired' to value hierarchy, but you haven't provided any evidence for this beyond the assertions of Right-wing dogmatists
Asher Butler
So the worst part about anarchism is a state may take over Thanks for agreeing Also a bunch of rice farmers stopped american troops
Christian Smith
You don't have a fucking clue what you are taking about. Truth is truth. >we who is "we", faggot?
It seems more like he's saying that a state would inevitably take over.
Nathan Edwards
the (((communist))) running the weimar republic use the same central tenets as your average nigger philosphy
Justin Cooper
Humans aren't ants or lions. We are capable of higher thinking beyond debasing ourselves to tribalism and racism and sexism. Look how much we've advanced to that end in the last century, even.
Hierarchies are more decentralised than they've ever been, but it's not enough. We need to dismantle the State and Capitalism, and liberate LGBTQ individuals from heteronormative standards and POC from white supremacy
Julian Martin
Assertions? I told you to read a book.
Jonathan Nguyen
Prove they don't exist. People have generally followed others (leaders) since the dawn of time. You are free to get another job, no one is forcing you to "follow" your employer, (except the current system we live in because it fucks opportunities and alot of other things.)
Gavin Flores
WE as in FASCISTS. You make excuses for your fetid system of capitalism by removing national government and imposing your own. That's it. YOU don't have a clue what you are talking about, ancaps never do because ancaps don't read, and the only ones that do read read nothing but Hoppe and Hayek.
Aaron Collins
>you cannot sell yourself Do you not sell yourself for wages and salaries? Are you suggesting prostitution is illegal? How can anyone be an employee if they cannot sell themselves as labour for hire?
Then by what right does a parent have over their child if you say a person must be the owner of themselves? Does that mean the child must sign a contract of parentage before they can accept their parents?
If belgium went ancap it would probably be fucked I'm not saying grab guns and found ancapistan We will be a lot more likely to defend as soon as millions agree with it
Chase Campbell
But sure some group of people would realize it would be wiser to join up, pool their military resources, and impose their will, no?
How could bunches of individuals compete on any level?
Nathaniel Cooper
Do you think I'm baiting just because I express views you disagree with? Jow Forums isn't a safe space for Right-wing retards
Hunter Robinson
Reminder that anarcho-communism is the same as carnivore-veganism. If everyone is banned by someone from running a business that effectively creates states
Luke Flores
Again. The truth is the truth. It's not reserved for anyone single ideology. I'll post whatever the fuck I want. Feel free to cry about it.
Jackson Carter
Anarchism would require an average IQ of 120 AT THE VERY LEAST for a peaceful functioning society. Since no race on earth has an average IQ of 120, anarchism is impossible. It is simply a tool used to make useful idiots destroy nations, governments, empires, etc. so that a different form can come to power. If you actually believe in anarchism, you’re retarded.
Ian Campbell
No you trade labour for salaries, you're not signing a paper saying "My boss owns me and I have to obey" Prostitution is the same You have no property over your child If they wanna run away from home because you're a retard father they can But you provide for them, it's in their best interest to obey you or get kicked out of your house
Chase Perry
It's not though, you dense faggot. You can also do the polar opposite of what OP was talking about in your communities if you like.
>hire only trans-crippled-people of color and no whites or both or any other variation you like
Ryder Phillips
>I'm human and I don't value heriarchies therefore no human values heirarchy. CHECK MATE NAZI. Please wait patiently for your castration.
lol thieese nigtards
Brody Evans
>Nationalist-Capitalism AKA let's put tariffs on foreign products so we pay more for our own maybe if ur a brainlet u'd simplify it that way
Alexander Jenkins
Because you sounded so retarded I thought you could only be baiting. You're still baiting, aren't you?
The truth of humans and their relationship with the natural order manifests itself in a set of principles, one of those being the existence of government and authority, which have existed within human society since the very beginning and at every level.
The Truth is not with you, you merely take and choose what suits your meme ideology.
Ayden Bell
Living in fantasy world, eh? 1. 99.9 of employers are cucks and will hire non-whites anyway. 2. property rights WILL apply to non whites as well 3.jews will have open hands to do even more so than they do now Honestly, list is endless
Jose Nguyen
>places like Catalonia You mean where production came to basically a screeching halt as there was no ability to properly manage it? Also the place where because of all the productive failures had to ration absolutely everything being redeemable in "coupons", aka fucking money.
Levi Lee
>You can deny entrance in cities and communities based on race anytime you want
Nicholas Lopez
Then we have a state again Except we had some time in a free society The more ancapistan is allowed to happen, more people will realize it works a lot better and be against anyone invading it War is expensive It only happens when you can tax millions to pay for it and print as much money as you want You're underestimating how hard it is to take over millions of people
Bentley Harris
Authority is just a monopoly on violence and private entities are the ones that should hold that monopoly. The truth is not for you to decide.
Hudson Young
No. Many of us recognise patriarchy and racism as serious issues in the modern day. Women are statistically far more likely to be victims of rape, catcalled, or sexually assaulted. Men also make up the vast majority of high-paid positions in the Capitalist system.
As for race, Islamophobia in the West is rising and racism is still going strong.
For someone who considers himself an Individualist, you sure don't seem to see a problem with guilt by association
Kayden Jenkins
That's pretty much what it is Let's focus on companies here instead of better ones outside because *insert country's name* is great
Adam Baker
>Ancoms are just usefull idiots for marxist leninism >Marxist leninists are fascists >Therefore ancom is pro fascist
Cooper Perry
>(((private entities)))
You realise you're advocating for international finance to be dominant over human systems, right? That is the natural end result of capitalism, it knows no bounds, no boundaries, just follows the Almighty Dollar.
Jordan Bell
>Implying cities are not overrun by niggers and spics Lol
Connor White
You're an idiot dude "We had freedom for a minute but now we have rule of whoever" makes no sense
anarchism can only result in states because the power of a state will always be greater than the power of an individual. if the only governing philosophy is "impose your will" then that will be the order of the day, and in order to achieve this, states will be formed and remain indefinitely
one wonders if we aren't living that reality now.
Nathaniel King
It's not a state. States have authority merely because you are within the geography. The only such situation in AnCap is the lawful property owner; the moment you have groups of property owners making covenants with each other, the quasi-state is voluntary, i.e. if you don't like it, you don't have to subject your property to those restrictive covenants.
Niggers are dumb They will live in internal battles over property while civilized whites thrive No, point out one jew who built his wealth and took over the market without the government lending a hand
Christian Stewart
Ancap is literally just "WHY THE FUCK I CAN'T GET EVERYTHING I WANT ALL THE TIME" in ideological form.
Grayson Martinez
Ok, but what if those quasi states decide that they want to take your shit? who is going to stop them?
Parker Miller
>implying there is no such thing as a new city We'll take to the seas, 'cause we're pirates.
Niggers will band together and exterminate, violate and rape the many weak whites (that the pervading culture has made weak) that your system would leave helpless.
Matthew Myers
I'm pretty sure I'm talking to an AnCap retart
What happens when a "voluntary collective" decides that it wants to take property from others? Surely then you will just have a bunch of states
Leo Foster
You mean like it already is today? Remove government and these corporations that exist today have no market to sell their goods in and their supply chains will be threatened. To say that someone will "just buy out everything" is ridiculous because things would be far too decentralized for that to even be possible.
John Hall
>niggers raping women is inevitable therefore we shouldnt try to stop it
Whatever, keep paying niggers' welfare Taking property by force and imposing will in mass is the definition of a state
Leo Rogers
Show me how social hierarchy isn't baked in. You can create systems of decentralization like crypto currencies that don't abide directly to hierarchical order, but that doesn't apply to every facet of life.
Owen Bailey
>quasi state decides to take your shit Pretty much the same thing that happens if your neighbor decides to bang your wife; you can shoot him if you catch him on your property.
>oh but the quasi state has unlimited resources like a real state How? The whole system is predicated on NOT consolidating power except in the hands of the individual property owner.
Mason Robinson
>Niggers Nice to know you're not interested in having a civil discussion. But why do you think they're doing it? Could it be because black people are disadvantaged in the U.S., and violent crime is correlated with poverty?
Gabriel James
No, what is inevitable is that anarchism will lead to states because the state is more powerful than an individual
Nathaniel Young
ok well then AnCap is not a state and can't ever be a state because the axiomatic founding principle of AnCap is that taking property by force can't be justified.
Adrian Ross
fuck your dumbass meme ideology you worthless subhuman.
Kayden Gray
who said anything about unlimited resources?
wonderful if you try to shit him, but what if it's a whole group who wants to rape your wife? what is to stop them?