They are backing two kids with zero life experience, let alone political experience. Oh, and they want to repeal the 2nd amendment. Good luck with that shit.
Joshua Bailey
CNN just spent 15 minutes sucking his dick and promised campaign donations
Ian Long
I hope he is successful in repealing it. Civilians don't need guns other than maybe a small bolt action rifle. I think this kid's movement has legs. Let's see if he can turn the tables on the the gun crazy people.
Caleb Cruz
i visited florida last week and watched some MSNBC and holy shit at the end of a news segment they played like a 5 minute propaganda film of footage of the gun marches clipped with images of national monuments like the lincoln memorial and shit
that was fucking "news"
Benjamin Cruz
Nothing shows up under a google search. Link or it didnt happen faggot.
Christian Martinez
i hope he is successful in repealing it, so i can watch a few million pissed off Floridians storm the castle
makes you wonder if there ain't a civil war inside CNN and this is the patriots purposefully sabotaging the network
Matthew Miller
I hope they don't pay you very much because you're not doing a very good job.
Ethan Campbell
Nobody is listening to these kids other than some mentally ill, far-left liberal faggots. Even moderate liberals are smart enough to realize that attacking the 2nd is a mistake. I hope the Dems run on the promise that they will repeal the second. We will have 2020 locked down.
>David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses — UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.
God damn it! We had a legit chance to ship this insufferable teenager out of Florida and back to California, where his political beliefs are nothing unique.
His SAT score sucks. All the cheating soulless Asians applying to UCLA have perfect SAT scores. If Hogg had a brain he'd realize unchecked immigration from the Far East, DACA and other illegals from Mexico, and various far-left policies killed his chances at getting into the UC System
UCLA rejected 100,000 this year. Why? Because California let in 20 million Chinese, Koreans, Indians and white boy Hogg isn't exotic enough to get admitted. This should redpill this idiot
Gavin Morgan
She made a very un-calculated, stupid mistake. Lefty's don't care about apologies, they just use that stuff for guilt manipulation against you.
Connor Gonzalez
Bad bait is bad
Evan Brown
Dat always serious triangle he calls a face Dose 11 year old girl arms. I'm afraid guys.
Austin Taylor
does anyone think Laura losing an advertiser will help? Dick's sporting good lost their ass, NRA memberships soar, Fox won't lose viewers, more people will watch. It's like Rocky vs Clubber first fight, land a couple punches, get knocked the F out shortly after.
I hope you get raped by niggers you little faggot.
Caleb Cruz
He has handlers wispering in his earpieces, he is a literal talking-points machine, with the sharpest libtard propagandists feeding him jargon and propaganda.
it's like abortion, it would have to be repealed in a state first and then go to SCOTUS. Can CA do it, yeah doubt that. It would have to be some wildly blue state.
Joseph Jones
CNN are without exaggeration a 5th column of the West that needs to have their broadcast license taken away.
Nothing on Austin bomber, French supermarket attack, bitcoin, finance, or anything that isn't the bimbos and Trump. They are trying to tank everything and start a war.
I've never seen anything this blatant.
Joshua Cruz
>complains that classmates are backstabbing and selfish >wants to be a politician
Benjamin Foster
abortion being repealed, abolished whichever is always Mississippi because they have like one clinic, if they were to pass a ban, it goes to SCOTUS if R v W is to be repealed. An analogous case for guns, who knows.
Jackson Cruz
He looks like a holocaust victim
David Rodriguez
Why does he have the hairline of a 35 year old man
Jackson James
Brandon Gray
Stealth rare
Henry Robinson
CNN is the CIA News Network. The government is not going to take their own license away user.
(they are traitors and etc as you said) That is what you get with federal agencies full of SJWs and anti-whites.
Owen Cook
Because he is over 30 easily. Look at the botched nose-job, look at the trimmed, manicured eyebrows-- Do 17 years old boys trim their eyebrows and have tired worn faces? Fucking lol no.
Nobody is going to vote for some opportunistic faggot who has done absolutely nothing but extract personal benefit from the corpses of his dead classmates.
Connor Robinson
have the jews completely lost touch with reality?!
Gavin Rodriguez
Some are some aren't. Pitcairn, Norfolk, the Indian ocean flags definitely are. I can't say for certain about the other islands. Everything else are legit gets though.
I did, before I realized that gathering flags without screenshoting proofs is meaningless. I've been looking for Egypt for a while now and I haven't come across it, the Central Asian countries, or Cambodia.
Nathan Long
How's he going to do that? He can't even write a sentence.