The Jews Rachel

Have you guys ever tried redpilling women? How did it go? I've had a tough time, but I'm confident my efforts will be fruitful.

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>people can change

nope, it's DNA all the way down, even to their beliefs and opinions. you're better off having a meal together and getting them to try foods you like, so that your gut bacteria can be in sync

Poorly. It went... poorly.

>You Trump...

Ive attempted to red people like that and it never works the only way ive found to work takes a very long time, first you need to make sure theyre even mentally capable to comprehend (for example in the matrix how some people couldnt be unpluged its the same in real life) if you think they can what you need to do is slowly expose them to lesser "conspircy theorys" like how 9/11 was an inside job and you get them to accept these. After this start bringing it up like the jfk shooting and the CIA doing illegal experiments on citizens (MK-ULTRA). At this point the person will believe these things but them knowing this will be pointless if they still watch the mainstream media, you need to expose them to "alternative news". This is probably the hardest (changing what they watch) bring it up in conversation (dont bring up alex jones as much as i respect the man they wont untill they wake up more) bring up prager u or something. Then you can expose them to the jewish media and their other conspircys

You're going to have to do it in small increments.

It's really not worth it for just any woman. Your own maybe, but not just any woman. You want your girl to be redpilled, women as a group go with the flow; unless one seems inclined or curious with regards to a certain belief, try to keep things apolitical. The more you as a man want women involved the more they'll shut down by way of the gatekeeping instinct ("He is showing interest in me and so wants my pussy, I must block the attempt to draw out more effort.") - right now you're probably friends with this girl because of some common interest or business. Stick to that. She is of very little use unless she herself asks for your opinion.

But if you really do want to go through with it, do it with feeling. I mean that literally: Humor is humor and ideology is ideology, fact is fact and feel is feel, but generally speaking at least Western women tend to base political involvement around a protective instinct of some kind. In arguing for a position point to the moral aspects that get your goat and the emotional manipulation of innocents that the position's enemies engage in; that has traditionally worked best for me.

What's a woman?

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Just say nigger around her a lot. That will do it.

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Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :

>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."

If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.

Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.

This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).

It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.

Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)

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She's a bitch anyway

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>Talking this much with a liberal roastie
We get it, you're lonely.

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>How did it go? I've had a tough time
No shit. You wear your autism on your sleeve. This is cringy as hell and you deserve the rope.

lol, gotta love that she's literally studying this shit in graduate school. Essentially trying to master flooding her own country w/ foreign men. Says all you need to say about her. Also, there's something to be said about a woman who actively seeks out men she feels needs her pity.

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wtf theyre all red pilled.

> Encourage you to actually get to know any single one of the refugees in your region.
AKA, she's gotten to know lots
> You woudl find that their religion has a very small part in how they seek to engage iwth the country they are accepted to
Essentially why would they tell the truth or express this to someone who would negatively impact their immigration cahnges
> Especially those younger in age
The young guys trying to fuck her

My God the cognitive dissonance and absolute refusal of a truth that isn't conforming to her world view.

Why are you even trying? Let her get raped and maimed or killed by one of her refugee pets.
Don't redpill libtards on refugees. Let them get BTFO by them instead of someone who didn't want them here.

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Holy fuck that's a win.

My ex was Lithuanian, and the Eastern Europeans come here de facto based knowing what shit communism is. My mother went from Obama to Trump on her own with little persuasion on my part.

Women are turbo normies and basic bitches by default, but remember, 53% of white women voted Trump. They’re not a lost cause.

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chink chong?

You didn't sound smart. You sounded confrontational. She was open to debate and you just spilled your spaghetti everywhere

>welp i cant change your mind and im all out of arguments so lets stop talking

>white women
I snicker at you.

Ask her how many multi-generation local Canadian born men she's gotten to know, ask her what's she's doing to help local homeless, and why she's so obsessed with helping foreign men so as to go into a graduate program for it. Ask her why she thinks there are so many refugees from those countries and why she thinks they flee? Don't they bring their cultural/ideological issues with them? Stop preeching and ask questions to get her to see how ridiculous she is

What happened with your ex? I'm a filthy lithuanian diaspora myself


Redpilling women is pretty easy. Just be unapologetic and exude strength and confidence. It doesn't work if you're ugly, unfit and malformed but nothing will if that's the case so don't bother trying.

>having even a smurf kikebook account so you can tinder
Absolutely government approved.

dat dragnet

This isn't your country anymore

top kek

>Giving a source to your claims is spilling your spaghetti.
Isnt your daughter late for her daily muslim gangrape?

Also what's wrong with Lithuanians, they're white so?

>People can't change.

>graduate student
>"I'm more informed then you"
>then you

I started dropping some subtle red pills on my friend. We got into a really deep convo about jews one night.
>tfw shes more redpilled than me now
shes full 88

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This is funny. That one refugee chick is a waste of skin though. You're better off doing something more production like lifting weights.

Good, good. One day though we'll shut those lying Jews up!

This lmao

I agree he is a really bad debater. It was a little cringy to read.

So the way it works here is that people on average be believe that you can't be racists to whites. And because White Brits can't openly be racist or offensive to 'muh minorities' they do it to fellow brothers just because they are of different nationality.

You sound like a bitter virgin

>la la la you're wrong i'm right

Ya done good lad. You're a good debater.

I told an old lady about the Samson option today. She seemed shocked and then had me repeat the name of it while she wrote it down to look it up later.

>fellow brothers
you're not my brother any more then muhammed is. Anglo-saxon or fuck off.

Girl I was dating for 4 years went from a hardcore feminist smash the patriarchy rosie the riveter cunt to a 14/88 trump voting nigger hating trad-wife. If you're charismatic and have good arguments you can make anyone believe your opinions to be the correct opinions.

You're wasting your time trying to "red pill" women. They are naturally left leaning and have been overdosed on blue pills their whole lives throughout their upbringing and education. Only thing you can do is state what you believe and say you don't give a fuck about their anger when it inevitably comes.

And you sound like a faggot choking on muslim cock.

>talking to people about politics

Get off my board normalfags.

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Guess u also agree muslim niggers raping your mother you fuckin faggot

Well, a Jewish trap redpilled me on the JQ so I'd say anything is possible.

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She sounded like an appeal to emotion just think of the children type of debater. He came with hard facts. Numbers can be twisted but never argued directly against. Stats from reputable sources will always be king in these conversations.

haha :D bet she's only virgin to anal

Yes, I have.

It's very easy to do if a woman really likes you. Women will just follow the views the man they admire most. They have no personal morals or intellectual views.

>what does that say about you?
>omg do you even know refugees?
>are you even informed?
>do you even go to school?

That's somewhat true, but pick your fucking battles Bong.

I am not talking about the content i am talking about his debate skills. Retard.

he just needs to go back. lith diaspora, turkish, french. it's all the same.

you got btfo cuck

tell the story NOW

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It's a fucking woman, what do you expect? There's a reason they weren't allowed to vote or have any say in important matters for 5000+ fucking years

Yeah my partner is pretty red pilled. To the point I have to limit the more incredulous shit I talk about so she doesn't bring something up to the wrong people inadvertently. We live in Idaho, got two kids and we were big Bernie supporters, still are in a way, but as we watched how places like reddit turned against bernie almsot overnight and how places like npr were so careful in how the talked (or didn't) about him it was plain as day there was collusion. I voted for trump and have supported him since. So i start pointing more things out, point how the media spins and ignores and while we both think more should be done for health and education of citizens we're staunchly anti immigration and prog guns, well always been pro gun but now we see so many of the tricks and manipulations they try. Even point the media dominated by jews, Isreals interference with our politics and weather it really was six gorrilion. All that good stuff... point is you just have to see or point out the inconsistencies the media and elite pull over on us and the path to a different viewpoint is easy.

Eh, Turks aren't white, they Mongols and mongrels. Just Mongol rape babies.

Good post leaf

Fuck off retard
Only cucks hide their power level

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Ungrateful piece of shit. Speaking from my own experience its almost always a white foreigner who stands up to mudskins to defend cucklets like you. Once this shithole of a country spirrals into another Syria who do you think is going to side with you? That's right all of the foreign white BROTHERS who you treat like shit.

I know they lurk so I can't go into detail but I was already deep down the rabbit hole for years but never wanted to accept the JQ and the only person in my life willing to discuss it happened to be a self hating Jew who passed pretty well. Eventually, they tell me about how insanely fucked up and anti goy the Jew sunday school equivalents are that are built to indoctrinate the youth into feeling only a connection with Judaism. It really is just a Sumerian death cult and even Jews get abused rarely which sometimes creates the odd self-hating Jew.

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Thats just your baseline, intense personal experiences can cause shifts in personality

hahaahah holy fuck I'm dying

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>We live in Idaho
Some parts of Idaho are like Jow Forums irl. It was pretty shocking to see how red pilled my coworkers were over there after growing up in Chicago.

there u go again. we aren't your brothers. we are barely european. Just fuck off.

Hoho keep waking brother, that was excellent.

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>Red Pill
Yea you keep eating that blue pill

>you trump

Holy shit that's good.

the grug memes have come to life

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>How did it go?
I need a new girlfriend

Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.

You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.

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It pointed me down the right path what do you expect me not to get information from the enemy?

>tfw my wife was already redpilled on the jews

Well done, you threw some stats at her. She was giving you qualitative information which is actually relevant. You had a peg to go on. Instead, you ignored her input and idiotically parroted stats that lack an explanation other than what they want them to mean.

If this were true you would be in thought prison, Nigel.

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