You can't make this shit up.

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You're going to be seeing a lot more of this now that her show had a good debut. Can't let the peasants get too uppity.

> mfw Roseanne is a jew
top kek

it's afraid

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Kurt Eichenwald is the whingiest cuck on the planet.

She talks about building 7. IDK what to make of it.

She really is Jewish so there gona need a new angle of attack.

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>my great aunt
then how are you here faggot?

> Kurt Eichenwald is still on twitter

This guy is a gold mine

Roseanne is literally Jewish kek

I wonder what ever happened to the guy who gave him a seizure by tweeting him a flashing gif.

7 years prison, for assualt with malicious intent, 3rd degree felony

This might be the right time to post some strobe pics to Kurt

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If Jews can't get over the holocaust and learn to laugh about it, we'll do it again.

And since when do jews not play both sides? The (manipulated) data the entertainment industry gathered over the last half decade just indicates that their next consumer segment gives a shit about SJW themes and prefers Hitler jokes. And still, one should ignore them and let them go under

>kikes don't know who's jewing who anymore

Well that's a bit fucked.

Sister of grandmother. Grandmother survived.

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I see some resemblance to Eichenwald

but it's probably just a coincidence


I can't believe people like this guy. Somebody please explain this to me, I might be autistic. Help.

Blind moles like Kurt are pathetic. Roseanne is trying to be a blessed peacemaker and lead the goyim back to complacency but here's Kurt, 40 incest hentai tabs open, writing dumb shit.

The best Israeli/globalist jew is always oven fresh

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>people “like” him
He’s a virtue signaling kike with a blue check mark that gets retweets/likes by other people to virtue signal.

What do you guys think he's fapping to now, I bet he's bored of B-Chiku
You think he moved on to Mama Tama?

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ah that rare kike that uses the jew card to bully jews, like mel brooks and jesus christ


How the fuck can somebody as stupid as Kurt work as a journalists and get published?

its been almost 100 years already
get over it

Growing up Jewish in Salt Lake City under the direction of Rabbi Christensen

Fuck, 1 slighty pro Trump show out of a million and the left immediately shit the bed.
Anti-Roseanne marches next week?

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Jewish nepotism

Not publishing his dumb opinion is antisemitism

fuck off kike

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That retard should have asked someone outside america to do it.

Sounds like this guy is begging for another GIF holocaust.

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Case was dropped

>It has given them skin as thick as armor
>Hoggyboy goes batshit over being called whiny

ho ho ho

certainly shouldn't have asked anyone in western europe.

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>You can't make this shit up.
yes you can

Would've been edgier if she did gingerbread merchants

Jim's video can't come soon enough

Christ, that's from her book that she released like 10 fucking years ago. Get a life, Eichenwald.

wait i thought the official stormfag narrative was that the holocaust didn't happen

>You can't make this shit up.
I love how he claimed he isn't Jewish but he confirms that he is.


What about the conservatives who did grow up in the social media generation?

Poor Kurt can't catch a single day without getting holocausted.

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Dumb boomers who still think journalists are respectable, upstanding people

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>here's Kurt, 40 incest hentai tabs open
Do you think incest hentai feels dirty that Kurt Eichenwald watches it?

why cant you link the fucking tweet you lazy nigger


>burnt cookies

Fucking kek

>unironically uses storm fag
>and a dixie meme flag

I just want to know if these people are aware they are being dishonest? Do they know they are lieing?

I'm pretty sure they're all fascists not gop cucks

It didn’t happen but it should have.

i hope his great aunt was raped to death by russians. i fucking hate people like this with every molecule of my body. i would even destroy my own race if i had to just so this type of people would sise to exist. this are same faggots who created famenism and marxism

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she talks about it here kind of funny to see it brought up again

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someone should give this faggot snitch a seizure again


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I’m literally shaking right now like Michael j Fox

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Does he actually have Epilepsy or is it just some extreme form of triggering?

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Yeah, she's one of the ones I like. The ones who can actually laugh at shit.

Roseanne with the Hitler stache looks like my boss kek

I could beat the ever living fuck out of JACKIE chan he’s a 60 something year old actor.
What a fucking spastic

Is he still pretending to be conservative?

do it

What's his name again?

Nice memeflag, faggot. The motherland weeps

Feels more like 6 million years, since... HEY, LENINGRAD!

oh, is that strobe pedo?

fucking based jewish grandma, i want her to read me a bedtime story and i'm 24.

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t. Alabaman

Lol, Eichenwald denies being Jewish all the time.

Jesus was not a jew, he was a Galilean.

>only virgins were gassed
huge if true

Some great banter about that photo.



probably the latter but that didn't stop him from ruining some goys life to save a little face after he got btfo by tucker

Who cares Kurt? Here is your favorite book and get a fucking sense of humor.

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>she was stripped naked, sent to the gas chamber, and burned

Gonna need some sauce on that, kikenwald

lol this shit is real!


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she's a jew herself, so she can poke fun at herself


user....thank you for this. There is hope for some of you

how is this mongoloid still alive. is he still trying to theach his children about anime tantacle porn

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Bobby Fischer was also Jewish

Mel Brooks was based as fuck. I don't care what anybody says.

rosanne is a cuckservative boomer, nigger and tranny kids for all.

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Do it, faggot

>sent to gas chamber
>and burned
Surely no reason to doubt the veracity of this statement

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