Noone, NOONE needs an assault gun

just fucking admit it already, you are just throwing a hissy fit because you like shooting stuff for fun in your backyard. It's not about self-defense or rights, you are just scared that someone takes away your fun-toys.

Do you really need a gun to defend your life anyway? There are plenty of other options like tasers, stunguns, knives, batons, pepper spray or just your fists ...

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Hi Merkel

What exactly makes a gun an assault gun ?

no one need an assault penis either


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No one NEEDS all those muslims, Mohammed.

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I have harmed exactly no one and do not intend to harm anyone, either.
So, bearing that in mind, why should I be deprived of my property? What you're proposing is theft and you're trying to justify it with slander.

Define what an assault gun is. No one seems to have a concrete answer.

Being around 23 tons, having a 7.5 cm cannon, and probably some high-capacity assault fuel tanks or something.

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>noone, NOONE needs an assault gun

Spoken by a man who has never had a gun boner.

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You Euros will just never get it.

I'm gonna put sage in every field.

actually just got my razor hd gen ii today. feels good.

Right on man that's a hell of a gun for sure. Thanks for clarifying ......if only OP could and other gun grabbers could do that we might figure get somewhere.

Then why did you put a picture of a hunting rifle / sport rifle, faggot OP?

Tanks are terrible for personal defence, too expensive, too gas hungry, too high maintenance, how are you going to kill a robber in your kitchen at 3 AM with a tank?

That's an assault weapon, designed for killing people, no civilian should ever that's an assault weapon, designed for killing people, no civilian should ever onward own one

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What makes it an assault rifle ..... be specific for fucks sake


I don't think you understand the concept of rights...


No such thing as an assault rifle, assault gun, or assault weapon.

If the cops need them for hardened criminals, then so do I. The cops have no greater legal justification homicide than I do (self defense). If they need them to counter public threats, then so do I.

We need it, so we can shoot more bullies.

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Its only used to kill

No i dont NEEEEED one. But i have several. And lots and lots of ammo. Dumbfuck europoors

I don't need 500 horsepower to get to work, and yet I do.

don't answer this cucked eurotroll.
milchbuab needs his baba

It includes an MG34 for anti-infantry purposes.

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No its not .... I do coyote hunting with an AR-15.
You seem to think other guns can't kill you just the same?
Here is a little test , tell me if the AR-15 is any different from this ruger mini 14 in pic

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It's not a bill of needs, asshole. YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A JUSTIFICATION TO HAVE AN AR-15.

Why not ?

Germany just recently:
>Took away Guns rights
>Criminalized Freedom of Speech
>Criminalized Wrong Think
In that order.
You realize that Genocide is what comes next right?

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Assault rifles have been real since 1944, earlier if you count the Federov.
Assault guns are self propelled artillery that have been around since the early 1900s
Assault weapon is the made up word.

do you know what a gun is? civilians should not defend themselves? what, they should just march into the gas chambers like good little jews?

Fuck off shill
Fuck off shill
Fuck off shill
Fuck off shill
Fuck right the fuck off
And burn in hell
Stop shitting up this board you basement dwelling Soros-funded failed abortion

Yeah kraut lets see you fight off a group of thirty friendly refugees with your fists. When people can't trust the government or police to look out for the best interests of its citizens its best to be armed. Merkels open border policies are a fine example of why ordinary citizens need to arm themselves. My countries fucked too, most people don't own fire arms and our government keeps letting in more hostile migrants who won't adapt to our culture and customs.

Maybe his tank is his kitchen

I only have defense rifles, sorry mate.

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noguns fucks kys.

I prefer strict gun laws too OP, mexico made the right choice.

You do not need a justification for anything. This is America dammit! Land of the FREE. The government needs a reason why I SHOULDN'T be allowed an AR-15, and as far as I'm concerned, SOMEONE ELSE using one to shoot at a bunch of kids is not a valid reason.

They are the same caliber. Unfortunately there are slight differences. If I had an AR-15 I would be able to used a Beowulf .50 cal magazine as a loophole to bypass mag limits.
I pretty sure AR platform mags will not fit in my mini-14. I could be wrong, and please correct me if I am.

Why AR-15 in specific not all shootings involve an AR-15
Why do you think this way, what is that makes an AR-15 different from other guns

Alright Faggots. Lets see if anyone can break my arguments against gun control.

1. The right to bear arms isnt granted by the Bill of Rights, it is merely recognized and enumerated by it, as a human right. The right to bear arms exists in the same fashion now as it did then regardless of any law, bill, statute or code.

2. This human right has nothing to do with hunting, sport, or target shooting. It has to do with being able to use force on par with the government(which is coincidentally just OTHER PEOPLE. They dont know any more than you or I do about why we exist, and what lies beyond death) Why should the government decide how I defend myself and my family?

3. We need to deregulate automatic weapons, and supressors. Both have niche uses and dont make a weapon particularly more deadly. The current status of "allowed" weapons is disastrous, and absolutely counts as an infringement.

4. Force is the gold standard for humans all over the world. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or ignorant. They ability to exercise force is a HUMAN RIGHT. And should not be held in the hands of the powers that be in the government.

Prove me wrong bitchlibs.

You are correct sir and no they use a different magazine.
Why don't we hear calls to ban mini 14s you think ?

Less than 3.9% of the homicides in the USA every year while pistols are 72%

Allow me to put this in further perspective for your dull little mind: Only a single state in 2016 had more rifle deaths than knives. And it was in Alaska by a single person (4 people vs 3 people)

Don't give me that "Cause there are less rifles than pistols bullshit" either. There are about 114 million pistols, 86 million shotguns, and 112 million rifles.

35% of gun deaths should be by rifle (112/312) if at all equal but its less than 5%

But to be fair to a massive faggot like yourself, lets say only 60% of the rifles are able to be used outside of hunting. At the very least be 25% (67/245) but it still isn't.

Finally, how in the flying fuck do you even expect to take all of these rifles? If you have not noticed, Texas alone is bigger than your entire nation. Rifles can be easily hidden and the illegal gun trade would boom overnight. Even if the military was to take over this Herculean task, they have something to deal with that you massive pushovers in Europe didn't: a wild neighbor, Mexico. The country has been flooded with illegal American guns and trade would go across national borders if somehow US criminals lost the firearms.

Stop saying "we need" "we should" "it's morally right" and start explaining to me right now how this is even plausible. If you can not produce such an argument your entire movement can fuck right off. This isn't the only time a European nation tried to dictate American gun rights, and that ended in blood (thanks French bros, would have lost without you).

Hey, OP...There are four skinheads/niggers/MS-13rs kicking in my door at 2 a.m...I want to shoot each one of them in the chest three times so that there is no way a doctor can revive their dead carcasses. What is best tool?
I'll go ahead and keep my 'assault' rifles, you can fuck off and die.

Because they are cheap and the most efficient killing machine that you can buy. Also, it literally has assault rifle in its name.

Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :

>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."

If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.

Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.

This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).

It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.

Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)

good question! is ruger a german company and armalite American? and gungrabbers hate America?

That's funny because you never have been in that situation, neither have your friends, neither have your parents, neither has anyone you know, neither has anyone who knows someone that you know

Evil like you exists, that's enough reason to NEED a gun. BILL OF RIGHTS and SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED can't you understand. Germany needs guns now because of niggers and muslims - fuck you cuck

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You. Don't. Need. One.

You and no one you ever knew what ever be in a situation like that where you need an assault rifle

Assault gun stop being so fucking cringe.

you are making the case why we should stock pile more, not get rid of. and AR stands for Armalite dumkopf

It does not, its from the Armalite Rifle Company labeling their products. AR-(some number). Look up the AR-17. AR-15s are NOT assault rifles. They lack select fire capabilities.

you obviously know nothing about guns, faggot

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If it did then it would be called AL-15 you dumbass

Based Leaf

Our firearm rights are not subject to firearm types.

Our firearm rights are not subject to firearm death.

Our firearm rights are not up for debate.

Fuck off shill the founding fathers wouldn’t say no one needs a battle musket now would they

You are baiting too hard, adolf

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>Do you really need a gun to defend your life anyway?

What? ARmalite AR is the first two letters idiot

>You are baiting too hard, adolf
Hitler was against gun control and actually loosened firearms laws (for true Germans of course)

The kikes are behind gun control.

Its A gun that can shoot fast or single bullets and is used and designed to use in the military. No civilian should EVER be able to buy one. The fact that you can literally buy one at Walmart in the United States is ridiculous

You are so misinformed its hard not to be a dick about it.
AR = Armalite Rifle the creator of the AR-15.
There are many many guns cheaper than an AR -15 about 800$
I bought a 40 cal Ruger carbine when I was 19 for 400$
Do you think the 40 cal carbine kills less than the AR-15?

I need one.

Our firearm rights are not subject to specific firearms.

You won't respond to my statement because you can't refute my statement.

Even if you were right, they clearly chose that name because it is so close to assault rifle. Also the term assault rifle was coined by Hitler with the sturmgewehr 44

>Even if you were right, they clearly chose that name because it is so close to assault rifle. Also the term assault rifle was coined by Hitler with the sturmgewehr 44
Our firearm rights give us the right to own whatever firearms we wish, including "assault" rifles.

I don't like guns(I think they're for pussies).

Now let me explain to you what this gun control shit is all about:

The ultimate goal of gun control laws in America is to alter the second amendment. But it's not about the second amendment.

It's about the first. The second you let people fuck with an amendment, any amendment, you've opened a door for the government-they will say, look, the second amendment was changed, why not change the first?-Enter HATE SPEECH laws like in the Uk and Germany and cucked western european nations

Don't let them touch the constitution Amerifags, it's the one thing preventing you from being cucked

Noone needs an assault nigger.

Guns kill people and that's all I need to know

Sir you don't know Shit from Shinola your Ass hole from elbow.
I tell you what get better informed before you expect people to listen to you.


>tasers stun guns etc
okay faggot let me know when LE and security details refrain to those and i will consider it.

Anything is an "assault" ____ if you use in an assault. Unprovoked, nobody needs anything that is an assault ______. No assault knives, assault hot air balloons, assault trucks, etc.

>(I think they're for pussies).
What does that even mean?

"oh you're a pussy because you use this specific invention."

>Guns kill people and that's all I need to know
Yes, and? You say that like it's a bad thing.

AR 17 is a shotgun you dumb ass


You can easily get them illegally

Worry about your own problems Fritz.

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>You can easily get them illegally
Our firearm rights are not subject to firearm laws.

I just like old fashioned bones cracking against bones, that's my personal preference,don't judge me

Exactly, this is why it doesn't make sense Sherlock

LOL fucking German, have fun getting beat to death while Muhammad fucks your women

Terrible bait is terrible. Try harder

You know what else kills people drinking and driving.
2nd hand smoke
And who would have thought
Other people
Guess we should ban them too right

OP is trolling, no one is this big of a faggot.

Then why are you calling the AR-15 an assault rifle?

You dont NEED to suck cocks but you do it anyway

why cant they have assult guns?

Your numbers are nowhere near as close and good luck trying to do a mass shooting with a knife

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>I just like old fashioned bones cracking against bones, that's my personal preference,don't judge me
There's nothing wrong with liking physical combat as opposed to armed combat. But that doesn't make those who prefer armed combat "pussies"

If you're confronted by someone with a firearm are you going to call them a pussy because they won't fist fight you or woulds you rather grab a "pussy" firearm and kill the person?

>Your numbers are nowhere near as close and good luck trying to do a mass shooting with a knife
So you're saying that you don't care that people are dying, you only care about how they die?

Shut the fuck up

Quality deflection