Wait, why is this good??

Wait, why is this good??

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1000 year veteran of the nightmare realm are going to be totally safe in public

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Why not just euthanize the criminals and harvest their organs to improve the healthcare resources for citizens that aren’t scumbags?

I like you.

we immortality now

Legit... eh

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>buy a crate full of these
>achieve biological immortality

Also she's hot as fuck.

You could force prisoners to take couple of those pills every day for their sentence. Leading them to believe they have been in prison for millions of years.

I've been thinking of it. It's not good.
In 8 hours and a half the fucker will be around no matter how many years he felt. The person he killed won't.
We don't need scientists to improve justice. We need pic related.

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Literally what kind of ridiculous bullshit is this? A drug that makes you feel like 8 1/2hrs is 1000 fucking years? Like, I've taken plenty of drugs that distort your sense of time, and it definitely doesn't work like this, what would you be doing? It would feel like everything around you had been slowed down by a factor of a million or something?

Christ almighty what kind of retardation is this

Top laugh

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This. I would not want to meet the man who lived a thousand years in a single day. Who would either drop some serious unknowable knowledge or just be batshit senile.

It gives incentives to provide criminals for the drug harvesting.

Whoa this sounds super scientific and real and not a brainlet-tier thought experiment
I'd rather be executed than serve a 1000 year punishment, that is like the definition of cruel and unusual

Star trek already did this episode.

>turns out drug fucks up the brain
>prisoners sue
>lose even more money paying literal felons who are now free from prison and bat-shit insane

fake and gay

>Wait, why is this good??
Are you telling me you don't want to mentally scar people?

Imagine force feeding gitmo prisoners 20 or more pills.

No we Don't, you're a disgrace to your flag

the word your looking for is torture

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If it gives me a reason to stay away from the missus, count me in.

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>Hey Bob, I see they released you for missing out on paying your taxes.

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Poor, poor O'Brien.

That would break a person 100%. It would be 1000 years of doing nothing but thinking.

college kids are gonna shove this up their assholes after snorting their buddy's adderall and are gonna make a fuckin AI that takes over the world within minutes... the results would be absolutely catastrophic... looking forward to it...

Yeah that's scientists for ya. Little pills to stir the pot.

YOU are a disgrace to our wonderful flag. People like you and other Beccaria's cocksucker need to leave this planet ASAP.
Everybody who doesn't believe in punitive justice is just a high class idealist who is too busy contemplating how morally superior they are while the world below them burns.
Criminals will take control if you let them, and trust me they will. But we'll both be dead before I can tell you "I told you so, fucker"

The only episode of Black Mirror that is worth a shit is the christmas one where something like this happens at the end.
Guy is forced to live 1000 + years in a mind prison essentially only really lasting a holiday weekend.
Pretty fucked up, torture of that kind is senseless, and does nothing to bring justice. If you kill someone intentionally you should be put down.

Great for slave labour. Hey i just worked for an hour right boss?

Exactly where my thoughts went too

most would be incompatible with the productive part of the population

yeah this is definitely ethical moral and a good idea.

fucking idiots instead of dealing with issues that cause crime in the first place like socioeconomic challenges you come up with some pointless retarded drug that isnt going to do shit but just turn prisons into being more "tech-savy"
still same old corrupt shit business

Go to sleep until it wears off..walk free from jail.

wasn't he literally pro IRA?

I'm 99% sure there is a horror manga about exactly this.
A dude has crystals in his brain that make his dreams last thousands of years. Suprise suprise he wakes up insane every time asking where the fuck his dream universe just went.

They'll surely be sane and safe in public after that! Also just imagine these being in the wrong hands (or any hands).

Because that's absolutely retarded you fuckin' faggot. Go live in China bitch.

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>oh I just raped a murdered some people
>goto jail for 1000 years
>get out
>everything outside of jail is still the same
>body is same

im sure theyd be right back to raping and killing people.

What if life is just a prison sentence? You do not know what/who you think you are but you're paying for your crimes until you die of old age or just getting murdered? If you die in the "prison" reality you die in the real reality?

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This is an episode of Deep Space Nine with Miles "See a Cardie Kill a Cardie" O'Brien being "imprisoned" for espionage on fake charges and serving the psychosis-induced sentence before the others can even arrive at the planet to demand to see the evidence.

It's pure science fiction. If such a drug existed, believe me it would be on the streets and a favourite to be mixed with cocaine or molly for a 1000 year high.

If it did exist, it still wouldn't work as a prison deterrent unless the prisoner was also injected with some sort of histamine to make them horribly uncomforatble for a millenium. Simply entering into the Ever Present of Drug Time doesn't magically make a person a better human being as a result or all mushroom eaters would be saints.

If you wanted to save money on criminals, shut the fucking borders and shoot to kill would be step number one. Then deport any foreigner convicted of any crime at all, to a birdshit island in the Pacific if they pull a "oh no, I'll be persecuted in my third world shithole you seemingly are happy enough to allow unlimited entry from" is step two. We'll deal with the white chavscum at our leisure after that. Or fuckit, strip them of their citizenship and dump them on birdshit island too and be done with it.

If we really wanted this, it could happen. Yet our governments are content to let crimerates soar because it keeps us plebs busy.

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I'm pretty sure even if it worked exactly like they say it would, it'd render you effectively braindead because eventually you'd just stop thinking. A year would be torture to the extreme, 1000 years would kill you.


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Yes I'm sure an upstanding citizen would want some STD infested junkie's wrecked organs in them.

How about a pill that makes them age their prison sentence in one day? Isn't that the whole point of prison, to kill their future?

If your brain still works fine during, then it wouldn't be that bad to use when you're working on something. Think of the scientific achievements scientists can come up with if they could spend 1000 years without faggots interrupting them. Or just distribute them to niggers in the inner city. Those idiots will take any drug.

After '1000 years' you'd be a total schizo you moron, this is some MKULTRA shit. It's probably also fake.

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Sounds like transhumanism T-B-H.

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It's definitely fake

Isn't this the plot of the Judge Dredd remake?

Watch the movie otherlife

It’s not like most of them can actually be rehabilitated. The point of prison sentences is to keep them away from normal people where they can’t do any harm.

I don't get it, why not just try to use brainwashing to resocialize people?

Mass murdering rapist turned into a pacifist gardener with one flick of the hypno watch

Thinking the same thing

My first thought too.

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That dude looks gayer than I remember.

Imagine taking that LSD, that ecstasy, some coke, some heroin, smoking some DMT, then popping five time dilation capsules.

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There was a star trek episode about this... it drove him insane

Oh shit we dragon balls now

Just focus on your eseekas and you'll be fine.

lol both of you calm down. it's impossible to be a disgrace to your shitty flag

If you got high before taking one, would you be high for 1000 years?

i was gonna say this sounds like someone just watched Dredd...

It was 1000 years a minute for an entire day. Over 1 million years

That's the matrix in a way, all humans are imprisoned inside the machines to repay their crimes against machine-kind and they never even know it.

No one tonight post anything from the junji ito story? Its perfect for this

Look up "the long dream" if you don't know what I'm talking about

Oh cool. The telegraph watched otherlife ...

you know they would use this in torture and interrogation. guy spends 50 billion years in stasis thinking. kek

why not give this pill to regular people, letting them accumulate 1000 years of experience in 8 hours?

buy a pro-tier escort.....
full service. all day.
pop the psychoactive...
mk ultra

Enjoying your country and its name, Goblino?
We gifted it to you literally on our spare time :^)

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i would buy like 50, and then take them one after the other, until i have solved all of life's greatest mysteries

I don't think they have the technology or the knowledge to reliably build people back up into healthy contributors to society. They can easily break you down into a psychotic mess, but the probability of recovering from that in a way that alleviates you of your criminality seems unlikely to me. Go watch A Clockwork Orange bro, this is exactly what that movie is about.

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"Now I'm pissed off and still have my whole life ahead of me."

I agree. Fuck that pill. No real deterrent

Give the drug to your rape victim and she has to be raped for 1,000 years.

And that is good!

implying I wouldn't just masturbate for 1000 hours

Also this:

was it ever explained but mayuri found in his lab?

So my point still remains. Doesn't change the perception of torture

It was pretty unwatchable but Colm Meaney deserved an episode of his own. Much preferred his undercover work with Bilby.

>not edging for 1000 years

It's happening.

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>ODin'g on time pills

The future is HERE

>50 billion virtual years
>when they wake you up your unlocked psyionic powers activate
Sounds dangerous tbqf

would you want a pedophile child killers organs in you?

It's illusion, not real. No different than forgetting what time it is.

Not possible, our sense of time is based on how many computations our brain does in a given time period. You would have to speed up their minds by a factor of a billion to do this, and it would be inhumane if that was even possible. Every itch they feel would last months, but they would not be able to scratch them. Shit like that. Either way, this is fake science. It is impossible. How do you test it anyway? Ask them how much time they think passed? Like they have any idea what a long time feels like. And testing it is impossible, because someone would have to agree to a long sentence under the possibility that it might accidentally last hundreds of years longer than it should. Total pseudoscience, not worth discussing even this much.

i think he did some zombie shit in the last arc that people claim was terrible and never got animated, haven't bothered reading it

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I'd take that shit voluntarily. Imagine the wisdom of a 1000 year mind and soul.

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This is the person who proposed the idea, teaches at the University of London and she has writes on medical ethics, specifically t hose in psychiatry as well as issues of consent, whether it is better to die than to be lonely and in defence of drinking alone.

>"If the speed-up were a factor of a million, a millennium of thinking would be accomplished in eight and a half hours... Uploading the mind of a convicted criminal and running it a million times faster than normal would enable the uploaded criminal to serve a 1,000 year sentence in eight-and-a-half hours. This would, obviously, be much cheaper for the taxpayer than extending criminals’ lifespans to enable them to serve 1,000 years in real time."

>"To me, these questions about technology are interesting because they force us to rethink the truisms we currently hold about punishment. When we ask ourselves whether it’s inhumane to inflict a certain technology on someone, we have to make sure it’s not just the unfamiliarity that spooks us," Dr Roache said.

>"Is it really OK to lock someone up for the best part of the only life they will ever have, or might it be more humane to tinker with their brains and set them free? When we ask that question, the goal isn’t simply to imagine a bunch of futuristic punishments – the goal is to look at today’s punishments through the lens of the future."

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Why not just keep them on that forever? A good ol' 50 Million years of agony serves them right.

Why was O'Brian's life so shit?

You know what's cheaper than that? A fucking bullet. If someone needs to serve 1000 years, they can fucking die.

You think John Wayne Gacy should be allowed out in eight hours, because he had a bad trip?

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