Why do some Indians that have no known white ancestry still look Caucasian/Aryan?

Why do some Indians that have no known white ancestry still look Caucasian/Aryan?

Are some (north, upper caste), Indians white?

>Pic related is a 100% Indian girl I know IRL.

I'm not trying to bait anyone, just genuinely curious. Indians (some) seem to have European features and South Americans as well. So what's the scientific logic behind this.

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memeflag no one reply to it

Why do you want to be such a mean person when I'm just trying to have an educational, civil discussion?

Have you ever opened a history book?

Because the Brits colonized them for hundreds of years. Sage

What do you think is more likely? She randomly appears less disgusting than indians, even though she is supposedly right from the indian spunk sewer, or that she has ancestry that she is not aware of/is being deceived/23andme is inaccurate?

Having pale skin doesn't mean you're white, she looks indian as fuck
KYS meme flag and sage

Why do some Semites that have no known white ancestry look Caucasian/Aryan?

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Even fucking Pakis and Afghans look pale. They're still not white.

Nah. The brits barely mixed with any Indians. Indians look so different because the population has different bloodlines that trace back to different ancestral groups. It’s just thousands of years of race mixing between the natives and the Aryan invaders

Is this the same poojet poster that was posting earlier today being butt mad hurt that poo women are not aryan and claiming they are?

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I don't know.... I don't think the tests could be wrong. I've met her parents and grandparents though. And it's not her. I've seen100s of Indian men and women who look really white for some reason

Is it just a random chance of caucasoid features + light skin as you imply or hidden ancestry?
>Btw that's her real sister in the pic... What do you think? They look so different.

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Ok you’re definitely an autistic LARPer

Dad got cucked by the BWC

if i post your favorite porn will you go away op

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because indians ARE caucasian unless dravidian

Alright friend,but I don't get why you're so angry? If you're mad about something let me know I'll honestly try to help you.
I know you feel less special knowing "Aryan" genes aren't limited to you, but that's understandable and nature's will. You can't change it.
That's what I'm trying to find out, buddy. I don't know why so many people are getting angry. I'm just putting up genuine questions I have. Thanks for not being angry :)
No idea what you're talking about, brother. But I hope you have a good day. :)

White skin isn't exclusive to Europeans. Skin color is still changed by evolutionary pressure, regardless of the genetics involved.
Have you ever considered that maybe their ancestors came from an environment that was a lot like Europe?

A few thousand brits had no effect

Because India is pretty ethnically diverse. You're not one of those brainlets who thinks 1 billion people could possibly all come from one bloodline right?

Northern Indians and huge parts of the ME are full of Caucasians you retards. That doesn’t mean they’re “white” if by white you mean European, it means they’re middle eastern Caucasian while others are European Caucasian

maybe becuase theyre mixed with caucasions

>tfw half northern indian and half english
whiter than thou shitlord

Ever heard of the Han Chinese?

this thread is just bait. I literally just explained to the OP why yet he keeps pretending he’s confused lol

Look at her sisters features. They are similar, but their skin tone is different. So I don't think it's likely.
That is sick
So Indians aren't subhuman like you claim? They're genetically close to you?

kill yourself op

Same poojeet from earlier today.

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Some of those Indian girls can be pretty damn exotic and sexy...no wonder they have so much white blood in some of them. Whites who are soldiers or travelers probably had a lot of babies over there intermixing in history.

So what is the ethnicity of these lightskin Caucasians? White? If yes, how are they not the same as you?
You pointed out the Aryan Invasion Theory and I read that, friend :) But I'm asking that why can't these "Aryan" Indians be classed as white/ Aryan?

There was a large amount of interaction along the Hindu Kush region throughout history. White people inhabitted the plains north of the Hindu Kush and west to Europe. The himmilaian mountains and jungles of Rangoon were barriers to the more slant eye asian mixes.

she does not look white in the least. Maybe by amerimutt standards, but that doesn't count

>Why do some Indians that have no known white ancestry still look Caucasian/Aryan?

retard, the aryan peoples traveled to the indus valley region in ancient history and conquered the indian people, they instated a caste system still used today whereby the lighter the skin color the higher the caste

I think fucking Caucasoids mixed and mixed all the way from Europe to India and then mixed some more. Thanks dead people for superior DNA but not really they mixed too much. That is why they made the caste system to still have some semblence of diversity and actually coexist instead of merging into a mutt

Come on man, that chick is not aryan

In early history India was conquered by a European Vedic people who intermarried with the darker skinned Dravidic people.

oh and the practice of burning their dead

So Indians like these are white/Aryan, yes? Aren't they part of your masterrace?

Until recently, India was British.

I disagree with "no known white ancestry"

because most of the brown people in the levant aren't racially native to the levant, they're descended from muslim migrants and invaders from the arabian peninsula.

North eastern India is full of chinks trying to be Korean. South is full of Africans. I'm from just shy of north east (Bengal) and we have Portuguese huts churches Buddhist monasteries Japanese shrines and too much chink influx

Holy hell imagine actually believing this

How so? She has very caucasian features. And I'm half Indian as well, I have similar features.
So how are we Indians (I'm not fully Indian but identify as one) different than you? We are white as well or not?

Are you a physics teacher by any chance?

caste is by occupation, it has nothing to do with skin colour.

No. Just cause poojeet got mixed blood with a white. That doesn't make it white. White people have light skin light eyes light hair. Poojeet even with so called "pale skin" have a visible tone of poo in there. You cannot compare poo women with aryan women. both are differite. If you want a master race in your country. Keep your caste for yourself.

Because they're from Northern India? Northern Indians either look Asian due to Tibetans or White due to >Aryan

So she and people like us are British white and should be accepted in Europe because it is our ancestral land as well, right?

This is very true.

The Indo-Aryan people are a group of people who traveled east out of Europe. Some of them settled in Iran. The name of Iran is derived from Aryan. The rest went further, stopping in northern India (technically modern day Pakistan, but Pakistan wasn't a thing until a few decades ago), where they proceeded to conquer the natives.

I wish

most indians have caucasian features, I don't understand what your point is. She probably uses bleaching creams which are very popular in india among women. There are no white indians or white passing indians, and she is not white

Aryan invasion. We wuz Brahmins.

But because our blood is mixed then...

A guy who works at my college is half-Indian half-Anglo, kek.

Indians have 50 shades of brown.
Fuckk off with this thread, I know you.
please don't make stupid threads.

Lmao the OP looks like a Mexican dressed as a poo

She is white passing, though. And I'm half Indian but I'm always confused for white. We do have white blood in us, so why isn't Europe our home as well?

She's peng desu any more pics?

No. Your ancestral land. Please. Literally thousands of years ago, maybe.

You are a MUTT. Mixed blood doesn't make you white. Mix white color with any other color and is no longer white. Stay in India and stop invading Europe and fucking the races around here because you think you are white based on mixed blood.

back in the days of the empire him and I would have been high ranking politicians,especially if his dad is white like mine
you don't know what white means and you aren't white

maybe white passing to you, but not to white people. She's unmistakeably indian or pakistani, she doesn't even look like she could be southern european

Cute !

Are you implying that thing in your pic looks white

I can sense you're jealous because of your Dravidian genes. Post a pic of your hand with timestamp to prove you're not a low caste individual, or stop posting.
White skin is a shade of brown now?Sure brother.

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You can take her, they lust for white cock

>stop posting

Maybe because they are not semites? Many middle easterners doesn't have semitic ancestry, even many north africans are descendants of germanic Vandal invaders

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Indians are the only minority I can't seem to fuck. They're rarer than most where I live, but they're all rich or PhDs, and intersectional feminists. They seem to have little interest in white men, too

Stormfront level bants

>Are some (north, upper caste), Indians white?
Open your wrists for asking such a stupid question.
Whites don't shit in the street.

95+% of all "white" North Americans and 60-70% of all "white" Europeans aren't 100% white either. PLEASE LOOK AT THE LINK BELOW.

So they aren't white according to you, are they?
What makes you whiter than me?
What else does it take besides having CLEARLY Caucasian features plus rosy white skin? Not trying to rile you up bro, just curious. I'm new to this and find it interesting.

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you disgusting creep
whoring you friend like this

if you're also half white (actual white like English) and half indian like me, then you're not white
you're mixed race

You also act like a stereotypical creepy insecure indian so you're not white mentally either

You gotta go back

>its a normal sunny day in Europe
>nigger swims across the Mediterranean
>master nigger sells slaves to capitalist British merchant
>98%. 95%. 92%.


Why are you such a jealous, spiteful little South Indian australoid? I'm sorry you are a low caste Dravidian. If it's any consolation to you, I don't treat people badly based on their genetic makeup but I sure do look down hard upon them.