>GF is a store manager of a Game Store >She tells me stories of all the greasy gamer NEETs that try to hit on and fail >We both laugh while I continue to fuck her in the ass
Feels good to be in the top 20% of male geeks and getting all that geek pussy.
Tfw i ask my girl how many cucks hit on her when shes at work while im fucken her knowing that those betas will never have a chance.
Adrian Turner
didn't read
Kayden Evans
Mason Sullivan
> GF makes minimum wage > probably unemployed himself
Checkmate, faggot.
Jeremiah Young
just realized she looks like Bieber
Connor White
Is she fat tho
Jose Thompson
>when you think your gf is faithful
Jace Ward
>Have gf >Hurr durr im top 20% Alpha now goodbye losrs xDDDD
Tyler Lopez
Feels good to know that so many guys want her but she wants your dick inside her. Let’s you know you’re objectively a higher value mate than those Cucks.
LOL I work for the state in IT.
I bet you’re just a jelly stay at home son.
Jace Hernandez
>having all of your trust and accurate slut detecting abilities crippled by anxiety
Benjamin Ramirez
> gf works at a game store > sage
Leo Morgan
Nah. Kinda fat thighs and ass but flat tummy. High test.
I know this is hard to believe but not all women are whores. Some are picky about the dicks they suck.
Jonathan Perez
Literally how is this politics? go LARP on /v/ or /b/
The male sexual hierarchy is what politics is based on bucko
William Stewart
>he fell for the thicc meme Hope you're not planning on marrying this broad
Kayden Phillips
Greasy fat cornhole with a VPN detected
Adrian Hall
>Feels good to be in the top 20% of male geeks and getting all that geek pussy. Probably rode Tyrone before you. Enjoy your aids and empty wallet.
Lucas Barnes
I'd grab you beta faggots by the scruff of your neck and make you watch me piss on your girls face. Then I'd throw your Nintendo out the window and slap you like a 70s pimp.
Samuel Hughes
>jerks off in sisters panties >can't cum to this fantasy anymore >creates game store girlfriend to climax Can't wait until I tell the guys on the israeli doodle board
It's not impossible faggot. I'm married and have a girlfriend. But you don't because you reek of virginity
David Kelly
As long as she maintains a strict diet, exercises, and keeps her hair mid shoulder length (no sidebuzz bullshit either) you have my blessing OP
Benjamin Ramirez
>girlfriend works as a waitress >shes a 20 year old 9/10 blonde with tight body >rich business type guys come in just to flirt with her >leave massive tips >she comes home to me >I live with her rent free and eat her food
lol, losers.
Caleb Nguyen
post tits or gtfo LARP
Aiden Martinez
Nah, she has shit genetics if she even got into that position to begin with. Just look at her mother, she’s probably obese and disgusting.
Hunter Brooks
Wtf does your fake story has to do with politics ?