Would you guys marry a woman that makes more money than you? Is that embarrassing to Jow Forums?
Would you guys marry a woman that makes more money than you? Is that embarrassing to Jow Forums?
My gf make more money than me and yet im the one paying the bills every month. JUST
Are you dumb?
>Marry millionaire girl
>No prenup
>Stay with her wile it's good
>Talk half her shit
> Would you guys marry a woman that makes more money than you?
> Is that embarrassing to Jow Forums?
No. I am my own man. Just because she makes more doesn't mean i'd be cucked or allow her to talk down to me/rule over me. Respect would be maintained just like any other healthy relationship. If I perceive that her making more than me causes he not to respect me, it'd be over before it even got to the point of marriage.
Please elaborate on your unnecessary suffering user
If I marry her, well then her money is now mine. So I would actually be the one making more.
Short answer is, yes. And it's not embarrassing at all.
Yes, but i wouldn't marry a whore that has fucked half the music industry, that is approaching 30 and has no children, and has the face of a rat.
>Is that embarrassing to Jow Forums?
no, i dont give a shit who earns more
I would marry tay tay in a heart beat.
Thats so unfair dude lol...do something
Wow she wont sleep at night thinkg about your sorry mexican ass bro...lol
Jow Forums only marries virgins, roasties can get BTFO.
Oh boy... you let women walk all over you like that and pretty soon the whole world is gonna let you know what the bottom of their foot tastes like
Stay away from career women in general, they don't make good wives.
How is that even fucking possible with the Wage Gap, you fucking shitlord?
My girl earns slightly more than me in salary, my property rental nets me more though.
We near enough split everything 50/50, regardless.
>this post
Dios mio..
if i get to be a NEET for the rest of my life does it really matter? Also if you have daughters you can just show them how pissy their mother is all the time and turn them off careers.
More money doesn't make my dick any softer. More money doesn't effect the power balance of our relationship. More money makes her feel good about herself, which is good for any guy in a relationship, bitch be happy, you be happy
>from a married dude with a richer wife.
Gf’s family owns a pretty successful business. Feels good man
ay amigo, la cagaste
I want to stay at home and make dinner and have a wife who has to do the work and make all the money
Probably spends it all on shoes and purses
My gf recently moved in to live with me and we never really talked about bills and stuff...Also Im not sure she knows how much I make
I look forward to the day my wife makes more money than me. I've been bringing home the bacon for years.
Sure why not but it's a moot point anyway because most women won't marry a man who makes less than they do.
My gf makes 3x as much as me. She pays for everything. Christmas is especially awesome. She got me a PS4pro and I got her a 50 Euro ring from the christmas market.
that sounds embarrassing user , i hope it's comfy while it lasts though
livin the life
Statistically speaking a wife is more apt to cheat when she makes more and/or is better educated.
What's up bby :*
What kind of crazy bitch is that?
All the girls I've ever been with have been pretty independent-leaning and wishing to support themselves, but all of them also always wanted to split the bill or even buy the round.
I mean what the fuck is wrong with every country but Serbia? Jow Forums repeatedly makes me ask myself this quesiton.
>getting married
Same here.
Yes, but she must have good values. Increased income benefits the family.
It puts her in the position of power, so no.
I've never earned a penny in my life and my wife makes six figures a year. It's great, I'll never have to actually grow up. My only concern is our kids will take after me but somehow they already have realistic career goals which is better than most millennials so whatever.
>t. jeremy meeks
Why would it matter? Having money has nothing to do with masculinity. Marrying a woman that has a bigger dick than you is another story.
Women should not be working. Once a women finds a man, she should devote her life to him and his family (his children and home) while he takes care of her and disciplines her.
I would have nothing wrong with it, but women naturally/biologically/instinctively look down on their man if that's the case, which fucks up the dynamic. Life for the guy would be hell.
>Why would it matter? Having money has nothing to do with masculinity
Yeah. Men have never provided for their families. wtf
Fucking pathetic. Stop doing that.
>being this cucked
Holy shit the state of Britain. You faggots are so fucked.
Does she fuck Akmad while you're on the switch drinking soy?
>Western men aren't becoming feminized
Marriage is betting the other person half your stuff that you will be in love forever.
What's embarrassing about having more money?
Yes I've spent my whole life paying for my family, I'm ready to take the back seat. How do I get her to make the 6 figures?
Ah te mamaste jorjais
Lol i want a gf like this too..
she would have to seeing as though i am 12 year NEET veteran
I think I read somewhere that the breadwinner is less likely to be the one to cheat than the one who's dependent. Allegedly, this is especially true for men who underperform financially.
hola chico
Is she going to expect you to get a job once the kids move out?
Fuck yeah I would
Me on the right
I would, but she wouldn't marry me. I'm not Chad. I do okay but don't make mega bank. Also, not Chad.
Depends on the woman and what she wants in life. Mine loves her career and likes kids so dropping a payload into her is easy to do.
She has friends whom are career women and hate kids, those are the ones to avoid, all mid 30's expecting some younger man to be there for them.
does pol mind giving their money to people who make more money them? like amazon, facebook, government, hollywood?
Mine makes 6 times what I do. I honestly feel like the luckiest soab I know. It's liberated me to study at an adult age. Without her I'd be grinding a pointless dayjob.
Are you Chad?
Nah more shekels the better, right?
No, I'm a bit of a manlet and my main hobby is ccg's. But, I admittedly have an easy time socialising, I think my confidence/humor helped me wheel her in.
Depends on how she is about it. Is it her money or her father's? If her father's, how much of a pain will he be about it?
in what time frame? that shit came into play late in the game. right now you can be rich mumbling some 85 IQ drivel into a microphone. can you explain how that makes you masculine?
i would not marry anyone
goddess feet
Post a picture of a woman then fag. Taylor Swift is a tranny ffs.
>woman that makes money
you're asking a question that isn't your's to answer. the question should be if a woman would be willing to date a man that makes less than her - and the answer to that is, statistically speaking, no she will not.
sure she will date the guy for a while if she finds him attractive and sexy, but the longer the relationship lasts (or the more she matures) she will eventually start to see him as somewhat of a loser and will lose interest and trade up.
That's not the way it works. She'll take half your shit no matter how poor you are.
Learn to sage, fuckwits.
>Being this retarded
If she makes more, she pays the alimony.
Wife makes significantly more than me. Was a problem when she "tested " me by trying to cuck me but I responded well.
Now she's helping me with grad school to avoid paying shekels to a bank so she can be stay at home when I get a new career.
It can be a bad thing foe them to make more money than you if you aren't strong enough.
If she is nice, beautiful, monogamous, yea i'll have any type of relationship of the woman having more power.
But they dont stay nice or monogamous in these situations
so we meet again
I surely wouldn't marry a roastie whore who had over 10 boyfriends no matter how much money she has, but i am sure she can find play boys who will gladly take her money.
>Was a problem when she "tested " me by trying to cuck me but I responded well.
yes - doesnt matter to me. money is not masculine
I did marry a women who makes about 3 times the amount I do, earning close to 200k per year.
I get to be a stay at home dad and raise the kids which is pretty cool because I can raise them how I want and make sure they aren't cucked or jewed by her fragile feminine mind, so I get to read them stories like the Fable of the Ducks and Hens.
You need to make sure they buy you shit and you need to stay in shape though. You need them to understand that there is a power differential in terms of money but I could go and fuck any of the bored house wives who I meet at parks so it keeps her from acting like my boss, because they will do that shit.
Yes, why would it be embarrassing?
she is going to leave you for someone with income and ambition. count on it
So marry someone who has at least twice as much as me.
Eh, both of us make good money now. I'm at 105kCAD, her at 75kCAD. She actually makes the basically wagegap meme of 70 cents to my dollar lol. She knows it's Jewish lies though. She's in the newage corporate world, I'm an electrician. She might eventually make more money than me, since I can probably only make 140k or so working for a company, but I'll be retired by then. Not doing this past 50. Ain't even mad. We both are insane narcissists who get off on saying 'told you so' to people who generally suck at life, especially white people. That's why I love her.
Holy shit selfchekd
Mine makes more than me by a little bit. We both make a lot. Thing is I work about 20 hours less a week. I'll take that any day of the week.
i don't make any money so I couldn't give a fuck
i have a sugar mamma. Just fixed my car to the tune of 5000 bucks and is buying me a food program to get me trimmed down, then we went and bought 3k worth of dress clothes and a 1000 watch.
i won't turn it down.
shes 9 years younger than me too.
Yeah. Being a trophy husband sounds great.
Women all test you. In fact thst a what they do by nature and it never ceases. They don't realize they are testing you half the time.
Literally their entire existence and your relationship is a series of tests.
I did, she's hot as fuck too. When we first met we had roughly the same paying job. Within 5 years she's making 6 figures. I took a job I like and work remote and watch Netflix and beat off on the clock.
Now we're raising white babies. Deal with it.
What makes a woman worth marriage? I want kids but I am 25 and dont see artificial wombs being affordable any time soon
Similar goals and being redpilled about a great many things
Depends. Is she going to share some of this money in a family budget, or keep it all to herself?
Not saying we have to have nothing but joint accounts, but its awful hard to say "your mortgage" or "your utilities" if you want the partnership to last.
Would you guys marry a goat that makes more farts than you? Is that embarrassing to /moham/?