Why do you hate Australians?

Why do you hate Australians?

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oi mate you bloody cunt

it's full of butthurt racist gooks and abos

As fas as that ass goes, no red-blooded man could hate that, surely.

I don't, I have a couple of Aussie cousins and wouldn't mind moving there myself. Solid folks all around.

They are thieves... one of them stole a barb from a perfectly good stingray

As a Tasmanian I can't say I hate them because I never saw any, the "mainlanders" are all asian.

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They're loud and drunk

they are cunts m8

If you save the white south africans, all other white nations must bow when a based aussie enters.

i cant speak for anyone else buy i love the bogans
absolute artists when it comes to banter and shitposting

>Not accepting white genocide refugees.


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i wanna fuck that ass M8!

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Australians are my favorite anglos. Way better than those cucks in Britain.
Would drink and banter with/10

Sad that your not an anglo though, your not even European, by that i mean america isn't white get it?Yeah you better be sad.

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This never fails to put a smile on my face.

Best race on earth. Watch out for those white bastards though.

Literally who?

I don't. I think they are cool.
Hot sluts there too. Not like inbred UK where the women all look like they are missing chromosomes.

Doesn't Dr Doom live there?

>hate australians

no I just hate women and kikes, are you both?

Too soo-
Nah fuck it

>implaying its a bad thing

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I like australia... if I didnt think the sun there would kill me I would move there.

I don't. I plan on stealing one of your women soon and feeding her my mutt genes.

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Yes he does.

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I know I'm hated by a lot of soyboys in California because when I was over there all I had to say was g'day and panties would fly from all different directions. I was pretty much riding a waterslide the entire time. It's the circle of life though, I think californians are just born to be cucked.

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Shut up Hao

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oi cunt gimmie ya lighta

Wiggers and Amerkike cock suckers.
>unironically use terms such as “dude”and “bro”
>Aspire to turn the cuntreee into commiefornia on steroids
>Gay and full of Chinks
Some of your women are fuckable but that’s about it you thick, kangaroo punching cunt

Fair. If you don't go to cities here you'll find a bunch of 90+% white communities here. Any Urban areas are mutt Central though. I am lucky enough to live in northern NY, where it's too cold for niggers to be happy, so I don't see too many.

>To cold for niggers
Explain Detroit and Denver

No hate. Just wish they weren’t such liberal pussies.

I don't know, man. All I know is that there aren't a lot of niggers here, and it's fuckin cold. Though lately (((governor))) Cuomo has been bussing niggers up here from the city to go to the local college, and they've been apeing about

i have nothing against australians only asians

who's the girl?

Love me some Aussies. Legitimately my favorite country, outside of the US.

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i have no reason to hate australians

Perfectass McThighgap

i dont, i love you sick cunts

What kind of sick fuck would draw something like that?

I love strayans
I just wish I had a strayan hapa gf with mad bants

Strayan women are right up there in the degeneracy levels.

Natalie Tran.

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based asian mommy

As an Aussie myself, I hate plenty of other ((Aussies)) especially the (new cunts). Why? Because they aren't fuckin Australian and they generally go out of their way to show us they're not.

Dirty unwashed Austria

Your flag is wrong Chang.

I think attention whoring by posting booty not related to thread makes people hate you more.

It'll change back when I get back ya cunt!

>It'll change back when I get back ya cunt!

>he uses "cunt" correctly as a pejorative as well as a term of endearment.
Must be an auscunt.
wtf are you doing in fucken yuoropoor you stupid cunt?


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no one really thinks anything about Australia, no hate but no love either.

Fuckin oath!
Been asking myself that for a while now actually. Austria is pretty good though, reminds me of what Australia used to be like, fuck all coppas, small(ish) government, everyone cracks jokes about stupid cunts and laughs at them. Even 'left wing' types I meet here are more like our Libs. Not too bad and these good cunts make fuckin nice beer, there's fuck all vegans with their shit cunt restaurants here too. Australia is now infested with that gay shit, soy this, soy that...I just want a fuckin bunnings snag and a can of coke...cheers!

I don't.

The smell is probably the main reason.

god I wanted to fuck her 10 years ago

>I just want a fuckin bunnings snag and a can of coke...cheers!
Hah! Caught you out in your lie cunt.
Only fucken pooftas drink coke at saussie sizzles. Real manly cunts get solo and chug it down fast.
Get home soon and safe ya fucken poofta.


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why are you showing a picture of an ass and ask us why some of us hold you at disdain

If I was at a barby, I'd be drinking beer fuckwit!
Bunnings snags and cokes are for true blue tradies, solo is for cunts who wish they were productive in society.

Hey newfag.

This is why I don't

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Because their clothes don't fit.

Because they are statist slaves who exist to breed Lebs while selling out to China. Oz is like a warmer Canada with even worse gun laws.

who the fuck hates australians?

Cheers mate! Fuck, I've heard it's all going to shit back home. Where are you from? I'll probably go back to the gay (Gold) Coast and plan on moving away from that cunt hole of a place. Is there anywhere left that isn't fucked yet?

Anyway - fuck up cunt.

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I can tolerate Canadians when they wobble their head while talking, I can get along with Americans when they talk shit when drunk and I can almost certainly admire British posh in times of distress. But I have never understood an Australian when he talks. It's like a drunk british chap trying his best to talk to me. Trust me, I've been to many countries.

Cowardly sociopaths and obnoxious extroverts. Like the US but some how worse and with far less to show for it.

Also, you are getting CHINKED pretty fucking hard.

Abbo territory though.
Haha cheers mate. Have a good one. Would definitely throw back some stubbies with ya!

Dry cunt here. Make sure there's some solo or bundy ginger beer in the esky for me m8.

You bloody poofta haha

literally one of the funniest things i've seen on this board. and 've been here a long, long time.


Sick fucker

>he goes OS
>skulls some of the local piss
>gets shitfaced
>goes the streetside technicolour yawn or the dunny-hugging chunder
>all the softcunts in Deutschland2.0 look at HIM like he's a fucken softcunt that can't hold his piss
>the world maymays us as - Aussies are 2can Sams...

Go easy m8. Missus and kids are up.

haveagudweekend and remember the Aerogard.

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I love Australians. Your girls sound like sex. Please remove all niggers/chinks/etc.

Fuck that noise, only puked once on my neighbors front lawn (snow) because the cabbie was a Turk roach and was driving like a fuckin cut cat. Plus, I have fuck all immunity to schnapps, beer and most other spirits are all good, but the schnapps is deadly. Nah,as soon as Austrians find out I'm Aussie they start acting like I'm the sickest cunt ever, we've got a good name OS mate. I've been to many countries and it's the same reception every time.