>have libcuck parents
>they were vehemently opposed to my sister and i owning guns
>this month
>get reports of a voyeur/cat burglar in our neighborhood
>some guy has been going around and looking into peoples windows
>also broke into unlocked homes and cars and stole menial possessions or just upturned anything he could find
>people in our neighborhood made multiple police reports
>police haven't upped their patrols in our neighborhood
>parents tell my sister and i to not worry because our house has an alarm system
>two nights ago
>cat burglar broke into someone's house down the street and tried to rape some teenage girl who was home alone
>girl called 911 when she noticed him trying to break into her home
>burglar was eventually scared off after the girl's brother came home
>police finally arrive half an hour minutes after the guy had fled (probably 45 minutes after she made the 911 call)
>parents are trying to rationalize the slow police times
>t-they were probably busy
>their slow response was a one off you guys
>they're going to be faster next time
>sister insists that if it was our house that was broken into she would have just shot the guy, giving our neighborhood peace of mind
>parents were actually dumbfounded my sister would shoot someone who was trying to rape her
>they thought shooting some EAR/ONS wanabee was "too violent"
is there any hope for my parents?
Have libcuck parents
>have libcuck parents
stopped reading there, see
wheres your shark?
No, there is no hope for your parents. You and your sister show there is hope for the future.
No hope until something happens to them. They will either see you and your sister's point of view or double down and keep thier safety as someone else's responsibility. Till then they'll stay complacent.
No hope, sorry user.
People who lack the conviction to defend themselves deserve to be victims.
Hire someone to break into your parent’s house so they’ll understand how it feels.
If the day comes where you cucks have won, I HOPE that you'll get culturally enriched by a pack of feral niggers, your family raped, tortured and finally necklaced by them.
Make a blood pact with your sister and kill your parents. It's the only way to be safe.
No, even if every gun disappears tomorrow I'll still be there with a pipe shotgun to kill the daughter and rape your dog.
>Be chicagofag
>Living on Southside (47th and western)
>Aside from gangbangers, have to deal with coked up Paisas that get their fix from a shady af bar a few blocks away.
>Plus swagged out niggers on 55th.
>Go thru the headache that is memorizing city laws and etc for a used Taurus 9mm.
>Parents are libtarded to an unbelievable extreme.
>After telling them about my new fun ( which is secured in a locked case unloaded) they flip.
>They give me an ultimatum, it's me or the gun.
My response was simply to tell them that while I always value family over material items, the basic fact that I need to be threatened over legal ownership of a firearm represented a disconnect between their values and their political beliefs, and that until such time that they can rationalize it like an adult would I need to find another place to live.
>House gets broken in to not a week after I left.
So, sharkboy, you finally got a warning for avatarfagging , or what?
Your parents have been brainwashed to be fine with their spawn being in harms way. Clearly, their natural instincts built in since the beginning of the primate order's inception have worn off. There is no hope. Your parents are literally brain damaged. And when I say "literally", I mean literally.
>broke into unlocked homes
Don't leave your house unlocked like a retard to begin with?
Locks are racist.
Designed to only keep blacks out of your home.
Yes, user. As the man of the house now it's your duty to break in, beat up your mother, and rape your dad.
Seems like us reporting him for avatarfagging every time he shows up finally accomplished something. Now if only there was some rule for banning people for being... whatever the fuck word conveys how much of a worthless shit stain he is.
when you mother and sister gets raped in front of your father, he might grow some balls... might
>pic kinda related
M8 that's nothing
Tyrone and his buddy Muhammad actually broke into my parents' house. They were fucking incompetents and my dad and brother are bigguys4u so they were stopped until the cops arrived but every time I mention having a gun would've been much simpler they try to call me out as some kind of nazi murderer.
>Have guns
>Live with people who hate guns
>Sometimes argue about guns with them
>One day some shit happens locally and scares them
>Get text
>Pic related
>House gets broken into
Its poetic justice
Have your sister challenge them by saying " so you prefer i grt raped instead of defending myself!?" Then have her play the sexist and feminist card on her parents because they're being sexist, racist nazi assholes for thinking that a girl should just be raped instead of protecting herself.
Did it with my own family and even hired a friend to break into our home and try to "rape" me which perfectly worked. My parents been apologizing to me and i got to sue my own family for not allowing me to defend myself and moved out once i won the money from the case abd split it with my buddy. Gotta think outside the box Jow Forums :^)
>have a friend to break into your home and rape you to prove your point
I wish i have a friend like that.
Where's this street? 45 minute response time gives me 43 minutes to flee after a rape.
Fuuuuck this is gold. Imagine how much points you get on your side if you had a friend that would break into your home and rape you just to see the looks on your own family's face when it is their fault they let that happen because they denied your right to defend yourself.
Fuck we should do this guys! Quick get each other's phonenumbers and set up rape times to fight back liberal families!!!
I'll rape you user.
Why are you hanging around for almost 2 minutes after you finish?
Ah yes, I'll take "things that never happened" for 400, Alex
>he actually believes there are no best friends that would help you in troubling needs to show your family they are wrong by having him break into your house at night and rape you to prove your point against your dumb family and then sue and win money and split the cash with your best friend.
I'm sorry you never had a friend anonm
Can you please start tripping so I can hide your posts?
the weak should fear the strong
>whatever the fuck word conveys how much of a worthless shit stain he is.
autistic fuckwit?
future rape victim
Guy in your pic is a faggot, if letting a bad guy mow down his family gives him a clean conscience he's despicable.
I can understand not wanting to kill someone to save your own life. Fine. I would do it, but I can understand why some people could have trouble with it.
If you can't kill to defend your loved ones, however, you are a terrible fucking person.
Also lemme slide into your sis's DM's boyo
Find copy of parent's will; leave their back door unlocked.....
Actually a good idea
It is really telling that he doesn't even for a second consider what will happen to his family after he makes his "heroic" sacrifice. Whether or not the murderer will continue to rape and kill his wife and children after he's finished with him isn't even considered. All that matters is that he gets one final dopamine release before he's gone. Imagine being married to this worm.
Thats why i have 2 on every door and window
Would've been better if they broke into your parents house and raped your mom in front of you dad. Then maybe he'd have some balls. But good on you, user.
This does not belong here...
Nothing in this post is related to weapons.
Take it to .
>is there any hope for my parents?
You've already been banned once today and had your shitposts mass deleted. Learn your lesson, faggot.
No one reply to the avatar fag.
At least he talked them down before they killed him and raped his mother.
Avatar fagging is also against the rules. Oh wait since we keep reporting you you had to stop.
Kys faggot.
>I'll just talk down the violent criminal and get him to go away and leave me alone, just like using the Speech skill in Fallout :)
Wasted trips
Fudd Libcuck mad about the Jow Forumsonization of Jow Forums
There's no hope for them. A clear danger has been presented to them and they'd rather be victims than face the responsibilty of having to defend themselves and their children. It's their choice of course, but just take this as a lesson that your parents aren't perfect. It's a lesson everyone learns at some point.
Did the girl get raped or not? You weren't clear enough OP
>he believes random shit from a random person from a random place on the internet
Hey user did you know Im an alien from outer space?
As far as I know she did not actually get raped
whoa ... it's nothing then
Holy shit your an alien!? Fucking awesome which planet did you come from!?
Tell them both that if your mother gets raped by a pack of feral niggers it would be her fault. No more being nice.
>all these people wanting others to be raped
So, Jow Forums is the actual niggers all along
Jesus, what a fag.
Its less
>brutally gangraped by HIV infrsted nigs and left to bleed out
And more
>raped by a cock too small to do any real damage while simultaneously being forced to orgasm
anybody can change their minds about guns. here's my journey
>be super librul all through hs
>conservative parents but i was the rebel
>father owns a couple of handguns but hasn't fire them in decades. didn't grow up with guns
>only gun exposure was a bb gun
>jon stewart is right about everything
>wish i was a year older so i could vote for john kerry
>remember making a post on a forum i went to that guns should be the hardest thing in the world to get a hold of
>fast forward to early 20s
>friend invites me to stay for dinner
>we goto store to get meat
>come back, he removes g17 from wasteband holster
>he can tell i'm uneasy and little freaked out
>him and his room mate invites me to the range next weekend
>rent at the range a couple of times
>eventually buy one and get ccw license
>start posting on Jow Forums
>you guys are fucking crazy paranoid cuckservatives, noody is coming for your guns
>gun control is about keeping criminals from getting them
>sandy vagina happens
>get to see what gun control is really about
>false information about guns, demanding bans based on aesthetic choices
>learn real gun statistics from Jow Forums
>learn about chicago
>begin to wake up to how much of a sham gun control is
there is hope. invite libs to go shooting. teach them safety, have a good time. some of them will come around.
Absolutely no, op your parents can fuck off. Regards no 2a in my country
He tried to rape her from outside the house? But desu he was trying to break in. This doesn’t add up
>see someone trying to break into your house
>call 911
>guy successfully breaks in
>tries to rape you
and the last memory the kids have of their father is that he died begging and crying like a little bitch
same here. During the florida hurricane in 2015 my wife came to apprecaite my guns when a gentleman tried to "rummage" in what he thought was an "empty house dude!" he left as quickly as he tried to enter.
You have faggot dipshit parents. Sorry.
He has a nice chat with the victim and their family, has some coffee, and then leaves before the police show up.
Why is everyone giving this guy shit?
The only person that has a duty to protect you is yourself.
its painfully obvious hes a shill, been posting the same shit every goddamn thread
>virgin date rapist
>finishes in 2 minutes
>has to drug girl because he’s too weak to hold her down
>runs when the cops come
>cries later
>can’t even impregnate victim
>chad forcible rapist
>finishes after an hour and a half
>holds down multiple girls to rape at once
>rapes the cops when they show up
>boasts about rape count
>rape victims orgasm multiple times
Pic related