Laura Ingraham Witchhunt


She will either Jump ship like Megyn Kelly or be heavily policed and crippled by this.
Or she might lose her entire career.


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Other urls found in this thread:

anyone with a brain can tell this brainlet isn't organizing this shit
there are experienced SJW social media boycotters behind him

The point is, it's working.
These people are so incredibly gullible.
Good to know what we are up against.
They don't react to reason anymore.

Give it a few more years and that lynch mob will target you because you have a gun and white skin.

I'm not even joking.

I keep saying what is happening in South Africa is soon going to be happening all over the world.

Terrorism, pure and simple. Using threats to acheive a political agenda.

Someone needs to get shoved into a locker.

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Jealous inducing huh? How's it feel to know a superior being has single handedly destroyed president Dump and his band of merry alt-shitters?

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I wish Laura hadn't cucked and apologized to this little shitbag.

if it goes hot and a civil war is fought along racial/ethnic lines, there is one group which takes priority over all others.

DId she react to this yet? I hope she stands her ground. This fucking little faggot needs to be stopped.

All laura ingram fans have to do is boycott the companies that boycott her. EZ get it memed

The solution to when anyone in the public is asked about something Hogg says is.... "who?"

And, when pressed, say "oh, is that the kid that's Emma's sidekick?"

Hogg has a horrible ego. It's driving him nuts that she's more popular.

If she's the least bit smart she'll just say fuck it and go all out tonight. Needs to withdraw whatever sorry ass apology she gave and call the little fag out and all his bullshit.
Otherwise, you're right she won't last much longer.
O'Riley is due a comeback anyways. Could be best in the long run.

my 6 100-round gun drums will be ready for them when they try

What did she do?

If boycotts are now terrorism then conservatives better stop doing it too anytime a company pisses them off for not having the right kind of xmas coffee cup.

>Give it a few more years and that lynch mob will target you because you have a gun and white skin.
That's how democracy works. See

>boomer neocon vs millennial liberal
Whoever loses, we win

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The Jews are trying to make this kid the face of a movement and untouchable at the same time.

she cucked and apologized...

I'm totally out the loop. Someone greentext what is happening.

>neo con fox news host makes fun of liberal millennial who survived the daily design school shooting
>Comes under fire because of it
>Stands down and apologizes
>Now her advertisers are Pulling out

>Ingraham Fox News host with 9PM E primetime show
>tweets criticism of Hogg for complaining about not being accepted to colleges
>Hogg responds with list of Ingraham's top 12 advertisers calling for boycott
>advertisers start to cut ties with Ingraham's show
>Ingraham cucks and tweets apology

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Ingraham is a heartless bully.

Told him to grow up

She is a failed journalist, a failed celebrity, a failed mother, a failed human being.

tripadvisor.. good. craigslist personals are gone and the way they advertise it looks like a way for old guys to fuck thots on the dl....

nestle is trash chocolate.. except butterfinger..
and nesquick.... everything nestle does is trash anyway...

and wayfair has one of the most negrified clown music commercials i ever heard in my life...
even sounds like some shit ghetto youth would use.

"Ingraham Angles" are nothing but half-assed and garbled, recycled talking points about "elites" oppressing "heartland Americans".

"heartland Americans" need to fucking realize they can't rely on being "American" as an excuse to be lazy and wasteful.

Tinfoil hat time
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel
propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

This is why you never apologize especially when you're in the right.

Why "we" don't call these companies as well, and tell them if they bend to Hogg "we" will boycott them?
I'm not Ingram's fan, but it fucks me up when these companies start getting into politics, or trying to be fucking SJWs.

short wayfair

She probably shouldn't have attacked him directly but criticized the news networks for elevating him.

Leave the attacks to Jow Forums.

There's a reason why this little shit hasn't gotten accepted to college. Now, like a literal bitch, he's trying to make a name and profit from destroying others

>Pick a college
>write to college to not accept Hogg

You suddenly had all these links and responded in less than 10 five seconds of my post.

You're a bot.

not apologizing makes you look like deplorable reject.

then all you have around you are deplorable rejects. like the unite the right rally.

Smells like Roseanne's cookies.

I have the links saved you dumb kike


All she did was say that he was whining about not getting into college. The kid thinks anyone who isn't actively trying to suck his dick is the enemy.

apologizing is a powerful tool to regain your credibility.

He was accepted by several colleges but there were 4-5 that turned him down.

Don't you read?

When will people stop caving to the lynch mob? Not only do they encourage the mob to keep going, but you're weakening yourself and losing the wider culture war.

Companies need to realize there is a war going on and will soon need to take sides.


apologizing shows you are owning up to your errors and that you are not perfect.

if you pretend that you are perfect, you basically smell like shit all the time.

as Hogg says "I call B.S."

He should accept apology, though. Not doing so, makes him incredible cunt.

Her while schtick is aggressive bullying. It's pretty hilarious desu

Ayy breh you played Vermintide 2 yet?

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She said nothing wrong. At. All. His grades are nowhere near enough to get into the colleges of his choice. Complaining that they're rejecting him is asinine.

Here the thing. If one Dylan Roof type was assaulted and defended his 2nd amendment right and no one else followed that hurts the movement more than inactivity because the media will go with the one off and use it to push their agenda. The Bundy Ranch incident was an example of this IRL I think that incident was justified by them but because no one else stood up it got labeled the way it did. When the time comes you need more than one groups of people willing to defend their rights. This is the nut people have to crack it's very hard to inspire anyone anymore to do something that is hard. Oh everyone will retweet shit but how many people can honestly say they are willing to have a shoot out with ATF agents when the time comes to remove the 2nd amendment and your guns. The more you normalize something the more you attract to your side but you need those intital pinoneers to set the standard. My point it as it stands now there is tough talk but if the government came and tried to take our guns away it would sadly be a mostly peaceful and passive gun grabbing because people are too pussyfied today.

It doesn't make you look like shit especially when you reinforce why you're in the right. This little faggot has a shitty spoiled mentality fitting of a rich silver spoon fed delusional fucboi. No one from his generation elected him as their spokes person but he feels the need to rant about what the world around him needs to do to get their act together. Fucking retard can't even get into basic FL colleges and he's lecturing others on his perception of their stupidity. Meanwhile, not a single one of his arguments have any logic. He wants to pipe up and speak like an adult then he'll get treated like one. He's a graduating highschool scenario. This fuck nigga isn't a kid. He's a mouthy ass young adult who is delusional.

Maybe you white cucks need a based black person as your spokesperson so you can get this retarded ass country back on track. So yeah, no way in fuck i'd apologize to this fuck face faggot. He's a dumb mouthy little bitch who needs to be put in his place. Obviously something his white parents never did thus why he's an insufferable little shit who can't get into college.

TWEET THAT TO HIM.. If anything, this bitch should apologize to this nation for destroying what little conception of intelligence we have left.

why do these companies cave? No one is going to stop using their products for such a forgettable reason.

When are Conservatives gonna learn that Liberals don't care about your pathetic apologies. It only shows weakness. If every conservative acted like Trump, liberals would have no power.

She already folded like every other cuckservative does. She learned nothing from Trump.

Fuck that shit. Never apologize to some fuck face whose in the wrong. If he claims he's a kid then he needs to stay in a kid's fucking place. If he claims otherwise, then he just got put in his place like an adult. There is nothing to apologize. He's an insufferable little shit stirring cunt that any sensible admissions department rejected. Maybe if his parents told him that earlier on in life he wouldn't be in his current predicament. What's wrong about this statement? WTF would an adult in the right apologize to this shit for? No wonder white anons are getting stepped on like a doorstep.

Which ones were those? Local community colleges?

Seriously. The ONLY reason why Hogg has so much influence is because these idiots let him. If Laura simply replied that she will stand behind what she said just like David will stand by what he says, and that if those sponsors don't believe in the first and second amendment and American values as much as Laura does, then she hopes that those companies will remove themselves as sponsors, and that if any of them do remove themselves, she'll post them on her twitter to let everyone know what companies align themselves politically with an uninformed "child" (his words, not hers)

These people need to seriously research public persuasion. Sure as hell seems like David's handlers have.

>but it fucks me up when these companies start getting into politics, or trying to be fucking SJWs.
Technically, them pulling out of advertising is them getting OUT of politics. Part of the reason mainstream news is so ineffective is they will NEVER attack big advertisers like pharma/oil.

People are afraid of losing their jobs. The most effective thing the left is doing by far is trying to be people fired from their jobs. This is why so many conservatives are quiet, but will still vote r in the voting booths.

What's the error? He's a stupid obnoxious faggot who has delusional conceieted conceptions of the world likely because he was raised like a spoiled spoon fed faggot. He's stiring up bullshit in our nation under false premise and is a hyprocrite. What is wrong about this? Why should a fucking adult apologize for telling a kid like it is? if that's what he claims he is. It's called parenting which his obviously seemed incapable of.

Exactly, he's a spoiled delusional fucking retard. Any responsible adult would tell him this so he can grow the fuck up and normalize. wtf should someone apologize for being the parent his obviously aren't.

this kid is going hard
>Breaking News: Parkland student and activist David Hogg found dead

^exactly. If you need some base blacks to speek up for you guys, let us know. I can't believe how whites are folding lately. If you're in the right, fuck everything else.

I agree, the tweet was pretty tame.

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THEN START YOUR OWN COMPANIES AND DONT HIRE A BUNCH OF FUCKING JUDGEMENTAL FAGGOTS. You empower these fucking retard and then REEE About muh jobs. I'm black and i'd hire a number of people getting prosecuted by white liberals? Why wouldn't I want an employee capable of understanding the truth and isn't afraid to say it?

She most likely was forced by Fox to apologize to this fucking fag. But I agree I'm sick of "republicans", companies, and society as a whole bending over for whiny liberals on an almost daily basis. This is why they act the way they do because they get their fucking way eventually

that's waht you get for picking on a little boy

Yes, this is exactly what the Brock's minions do. They tried it with Hannity about 6 months ago.

What did she even say?

all respect for her lost
people who wont stick to their guns (pun intended) are not worth following or listing to.

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>forced by Fox to apologize

When you look up Rupert Murdoch's family tree and figure out his mother's name was (((Greene)))

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Start your own media outlet then.
Start your own hosting site.
Wtf do people keep sitting back acting like they have no options? You bend over with a fuck me sign sticking out of your asshole and wonder why you're getting fucked...

Take some fucking personal responsibility and be the change you want to be in the world. If all she wants to do is collect a fat corporate paycheck while folding to bullshit, that's all she has to say. However, if you claim you are a reporter and are trying to elevate the truth, with all the money she has.. Go out and make that your mission in life. Stop bullshiting. Everyone REEs about disinformation and how the truth is nowhere to be found but caves the minute shekels are on the line... even though you have tons banked and a safety net. Essentially you don't stand for shit but the might dollar just like everyone else.

Ingraham could also start bringing on conservative "survivors" and see if the left attacks them.


Little kids stay in a kids place : Shut your fucking mouth because you dont know shit about the world because you haven't experienced a dam thing to validate your idiot brain conceptions. How do you expect the world to perceive you as a nation when you're folding to stupid fucking kids?

/thread. Grow a backbone or go sit the fuck down some where

Haha what the fuck? That's it? T
Really, that's it?

I think it's time for Fox to call CNN out on using this kid as their sock puppet. This is an orchestrated attack on Fox's revenue by CNN.

>Instead of colonizing Mars and subsequently conquering the galaxy, humanity's fate is a complete shitskin takeover by 2100 resulting in extinction from WWIII: Sticks and Stones Edition.

Silence is gonna be the death of the party. Letting Liberals walk all over them. Trump somehow manage to prolong their death by emboldening Conservatives, but after his 2nd term the party is over.

never give appeasement to left wing faggots. fuck Laura too for being a spineless coward. cucked Republicans need to be removed as they seek approval from left wing faggots.

Think so, she was totally right. He was tweeting about eating a muffin every time he got a college rejection.

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Apologizing when there are no errors but to appease nigger faggots. Kill yourself

Go look at her apology tweet. Look at the anger from the left. We talk about hate in this society, but that's hate. The left is disgusting.

Wow seems super organic and normal. Just some nobody high schooler who happened to survive a school shooting. Nothing to see here folks.

Run on sentence from hogg. He is truly a bad writer.

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The free market is fixing America's complete disaster which is the media.

Here’s what needs to happen.
>young girl approaches Hogg
>flirts with him
>gets him back to a room
>jacks him off over her clothes
>goes to police and media after and cries rape

This will fix this problem instantly

Isnt what he is doing illegal? He is conspiring against her

My God the level of psychopathy coming from this kid. A grown adult being bullied by a high school failure. One mother fucking kid is getting companies to back down, and she is bowing to him now.

It's amazing how much white anons talk shit on here but whites never do shit or speak the unbounded truth in public.. Always getting cucked in some fashion especially when shekels are involved. But claim they have high IQs and are based and are versed on the jew. Meanwhile, the vast majority of them are slaves to the jew. It shows every time their challenged and have skin in the game, fold like a bunch of spineless cowards and let the destruction and idiocy go on unabated.

Companies don't give a fuck about anyone or anything but money, user. That advertising money has one purpose: to pay for itself. If it fails to do that than it will cease to exist. Capitalism is a popularity contest first and foremost.

what happened (((FOX)))? just a week ago you were doing so well..

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He's just the puppet. I guarantee this is Brock and his goons.

Just stop being on Twitter.

People overestimate Twitter usage a lot. 90% of the countries don't even have an account.

If u bow to smug 17yo attention whores, you can blame yourself only.

And whites do nothing about it which is exactly why the majority of dumb fucking liberals are white. Spineless cucks

>Why don't we counter-boycott
Because you won't. You don't actually have the attention span or give enough of a fuck to follow through.

I do. It's amazing what you can say when you frame it the right way.

Why haven't any of his classmates beat the shit out of him yet? Surely the popular students hate seeing the annoying theater fag get all the attention