>Saturday April 14th
>1pm local time
>Your state capitol
Old thread nearing limit
Rally at the Capitols
Other urls found in this thread:
AZ reporting in again
Don't think I got any hits the other day, anybody wanna get a group going?
Where my New Hampshiremen at?
W. Leb here, send help!
epping here, feels good man
First Post should really list the exact time/link to the Rally organizers..
What is the exact time for the rally? I might be able to get off work early and go.
Are any Charlotte NC fags going? I'd prefer to carpool if possible since Raleigh is a fucking hike.
Why the fuck are you saging??
I’m probably wasting my time but any NYC Jow Forumsommandos here?
Im the keener from last thread
Hey there's at least 3 here, is this thing happening?
NJ checking in
Fuck off, commie subversion shark
>pro-gun demonstration
>I have a job and prior obligations, like most responsible citizens
I guess this is why there are fewer pro-gun rallies.
I think it’s actually 1:00pm CST. Here’s my longpost from the previous thread:
I’m going to tell you right now to avoid making protest signs with any big-brained facts on them like crime statistics or whatnot. Liberals and fence-sitters don’t care about those, or they’d already be on our side. If doesn’t matter if fists technically kill more people than AR-15s when everyone would rather have his or her child’s school attacked by an unarmed man than a guy with an AR. Normies care about the big, scary events like terrorist attacks and mass shootings, even though they are statistically insignificant. I think the most powerful arguments we have right now are that the anti-gunners won’t stop at ARs, and once the 2nd Amendment goes, the 1st Amendment is next. The liberals have overplayed their hand, and are openly calling for a repeal of the 2nd Amendment and mandatory disarmament. One of the biggest reasons they were successful with gun control in the past is that they were able to convince the fudds and brainlets that they only wanted to ban the “dangerous and unnecessary” guns. Now they’re getting tired of using incrementalism, and are openly saying what we’ve known their true intentions were all along. Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake, and don’t fall for their bait by making implied threats or memeing about how the 2nd Amendment is to overthrow the next Hitler or whatever. The edgiest, most violent picket signs are going to be the ones plastered all over social media so the left can say, “SEE?! These gun nuts are dangerous! We need to disarm them!” Also, normies don’t believe that 2A supporters will ever fight, let alone win, a guerilla war in the United States. They are far too comfortable in their bubbles to entertain that idea. You’ll simply come off as paranoid, and that you value your Rambo fantasies over the safety of muh chilluns.
>no one cared who i was until i put on the mask
epping here, fuck it ill go i got weekends off.
I'm down for Illinois. Already live in Springfield and there's a 95% chance I'm off.
Left sage on after saging another thread right before this one, that's all
That’s what I figured, just wanted to be sure you weren’t working with sharkboy and lagoblina girl.
Albany so no just sone rock people
I'm in Huntersville and I plan on going
>capitol is 6hr away
Guess I'll go to the town courthouse
You out West?
Last time we said this was going to happen no one fucking showed up, can we get better advertising, especially for Massachusetts.
>no one showed up
>in Massachusetts
Move to an uncucked state.
Is this just a Jow Forums thing, or do other people actually know about it? I don't want to look like a retard if I end up being the only one there.
>take advice from Jow Forums
>show up at state capitol with k made protest shit
>only person there
>immediately swarmed by Antifascists that know how racist k is that have been lying in wait for weeks
Yeah, no thanks. K doesn't have a good track record of keeping their own out of trouble.
Anyone in Nashville gonna rally up? Im not going if im gonna be alone.
Blantant shill
>Not pulling up and wandering around checking for large crowds before pulling out your protest shit
>>immediately swarmed by Antifascists that know how racist k is that have been lying in wait for weeks
>>Antifascists that know how racist k is
>>know how racist k is
Looks like we got a shill on their first day of training.
Look friends, I know its an exciting time, theres uncertainty about our rights with this 24 hour new spin really cracking up the bullshit, but you know, as I know, that absolutely no one will show up to a progun rally. Its not because they've been convinced by the libs, its also not because they're ambivalent about their 2nd amendment rights, its because conservatives are all employed, and have better things to do. In shitlib states, they could lose friends/their job for showing up sure, but the real reason we don't get the same social party atmosphere thrill out of protesting that shitlibs do, is because we're busy and not retarded.
>astroturfing this hard
I see through you, faggot.
I plan to go, but I’d like to wait and see if any of the major YouTubers advertise it so we’ll know it’s legit. Hickok45 went to the one in Nashville back in 2012 after Sandy Vagina.
I would if I could. Also don't forget, united we stand, divided we fall, if you don't help mass we won't help you when your politians push for banning AR's and 30 round mags.
Kansas gang checking in
I'm gonna try to make it
anyone in cali going?
Lets say I am astroturfing, was anything I said untrue? Why did it surprise everyone when Trump was elected? Or when Brexit happened? Conservatives don't participate in phone surveys, they don't bring their political bullshit into the work place, they don't get on tv and throw fits. The party of "leave me alone" is really unlikely to waste a day off dicking around. They'll just go and vote when the time comes.
I'm gonna try and go, anyone else from Missouri gonna be there?
North country here. I might swing by depending on the level of retardation I happen to see. At minimum I'll drive by & honk in support.
The Concord Gun show is the sameweekend, so might be an opportunity to buy something new and interesting.
>Concord Gun show is the same weekend
They got a Facebook? We could share this and do it up big! This is a great opportunity, boys!
>the "leave me alone" party
>one obnoxious orange boy is enough to excite them into fits
>protrump rallies literally lead to dems seeking blood
>trying to poison a progun movement before it even takes off
Either way, you're a shitheel. Get the right fired up and nothing will stop us. Liberals will take first blood and it will all be over. Quit trying to shut this down.
This is the info I have.
If you nerds show up to the gun show I'll def come over & say hi.
(I've already been blowing the phone lines of our representatives as I deem necessary re: gun control, and having organized a fair bit of protests in my day I'm not necessarily keen on one where my local unsafe at any range threepers might show up)
Alright, meme arrows it is
>Trump excites conservatives into fits
Excited by Trump, or the anti-establishment potential? Also never trumpers, more moderate conservatives, and the religious right weren't in fits
>Dems seeking blood
Anytime conservatives do anything
>trying to poison the movement
I'm not saying that we shouldn't go protest, or that theres no need to protest, only that by and large we're not gonna go protest. I would like it if we did, but we're not gonna. I am also saying that we will go out to vote, so a poor turnout at a protest won't be a signal of how the voting turnout will be
>You're a shitheel
I'm in Tucson and I'm willing to drive a carpool.
It's on a Saturday and still two weeks away, so whatever. It sounds like you're just making up excuses.
Sorry bros, gonna be on vacation with my gf on that day.
I'll be there in spirit
Pretty sure the last Jow Forums poster to do this kind of shit got arrested at a protest or something.
Cop thread.
I've got a wedding, unfortunately.
Fuck I don’t want to go to Albany
That was a tripfag that went to a BLM protest, riled the chimps up, got chased and opened fire. Bit different than "hey we wanna preserve our rights", this exact same format of protest happened five years ago after Sandy Hook.
614 ohio here bois, hope to see a few
I'm in CoMo and considering it.
Does anyone in New York wanna carpool? I'm in Poughkeepsie.
Reporting from Bedford, shit's cloudy as fuck today.
This does not belong here...
Nothing in this post is related to weapons.
Take it to .
Please don't. Then the protests are going to be filled with fucking nazis and that'll just give our enemies ammunition.
Avatarfag get out
Look like I'm going. This fucker doesn't have work.
He's been banned once today and his posts were mass deleted. Report and move on.
Every fucking time.... Fuck off.
Protip: Our enemies have been calling us nazis since forever and will continue to do so.
There is a difference when you are chatting "Jews will not replace us".
Let's keep Jow Forums out of this one. I won't be surprised if they would like to take our guns away if they got into true power.
Heyo, another one! I’d be willing to hand out flyers at the fun show in town that morning to get people over there.
I will make a thread for NH as we get closer to the date.
I was so pissed when they did that. Leave muh fuckin agrarian rebels out of your gross Germanic authoritarian larping, weirdos.
Good idea, I'm kind of forgetful so having a reminder could be nice.
Seacoast fag reporting in
i thought Jow Forums hated Jow Forums so why do you act just like us
Fuck Jow Forums
All of us in/k/ hate you.
yeah we all know how much you fags like your niggers and hispanics and your guns but you don't have to be a sperg about it