What the hell is wrong with women?

What the hell is wrong with women?

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Stop being jealous of Chad

Civilization is emasculating, women are redpilled.

What the hell is wrong with his lawyer

i wonder what the love letters are saying honestly

theyre sending them to the mutt? or that hogg kid?

the mutt

Are you serious? What the fuck is wrong with women?

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They want the mutts money
So do the lawyers
Jeez y'all slow



>lawyers refuse to show him
What a bunch of cockblockers


>weird kid revenge
I wonder...

i remember this happening with some half nigger half white dude awhile back. did some crime and when his mugshot was released women had collective orgasms. his eyes where "dreamy."


Women get wet for violent men,
it was known throughout history until recent decades where women have been painted as sugar and spice.

that is why female sexuality must be controlled, it will destroy civilisation,

See women cheering for muslim killers to be left into eu.

Boston Marathon bombing, he was a Chechen

Women are barely human. They can’t funtion normally without a mans guidance. We need to take their voting rights away.

“Please freeze your sperm before they execute you because I want some alpha chad boys”

Girls know the men of this country need to take action. So when one does they show praise.

That's not who he's talking about

serpent seed

women only respect brutality, violence and rape

ah, another sign that the decline is real.

>on the internet
Violation of Rule #37

nothing, they know a hero when they see one.

i believe he's referring to this guy.

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those lawyers are fags


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‘Hot Felon’ Jeremy Meeks ... managed to land some billionaire’s daughter and get her pregnant.

No you idiot its Jeremy Meeks


Can you elaborate pls?

I'd fuck him

oh yes, the soon to be billionaire

He was a hero. He killed lots of jews.

youre a degenerate who cheats on his wife. rapes people. owns brothels. is a refugee anchor baby. supports a jew faggot hitler filled with faggot symbolism. and tells these whores they remind you of your daughter. what a faggot

She's jealous.

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You have a point. Downtrodden man has to fight, when modern soyboy chooses to live on the knees in comfort, it is sign of complete and total emasculation. Any Elliot style shooter, no matter how beta or fucked in a head he can be, proves that in the end he choose his pride over his life, and by that virtue alone he can be seen above most modern "men", and women see that too.

>and his lawyers refuse to show them to him
The virgin cock block

The Chad school shooter.

Attached: nikolas-cruz-the-chad-school-shooter.jpg (291x294, 21K)

What the hell is wrong with the lawyers?
Just show the kid already, it's not like he is getting out.

This stuff:

and knocked up a billionaires daughter. Living the dream. Conned his way to the top

A man that takes charge if a situation, whether right or wrong, makes girls wet. That's the fact

lions kill the rival's cubs before mating

Lawyers cockblocking.

Women love serial killers and terrorists, probably because it's primal alpha type shit. If McVeigh had somehow gotten a mistrial instead of the needle he almost certainly would have ended up as a net contributor to the human population despite starting in the red.

Since when is it legal for prisons to intercept and withhold a prisoner’s mail? Unless it contains contraband or is criminal communication, I thought people held in prison were entitled to receive mail?

(((Their))) reason is that he's on suicide watch

his lawyers are against his interests, that doesn't make any sense

IKR, They should all be on Anders Breivik's dick

Fucking roastie, of course. A man lawyer would never cockblock his client.

>Public defender Howard Finkelstein said he's worried 'every day' boys and girls are starting to view Cruz in 'an elevated way'

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Unironically this.
Redpill: Women know niggers are ugly, but the nogs are just too stupid for entry level soy so they seem hypermasculine by comparison to other men
Modern women are oversexualizing themselves for this reason actually
>Less available men (who act masculine)
>hype up sexuality and femininity to compensate