This land is my land

America is our country now. America is about people coming here for a better life however they can legally or illegally and if you have a problem with that you're un-American.

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Until you tear off your arab skin from your faces, you will never be american. I don't care about your culture, I care about presentation, and it looks bad on tv when a bunch of hook nose sand niggers are running about in disneyland. bad for tourism, very very bad!

>America is about people coming here for a better life however they can legally or illegally and if you have a problem with that you're un-American.

reminder we enslaved niggers for like a 100 years and still didn't give them equal rights for another 50

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We're not some disgusting Arab trash you stupid racist fuck. We're Mexican.

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if you are illegally you need to go back

No. California is protecting us because they're real Americans and soon we'll turn the rest of the country into real Americans too. I love this country.

>America is about people coming here for a better life

Um sweetie you forgot an important detail..... it's about WHITE people coming to America for a better life..... You have to go back

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No you're not! Saul Alvarez is a mexican. You are sand jawas

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And you're even uglier than arabs. hahaha.

Daily reminder that the north America is Eden and you'll be Manifest Destiny'd for interloping. Whites are the Adamic keepers of the garden, fuck with God if you want but don't cry when you're shoah'd.

And despite all that America continues to become less white by the day. Majority of whites in this country are elderly, what do you this this country is going to look like once they die off? Face it the land is for us it has always been for us and you are being replaced because you don't belong here. Keep this in mind leaf, once we're done with America we come for Canada next.

God doesn't exist.

Lmao who else but a pissed off God could make a people as ugly as Mexicans. It's a curse, and it's mentioned in the Bible. You want what the Amerindians got? That's what you're going to get.

t. Southwest spic

We are talking about a no borders scenario, then the US military should enter Mexico and go full Duterte on the narcos. Mexicans that are against this are worthless.

And who is going to do it? 99% of Americans white or otherwise hate you.

*blocks your ammo purchase*

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"99% of Americans"

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Mexicans should let rich white liberals from US buy up all of the coastal real estate in Mexico. No borders is a double edged sword. Equity yall

White Americans are going to chimp out harder than Nazis did with Jews and hand your ass back to you like it's 1848 all over again. Why do you think they cling on to their guns so hard? It's because they plan on using them some day, ese.

this is now a mutt thread, post your best 56% memes

Mexico should elect Jerry Brown as their next president and grant sanctuary for gringos

Counties that barely have any people. If you're going to bring that up then Hillary won the popular vote.


Sure. "Someday" soon my people will have them so outnumbered here in the states that they won't do shit. If they were going to do something they'd have done it by now. Their "someday" has past.

White hipsters from the US could gentrify Mexico City into something World Class

Fuck off shitskin. Get the fuck outta my country trash

this isn't true??

Nope, I don't have to, I got sanctuary. Thanks based California.

It is racist for latinos to keep all that prime warm weather real estate to themselves

Retired white folks from the midwest just want an opportunity to retire in nice warm wheather Mexican clay

Gentrify Mexico !

If that’s your idea of America then I’m unamerican.
Pic related is you
Also b8 thread

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1 White man has the combat-worthiness of 100 Mexicans as proven by history. Hell your ancestor's glorious Inca civilization was wiped out by 300 Spaniards or so. Trust me the day of reckoning will come one day, you think whites are just going to sit on their hands as they see their land being invaded and culture erased? America is shifting further to the right by the day.

Only people with secured access to a means of food production should ever be allowed near a polling booth.

You illegals don't understand. America doesn't own you anything. If you want to come to America, there are legal channels available.

Doing nigger behavior is the worst thing you can do. You need to be deported out.

On the off chance this isn’t a troll. If America ever gets to the point where it is majority Hispanic, do you really think it won’t collapse? If you replace North American whites with South American mestizos, the country will just become like those countries. Our soil isn’t magical. The reason we’re successful and you’re not, is because of the people who make up our country. It’s even in South America. The whiter the country or area of country, the more successful it is. It’s entirely possible the white American will cease to be, but with our demise, so too will our country die. Europeans built and sustain this country, if it passes to your hands it will only become the shithole you fled from.

So can I say safely that you'd welcome a war, 3084 of my counties vs 57 of "yours?" Because I'd fight that war.

Bleach the beaners ! Make Mexico Great for once !

Sure. Because only about 25% of the population will be on your side (maybe less) and I'll have 75%. I like those numbers.

>3000+ counties
Let that sink in, you black eyed monstrosity. Your faggot people won't even put up a fight, if they could, or would, they'd be in their homeland. No, they'll just flee somewhere else. What are your cowardly people even fighting for? The right to siphon welfare? Lmao

Hey Boomer how's it going?

>what is population density

This is classic divide and conquer tactics, that they want us to be doing. Fighting each other over something so stupid as skin color. United we stand, divided we fall. Because their ultimate plan results in us all losing. We need to start getting active, we need to start being friends, we have to stop this fighting and form an alliance that benefits us all because otherwise it ends in the slavery and even death of us and our families.

Can't wait to put you in Guantanamo or Alcatraz, it'll be our new internment camps.

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Pretty good, tide pod

That was beautiful user.

Apparently doesn't matter since your black eyed tard race hasn't spread to more than THREE THOUSAND counties in the US. You want clay? You want land in America? The numbers say otherwise. You want milk in your bottle and powder on your mestizo asses. Pathetic. No race of people lacking in such a basic thing, self respect, could ever hope to win a fight. When it kicks off you'll suck the nearest white dick for clemency, collectively.
>3000 vs 57

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>you're un-American
a non american telling other people who's american and who isn't, kek.
according to the founding fathers, only "free white persons of good character" are americans.

Fuck off nigger. We don't need dead weight jiggaboos. Every time some happy faggot says "hurr let's get along" it's because they're a lower order of being and want free shit.

Don't forget to like and share, race war 1488

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>founding fathers

That was like 5000 years ago. Times change.

>times change
>haha white people, we're winning!
>but times change

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