Do Niggers belong in Western countries?

It seems just about every other racial group can somewhat assimilate except for Niggers. What do we do about the Nigger problem?

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Niggers belong in Africa or the Caribbean. They have no business around humans.

Getting fatally shot over $100 or so dollar due to pride....

Niggers are a biological weapon for the jew, they should be extinct.

Always stay strapped when you're in Miami outside of south beach, you're just begging for it. I go down there for work all the time and always make sure I'm packing.

>The ravens will starve.
They will be gone soon.

end youraelf faggot

What about us tourists?

How come South Beach is safe?

If you're not European, you don't belong in the West. End of story. I'm just thankful the nigger eliminated another shitskin.

They do not belong. Its obvious and everyone knows it - even the people who would swear up and down it isn't so.

The perpetrator is only a 17 year old child. He doesn't know any better. This is just a tragic accident. Nobody wins.

Nah just stay out of liberty city and over town. Doral and further west is fine 0 nigs.

They belong in the ground

White countries should be for whites only.
This means no niggers, no Indians, no gooks, no mutts, no Jews and no arabs

Clearly you've never been to Europe. Niggers (the actual African kind) mostly try to fit in. It's the Arabs and other muslim scum that act like everyone else should adapt to them.

He is right. Why would you against an armed criminal for over some spare change. No matter how much he stole it's not worth risking getting shot

i find this hard to believe. looking at UK incarceration rates, blacks are disproportionately imprisoned at a rate of 4x the general population, compared to the US's 3x

hello nigger


Then the Other in those white countries would be the dark haired, the red haired, the Irish or the Italian. There will always be an Other, user.

Attached: Jimmy Johns Robbery.webm (478x360, 2.77M)

at least the discrepency between the bottom and top would be A LOT smaller. that makes a huge difference

Thats just his culture. Dude shouldnt of been on his block.

Did they catch the guy?

The UK has an entirely different thing going on. 65% of our prison population are Morrocans and Turks.

Dies right on the disabled parking sign.

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Except it wouldn't hence there is not a comparable crime problem in the Ireland or Italy to America and are now fully accepted as white.

lol you shills are funny

>Well I better not opt to create a society with the most optimal racial demographic then because white people police their own in the past.

The real crime is that the robbed man isn't allowed to shoot the thief in the back as he retreats with his money.

>calling yourself shitskin

Attached: Tommy Robinson punches migrant cropped.webm (720x410, 2.93M)

The poor guy bought the propaganda. He thought he was safe at an ATM in a nigger neighborhood at night because he "wasn't a racist" and he didn't believe the crime statistics. RIP

>shouldnt of been
Go back to school, pedro.


Just poor some Maghrib Arabs into the nigger ghettos and you 'll have the niggers begging for police in 10 years max

Nig kills a mutt for pocket change. Probably gonna shoot the cash into his arm and up his nose and will OD in a matter of days if he doesn’t get shot by lil Pookie tryin to score a hit.
Nothing of value lost

actually i'd be for putting nigger back to Africa including the islands of the caribbean so that we can grab those nice hotspots for ourselves

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Don't get me wrong, I despise both. But given the racial tensions between Africans and their former Arab slavers in Brussels and other places, I say a few well placed pieces of propaganda could ignite a full blown race war which will claim exactly 0 white lives.

Just look at US history. The Italians and the Irish had this exact role (as niggers).

There is even an old newspaper article, about 100 years old, where Norwegians are being portrayed as criminals that needs to be deported in Chicago.

looks like the the gun jammed, any gun anons confirm?

Seems he was trying to show out for his girlfriend in the car..

That's a valid point

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>same species

You forgot to capitalize Pedro.

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yeah that dumb nigger jammed his gun, someone should have stabbed him

It's because of chickenshit little faggots like you the west is lost

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yeah, but Morrocans are the 3rd largest ethnic group in Belgium. i can't even find data on the number of Sub-Saharan Africans because it's so small

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KYS faggot. He worked for that $100 and wasn't gonna let some nig just gonna stroll up and take it.

>now fully accepted as white.
speak for yourself you mic fuck. ""Irish"" americans need to be genocided for what they did to this country.

Thanks for the idea, friend :)

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Lol they both wernt white so who cares

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Yeah it jammed.. idiot racking it for no reason.
Still wouldn't want to fuck around as it could explode and sometimes it isn't contained

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>giving my money to a nigger
Over my dead body

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>Do Niggers belong in Western countries?

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Attached: British police.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Yeah he ran after him, that was a mistake.

Attached: OeH6KhEJcrON2iRC.webm (480x360, 2.92M)

Seriously, imagine all the beautiful white microstates we could have. Currently the islands are all full of niggers and the infastructure shows!

Attached: euro_invasion2.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

Sorry fag, I own multiple guns and am not a chicken shit. I'm also not a dumbass whose going to lose his life trying to tustle with someone with a loaded weapon over $100-200 from an atm.. he asked for the atm money.. he chucked it to the floor.. the guy grabbed it and proceeded to run off and this dumb fuck tried to chase and wrestle him. Lost his life over pocket change.

At least the victim wasn't white

Attached: Paris walkthrough.webm (404x720, 2.95M)

Europe's lost.. its govt. doesn't give a shit about its local populous that will suffer while they try to reinflate population numbers for the medium/long term to prop up their shell game economy.

Attached: French migrants break hydrants and waste millions.webm (720x404, 2.92M)

Attached: Monfalcone, Italy.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

Failure to feed.....looks like a garbo 200 taurus but hard to tell from my phone.....if anyone there was concealed carrying that nig was dead because it seemed he didnt even notice the malfunction.....made it super easy to tell considering the slide was black and the barrel was stainless...

>Do Niggers belong in Western countries?


And he lost his life for $100. I'm assuming he wasn't good at math.. I'd expect someone who thinks wrestling with someone w/ a loaded gun over pocket change also to be a poorfag incapable of making valued judgements.

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Attached: Refugees and migrants wait to be rescued by aid workers after leaving Libya to try to reach Europe.j (2500x1666, 1.98M)

Seems it was over his. I guess you didn't get the point.. LOL

KC pride. This happened at the JJ in westport for all you KC fags out there

Probably not.

Attached: atm adventure.webm (640x360, 1.52M)

yet 100 years later they are not a problem whereas niggers have proven time and time again they won't and can't adapt to Western Civilization. They are perfectly suited for Africa however.

>Getting fatally shot over $100

why should a nog have the right to take your stuff?

neither group will lift a finger to deal with their own problem children so Whitey is forced yet again to do gods work

Attached: Pied Scheister.png (600x636, 393K)

This mentality is the reason the west is lost forever. Man died a hero. F.

>twitter story about niggers at that school complaining about new police presence
>reply stating if you dont break the law they wont have problems
>niggers report tweet in mass
>account just got locked


>ATM after sundown

why people never learn...

That nigga jammed his little ghetto pistol but you can't expect the little urbanide working at a burgerjoint to know this or to risk his health for the companies cash registhingy.

end yourself chang

Attached: headhitpolguy.jpg (321x500, 71K)

led by jews...

What a fucking jerk. I hate when people do that.

It's better than dying. Compliance is taught in self-defense classes. Sometimes it's your best bet.

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>That nigga jammed his little ghetto pistol but you can't expect the little urbanide working at a burgerjoint to know this or to risk his health for the companies cash registhingy.
it's not that it matters anyways. are you gonna fight him? that nog looks like he's got a hundred pounds on that kid

what a fucking dumbass getting shot over $100

This is our reality

If none of us ever complied, this shit wouldn't happen

killed for 20 dollar pizza
