Yesterdays slip up caught the shills off guard and in their rush for a new narrative have fucked up again

Controlled op sites like Redstate have issued out a explanation that David simply left school after the shooting and came right back to do interviews.....when the fact the school would be on locked down and no one would be allowed on campus much less in the school they added that even tho his own words saying he biked back to school that he never went back on campus.....

They fucked up again when they failed to cover for this interview taken in Davids own words at 930


This interview with (((student))) Alex view was taken indoors inside of a school complete with her own words describing their setting inside as the school.
>In these closest"s

the school was locked down to everyone as a active crime scene and now we will watch as the kikes try to add ever more twist to the plot to explain away this interview.....

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Other urls found in this thread:


Take this nutcase conspiracy shit elsewhere.

I can't believe Laura Ingraham bent the knee to this little faggot. What a coward.

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To where faggot? The mods ban everything remotely political on every other board unless it's leftist

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you realize there are two girls interviewed. Isabelle Robinson on camera and Alex View off camera, who could have possibly been edited in.

Then explain it m8 the shills only option is to ignore it

except they both are presented as during the shooting in any instance they have been shown

Even from your link
>Student David Hogg filmed this video while his Florida high school was on lockdown because of an active shooter on campus Feb. 14

So he either is again editing the narrative outright lying or this is a false flag all together

Is it possible that he went home after the event, then decided he wanted to bike back and see if he could get interviews?

It still doesn’t make a lot of sense though because he had already been interviewing his classmates on his phone. It’s not like he said he decided to bring his camera to school the next day...I don’t know, user. This one really is weird. It was such a weird thing to say. Let’s say he IS an actor, how does he then mess up his previous story that badly!?

He is fucked. He ruined the story because altho I don't believe he is a highschooler, he is a dumbass. I meen lets be honest, someone talked him into being the face of the anti-american traitor left.
Those speeches are obviously ghost written. The kids are hand picked. Everything about this has been proven wrong already. Can't wait too keep watching as it seems EVERYONE I talk to about it, wether here, or IRL thinks it's some kind of hoax or fraud.
Amazing where the internet has taken us boys. Glad the truth is here exposed more daily.

I also like how LA times removed the mention of
time portion lol

Hey Jew. Be afraid.

>((damage control))

my guess he interview Alex View later at night and then went home, edit her in and release the video the next day. In reality he only interview Isaballe Robinson inside the culinary room, But he makes it look like he interview 2 people at the same time.

So they allowed random kids to walk around a crime scene filming interviews? Fake news.

Either way its the smoking gun about how this is a manufactured narrative that if is this obvious to us the fact the media is reporting it as during the lock down and even putting in lock down footage in the background of the audio they are complacent in especially after making the conscious alteration of the time segment.

It was an FBI plot. His parents both work for the FBI. Hogg was chosen because of this. They knew Cruz was going to shoot up the school, and they had the response prepared beforehand. If we look into goblina I expect we would find similar family connections.

I think he knew he was going to get interviews.
right from the night of the attack until today he was in the spotlight

WAAA how can you bully this poor idiot kid... WAAAAAA how can you live with yourself after pointing out how retarded these kids are REEEEEEEEEE

yopu are correct. Goblina is Hogg's cousin

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yea the story he always recounts about what happened during the shooting sounds really phony. I think he wrote it down and tried to make it more exciting

>ghost written
have a (you), I like your style

I think it is just a coincidence, but I don't see the connection & that Emma picture at the California graduation is really zoomed in, which is suspicious

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>take conspiracy shit off /pol
Are you actually retarded?

did you guys know the "baseball coach" is also a police officer. According to him, the swat was already there lickity split

Attached: Sgt. Jeff Heinrich florida shooting.png (713x317, 43K)


Why such hate, rabbi?

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Cruz did not shoot up anything. Police officers, in a drill, "shot" people with simunitions, causing stings and welts only.

Cruz is a patsy or crisis actor himself. Zero deaths. Cruz even has an alibi, this girls claims she was with Cruz, during the firing (real bangs, real simuniitions firing, not deadly bullets)

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In one of the interviews, he says it's 8 o clock. He most likely went back to the school in the evening, meaning that he shot interviews during the alleged shooting and then later that night.

I mean, fuck that little douchebag and something is obviously wrong with the whole thing, but I honestly think this angle was fed to us as disinfo.

Eat shit and die.

Even if that is the case the media is actually helping this fucker manipulate the narrative and outright mislead the public

Everyhwere the vdieo is presented it as from him during the lockdown and most news feed edited out the time stamp because they obvoiusly see the discrepancy.

Nothing disinfo about this but a damning piece of evidence the narrative and timelime is being manipulated to the public

check out the Asian kid interview. He mentions Alexa. The time he gives is a little strange.


Have to get a TLDR later bro. Tired as ****************************************88

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Really activates my almonds