All right all you black boys who want to date white women, the Golden One is not going to let that happen. He will literally crush you with his own fist, chew you up and spit you out. Don’t even think about it little black boy.
All right all you black boys who want to date white women, the Golden One is not going to let that happen...
I don't think Latsbrah gives a fuck about interracial dating in particular, he just doesn't want the north to become brown
The future.
Fuck that dude I won't call him by his stupid name. He's ugly as fuck, arrogant and acts like a fedora lord
I've grown to like the guy more than I did initially but there's still something off about him.
Fucking based.
Dude probably doesn't know how to fight. Hitting the gym is great, but you should be training in the ring 60% of the time at least.
Lol he does
>Trains MMA constantly
>Has had pro-MMA fight
>Fucking massive
>Doesn't know how to fight lol
id fight him, who cares about his lumpy muscles. dont mean shit
I wonder if his balls still work with all the tren he's shooting
he isn't hitting the gym, he's hitting the needle. you don't get anywhere near that size without injected steroids.
He's the most repressed homosexual on the planet.
No way he's not a pederast.
Amerimutts dont but pure aryan warriors can and do
He trains MMA and has actually had a public MMA fighters fight.
He's a genuinely a great guy who advocates virute and tries to live by those principles.
>everyone who works hard in the gym and eats right is on steroids
Dude, the fact that you saved this picture is like the gayest thing ever.
you can work hard at the gym and eat right and you'll never look like this chode. that's drugs at work and you know it.
I approve of this.
wait is that really him. it kinda looks like him lol.
Actually there are plenty of pictures from the early 20th century with people who look really fucking buff, don't be too quick to blame it on gear.
I'm not saying he isn't juicing, but people with no idea are too quick to blame great nowadays.
Come run that shit then
t. has never lifted more than a five pound weight
>I don't think Latsbrah gives a fuck about interracial dating in particular,
"I don't think" being the key word, normling.
I DL 315 and bench 225. No powerlift competitor but I know steroid use when I see it.
>with that hairline
How old is he now?
Too late OP, this nog mutt only dates aryans and redheads. They love muh dick
yeah he used roids to get that, but most people using roids go way overboard with gaining "mass" since they figure they can eat whatever they want , and lift whenever they feel like, and it will turn to muscle - which is true - but it will never look this aesthetic without proper diet and exercise
ever heard of roid gut?
go to Jow Forums and find one of their roid threads if you don't wanna leave Jow Forums to google this stuff
based. I literally go around Europe making single moms. Fuck virgin OP
ditto with built black men then
why is he wearing a greek style helmet? i thought he was a varg tier viKANG?
No it's not. This is just some guy in Australia. If it was him the media would constantly be reminding us