Would you shoot a surrendering soldier?
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Of course, they're obviously lying. Also I'd shoot them for being on my country in the first place as a foreign soldier.
Depends on who the enemy was.
I would do it just for fun desu
Depent on situation,
NO you moron you interrogate them
Depends. Muslim extremists very often "surrender" with bombs strapped to them and then blow up anybody stupid enough to get close.
no, id enslave them
The rules of war dictate that a gentleman should give quarter to a man who has surrendered. Only barbarian savages and primitive tribal subhumans kill those who surrender.
yes. better dead than letting him live to foster his hate
Is he white? Then he isn't my enemy.
Unless such person is an antifa fag or lolbertarian with no hope of cure
The Geneva convention ends at the US border for me.
So it depends on where.
if white id let him live, if non white id shoot him
Yes, of course. Why would anyone allow their enemies to live when you have the ability to kill them?
Only if they are Israeli or middle eastern
Fuck that. Just kill them as soon as possible. Don’t try to extract intel, don’t even torture them for gratification. Just kill immediately and repeat for the rest.
Yes, but only after I made him watch me rape his wife and set his kids on fire.
>Killing a valuable source of information
Depends on what my orders are.
If its a libtard in the coming civil war....then, Hell Yeah!
Only if he was german
Depends on the circuimtances. If we have no facilites to apprehend them at then yes, letting them leave can be detrimental.
If we had the resources to take him prisoner, absolutely not.
Otherwise, he is a liability to my brothers in arms and I can't afford him relaying information about us to his superiors.
a fellow gentleman
surrendering? no
having surrendered then attempted to attack me or comrades? yes
Good shit.
>I don't know infantry tactics and repercussion.
The post.
What race he is?
You need to give a context.
Like in that picture? I'd give him my gun and say to go kill some Commies.
Only if hes a commie.
How big is his penis?
Only a commie or a muzzie.
If it was at the end of a battle where they were clearly defeated I would not shoot them. In the midst of a frenzied battle where there is still danger and my attention is needed in battle, and he just happened to drop his gun and surrender, I would shoot him and move on
If they were white then no. If not then they get the bullet.
Only if ordered to by high command.
and indeed,
You're a dumb animal.
well proved yourself as a real american
Probably this, in the midst of battle the guy can just grab a dead man's gun and continue fighting Fuck that.
Depends on who is this enemy. Interrogating someone will most likely feed you fake information
Implying some Drafted Cuban Private will have any good intel and not work better strewn across a supply highway as a demoralizer.
>I'd give him my gun
He'd just shoot you with it you tard
If you're willing to kill a White Man, you're a filthy non-white.
depends. in vietnam some special troops deep behind enemy lines shooted even their own wounded people becouse they was to far away to get any help. cant imagine that such guys would had even a think process about shooting surrenders.
It depends. Surrendering Jap or Viet Cong? Maybe. Surrendering German? No.
If we didn't have the logistics to take prisoners in a hostile warzone yes I would.
Only commies and socialists besides National Socialists
Soldiers are honorable combatants, terrorists aren't.
Shoot the terrorist, spare the soldier.
Depends if his country has forced draft, and if what awaits him in captivity is worse or not than death.
Damn it must have felt good to be a CSA soldier and kill niggers and have everyone you know be proud of you for it.
I would happily execute any American troops.
>rules of war
This is how Al-Asiri got a butt bomb into some sheik's palace. Shoot the fucker, aren't intelligence agencies omniscient? I shouldn't need his info.
Depends on ethnicity/nationality.
of course not. but he would have to strip naked and open his ass cheeks to show me he didnt have any bombs or hidden weapons
I’d shoot my cat if he was surrendering.
if it was german, yes
During battle of england polish pilots used to fly close to german pilots that bailed out, gust of wind from passing plane ruined parachutes and germcucks fallen to their deaths. They did that because english forbiddes shooting at parachuted german pilots.
Commies aren't people so yes. Otherwise it's pretty fedora tier.
>1 post by this ID
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The real question is, why is Jow Forums so fucking stupid swallowing off-topic, forum sliding bait like this?
I would if he was American.
Spoken like a true muslim
Probably, depending on circumstances. Any other answer is dishonest.
I think I agree. How will you be able to torture someone if they won't be alive?
Depends on the situation
Blanket: no
Yeah because some private wouldn't have info like where the others are or anything, right?
Only if he wasn't white.
Shoot straight, ya bastards
Take no prisoners doctrine is terrible unless the war is entirely one sided. It's much better to declare one section of enemy troops as particularly heinous and to be shot on site, while letting the rest of them an option of surrender. That way you undermine the enemy morale, fracture their unity (as in regular soldiers will try to distance themselves from these marked soldiers) and stop the enemy from fighting to the death
This, also POWs are more valuable than a corpse
Yes, a couple of reasons.
1) They could be bluffing and my life>their life.
2) Surrendering is cowardice and cowardice is undesirable. I'd rather they not survive to reproduce so humanity as a whole grows stronger from the war.
69+ replies
>one post by this ID
If they were Muslim, yes.
>Only if he wasn't white.
You'd shoot your own kin?
Only if they were communists.
I think surrendering and accepting surrender is correlated to the degree of proportionality of violence being exchanged between the two armies. Surrender and accepting of surrender is typically accepted at the start of a war but as it drags on and the situation gets desperate it becomes and less of an option, particularly for the losing side and if it is a decisive point in the war. Gentleman may give quarter to a man but only if he is ordered to and if he is certain he has the upperhand.
It really depends on what you consider a soldier. If you consist ISIL terrorists soldiers, yes. If the soldier is from a actual armed force, probably not unless I suspect it's some kind of farce.
Usually not, that info is meant to be compartmentalized with the Sergeants and Lieutenants to avoid that very thing.
Nah. I'd give him some soup, a cigarette and then have him dance to cheesy trance music.
Only if I saw him abuse civilians, so basically any albanian soldier
If you're operating independently, you probably have to.
And if you're not, it's an officer's call, not your's.
Depends if they are invading or if we are invading
It depends. If they surrendered because their position was hopeless, yes.
If they are trying to surrender after they were just machine gunning my friends to death, no.
If he's a nigger then absolutely.
You do know that it might be terrible but holding back only makes things more complicated and risky for your own people?
Best thing to do is shoot to kill and drag away anyone alive for interrogation/playtime.
You'd think so but the infamous Commissar Order was rescinded because the Wehrmacht found it was preventing more surrenders.
Depends on the causalities we lost.
Depends on if I know the enemy committed war crimes against civilians.
Depends on if I know the enemy committed war crimes against prisoners of war.
Depends on how young he is.
Depends on my mood and of the trigger friendliness of my finger.
No, but I'd have him strip naked and show me his asshole wide open. Just to prove he isn't concealing weapons or anything of course.
>it's an officer's call, not your's
kek, confirmed for never served. most O's need someone to tell them when to wipe their ass
>During battle of england polish pilots used to fly close to german pilots that bailed out, gust of wind from passing plane ruined parachutes and germcucks fallen to their deaths
we should have allied with Hitler and exterminated the Poles.
I would shoot Polish prisoners and torture them first.
Depends on the situation. If I was sitting on picket duty and an enemy soldier ran up half starved and surrendering to get water and food yes. If I just charged through heavy enemy fire and saw my buddies get ripped to pieces around and then when I get up there the machine gunners are like "oh we surrender", probably not.
If he killed one of my friends in front of me, yes, I will cut his carotid.
If not, no.
The answer is no you dumb fuck.
>I'm a retarded edgy 15 year old: The Post