/drawpol/ - Mooned edition

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Just reposting some from last night

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did that yesterday

Attached: ALGERIANISED.png (832x730, 50K)

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globlina-chan a cute

Attached: 1522299152440.jpg (480x640, 136K)

Finally, a character that represents us

Give me blonde Chad drilling some jew boy's hole

Requesting Vegeta killing a jew/nigger for the lulz.

Attached: 065-09.jpg (760x404, 42K)

why would you want this

I guess these girls represent pure bloods then? Aside from the mulatto trying to fit in I mean

Attached: 1521137260554.png (1150x1200, 456K)

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Should represent BLEACHED girls desu

someone do cuphead and mugman but its pepe and moonman!

Like mothers, like daughters

Attached: 1471798120706.jpg (700x736, 484K)

You know who I am

And you know what I want.

Attached: 1496524071964.jpg (511x850, 570K)


Gotta love how it went from wanting >Shadman of her to innocent drawings of her as a cute little goblin

Attached: 1522191021475.png (650x750, 478K)

still holding out for lewds of the rest
>(nigger) GUNS FOR BUNS

Attached: 1522301452201.webm (1024x852, 2.44M)

Attached: usausa.jpg (700x700, 146K)

>nazi Vegeta

Sounds more like Frieza's schtick

Scientific purposes

working title suggestion:

A day in the life of Lil' Goblina:
featuring Hoggwash and the Gunzgrabz kids.

feel free to work on this / use the names. I'd very much like to see this character get developed into a semi-regular webcomic.
Looks good. Keep up the good work, anons.
Jow Forums needs a comic, Marvel and DC are both turning into shit.

Attached: Approval.jpg (640x497, 27K)

Maybe a good name could be:

Goblina Gibgunz

This right here is some real fucking art.

This right here is more artistic than every last turd in every postmodern art gallery on earth.

>Jow Forums needs a comic

Yeah newfag, we tried that : docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18nQiNy1USho4Fv-haPskYdWQ7g8myvmGKfP1L206nrM/edit?usp=drive_web

Attached: 1470681949455.png (1150x1500, 316K)

>best girl still never got art

Attached: Lizzie Warchief.png (1150x1500, 280K)


Not until he does pregnant Anne Frank

Attached: 1489743887000.jpg (687x1117, 658K)

Never heard of it till just now. I'm not spending much time on drawfag secrtions. So is this working in progress? Did you guys already get bored and ADD kick in?
What's up with this project?
Any problems / Issues that need to be addressed?
I can't imagine that distribution would be a problem, so what's up?

Attached: 1488_KEKs.jpg (600x528, 72K)

If they spent more time drawing art of the comic than art of the black girls getting fucked it would have progressed

Funny. Out of all the characters to get porn, it was the Nig, Nigg, and Niggy

This board is joke.

Attached: for what purpose.png (1378x2038, 323K)


here's the first page if you want to continue it

Attached: page 1.png (772x1000, 249K)

last but not least the Janitor Mann design. too bad itll never be used

Attached: Mewn Mann.png (752x737, 75K)

so am I to believe that Jow Forums is going to advocate for "an ethnostate" but cannot put out a simple digital comic book full of it's own memes?!?
this is a level of incompetence that shouldn't even BE possible in Trump's 2018.
How the FUCK can you Make America Great Again, when you can't even Make A Jow Forums Comic Book.
shit, you got THIS far, why fucking stop NOW? No "Work Ethic"?

Attached: 1513453807298.png (611x631, 259K)

The saddest part is there was a fuck ton of design changes for Hillary. All made for nothing. All that wasted time

Why do you say it was wasted and for nothing? We live in an age of copy+paste and digital publishing. If the designs were made , weren't the copies saved? I don't see where the problem is?
Please explain it to me if you can. I'd really like to know. Media-content-production is something that should be seriously engaged BY us at this point. If (((they))) are politicizing public media, then does it not seem as if we should step up and engage this as well. We have talents like MM and Youcis, why aren't we backing them / working along WITH them?!?
Asking for myself, I don't have any friends.

Attached: youre-killin-me-smalls-1.jpg (403x309, 34K)

If you want I can try and dig up some designs but alot were lost to time in the Discord after the project was abandoned.

Don't cry Goblina
Your heritage still is a bit swedish y'know

so, once again, Jow Forums is a "one and done"? What the fuck is wrong with you guys? I think you're afraid of winning at this point. I've seen at least 3 specific instances where Jow Forums should've pulled a fucking Mortal Kombat style fatality on "the opposition" and instead jusst curled up and slunk away. I"m starting to think that kid who Shotgunned himself with a KelTec had the right idea.
WHY are you kids AFRAID of SUCCESS?!?
You are getting kicked the fuck off of the internet bit by bit and yet, when there's a solid plan of action or viable project that's worthwhile, it's abandoned and then QQ'd about after everyone's ditched out on it.
What does it take to make you people want to join in?
You've failed to publish a comic book.
I've got to get you off of the bench, and into the game.

I thought a good name for Goblina's friend would be Hogg-goblin, any drawfags want to sketch him up?

Nigger it takes time to draw.

Attached: 4642CB57-4854-4169-B8FD-4E50B7159B4C.png (210x161, 2K)


damn havent seen that pic for years

Love it


Attached: 881.png (258x369, 174K)

Oc done steal faggots

based. can you draw Fauxcahontas upskirt?

That comic is kino, especially when he tells the BLM girl to come the next day

seconding. deserves some art after all these years

Plz don't meme goblina chan anons. The meme magic is real look at the florida shooter for instance. Litteraly le 56%

Freiza is a giga kike m80

>Saiyan monkey

Taking reqs

Attached: g1b.png (413x489, 92K)

Hogg-goblin to keep the little one company

A proud Trump on a proud all american wall

Here's a quick study sheet I did of some amerigoblins.

Attached: Unholy Abominations.jpg (2100x1500, 333K)

Saiyan monkey= Gentile

Can I have a picture of Freya stabbing jesus with a spear? Pic related

Attached: Freya.png (950x1200, 1.68M)

kek, requesting an Attenborough nature doc based comic on this foul species of creature. eating habits, mating habits, etc

Lizzie Warchief being cute? Or based Donnie getting crushed on by jew classmates

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Attached: 0gg.png (723x399, 140K)

So hideous, but adorable

lol that is a good idea, but unfortunately I can't do any long term requests right now as I have other work to do. However, I did make you a quick proof of concept.

Attached: mutt_doc_proof_of_concept.jpg (2100x1500, 258K)

How long have you been around?
Are you the first, or are you just the most recent iteration?
Is there someone who would take up your legacy?

This is pretty good. It's very visualy disarming. Which will make the meme more impactful. It's less threatening on the surface, which ususally leads to heaver doses of red being injested. If you were planning on using these characters to criticize these two gun-grabbers, I'd say you're onto something strongly in the similar category as IOTBW. You can get your jabs in, but in a subversive-disneyesque kinda way.

Not bad user, not bad at all. I'm interested on your take on Cruz's portrayal.

Requesting a teenage version of Pol tan, perhaps discovering the jq for the first time.

Attached: poltan.png (537x591, 342K)

For Natalia don't forget to mention a mild insecurity... Whoever it is who can edit...

Attached: 1501871826529.jpg (320x320, 25K)

His physical portrayal or his media portrayal ?

Either really. But specifically I was referring to the artist's character portrayal of him. Just like he did with Goblina and Hoggwash.
I'm assuming that perhaps this posts:
Portrayal could be a temp stand in for Cruz. The story of how they contributed to him being disenfranchised enough to finally turn out where he ended up. *shrug*. I"m just making observations here in case anyone's trying to read this thread for brainstorming purposes.
His mugshot is pretty comical enough, would not need nearly as much enhancement as Goblina did.
Are you guys leaving Hogg looking as a "pretty boy" in a "American Psycho" style vibe? Maybe drawing him as the kid from Children of the Corn, meme? Like a type of deceptive religious-fanatic gun-grabber?
There was a couple threads about a month ago where Hogg was made up to be like Issac from the original CotC.

The comic team is dead, amigo

Awww, thanks!

best art

pst I like your work for tds

lol there was a goblina thread on /aco/

Attached: e04ec1e0-e011-474b-b886-d8014be53a4c-1.png (1415x1414, 714K)

cutie goblina-chan
I adore your art style


And what happened to it?

It was nuked

I love these threads
They are a fertile breading ground for memes

A chibi of my main saint saint Evgeny.

Attached: Evgeny-1EU21-UncutMtn.jpg (443x720, 100K)

Helper pepe version of this

Attached: 1365835160715.jpg (750x750, 181K)

I dont know what to request but this pic is so stupid I just want to see what you do with it.

Attached: 1521863939397.jpg (1600x2400, 669K)

A picture of IL DVCE giving IL DVCE a piggyback ride, whichever one doing it is up to you

Attached: anchovy and il duce.png (1215x744, 1021K)

where's the 2nd part of this, where one of the classmates in the crowd shoots her in the back of the head, while she's trying to argue with death?

Something like the blue wave flooding goblinas house please.

Attached: BlueWave.jpg (1066x796, 63K)

> -mo

"Did she just call me nigga?"
Not to mention the jews he threw in there between stories

Did you draw that? Hope you finish it/do more. Only two pics so far. By the way she is legal now rule34.paheal.net/post/list/Emma_Gonzalez/1

Definitely brings back memories

Attached: 1277533034754s.jpg (126x126, 3K)

Give me a minute I just got my new tablet and I wanna give it a go now. This will be my first doodle on it uwu