OK, so let's assume you win Jow Forums. You get your white ethnostate. Congratulations

OK, so let's assume you win Jow Forums. You get your white ethnostate. Congratulations.
Now what? What's the next step in your plan?

How are you going to determine who is white and who isn't? Are all people with brown eyes just going straight into the oven? Walk me through how this is going to work.

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When will you amerimutts stop larping and actually get a job and clean your bedromm?

Thank you for your low effort divide and conquer shitpost, if you're in the circle you're white

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Americans aren't even white to begin with.

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Watch 100% boverian phenotype by Murdoch murdoch

>How are you going to determine who is white and who isn't?

DNA testing for proof of European ancestry.

maintain the ethnostate.

If you look white you will be considered white and if you defend white interests and have white kids you will be let in. Most likely there will be no ethnostate, at least not in America, just segregation and maybe eventually other races can fuck off to their lands.

Jow Forums is not one person you faggot.

It is quite clear to look at somebody and tell if they are white. Do they look like they would fit in Europe? Ok, they are white

White doesn't exist. You have ethnicities, but white itself isn't a thing.

Based Latvianbro.

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Stop bumping these bait threads, newfags.

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Phenotypes traced to European regions. Must have Euro blood running through their veins. Yes that means the Mediterraneans get let in. Whatever, I'm fine with it.
The real debate is what percentage of euro blood must you have? At least 50% 75% 90% 100%?
I throw my vote for 90%. More realistically it'll be 75% though.
I'm sure more breakthroughs in gene research will complicate all this. But the truth is always welcome.

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We keep killing nigs until every country is a white ethnostate. Then we get drunk

>What's the next step in your plan?
Install policies that bump that birthrate average to just over 2 children per woman. Once birthrate is stable, install polices that promote positive eugenics:
Males - Height > 5'9". IQ > 100. Generally healthy and law-abiding.
Females - Bodyfat < 33%. IQ > 100. Generally healthy and law-abiding.

>How are you going to determine who is white and who isn't?
Eyeball test works just fine on 99% of white people.
Genetic tests for edge cases.
>Are all people with brown eyes just going straight into the oven?
No, stop being retarded.

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anyone that does not have pink nipples is non white, plain and simple.

Crashing this thread

Is that Prussian Blue?

not have any colleges with major sports teams. get no funding from conferences who win. Where would it go, the major schools wouldn't go for it, couldn't even work in Idaho because Washington State, Gonzaga, UW etc too close. Where would it go, Montana?

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