France Deploys Military Forces to Assist Kurdish Militants in Manbij - Reports

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Might as well post a Vice link

what what is it now? Kurds, france, random rebel factions vs. Turkey & SAA?

I know I should have joined the military. Fuck

It's true all of our medias are talking about it. The Muslims in France are angry af

America pulled out, frogs are gonna get massacred by the roaches, or just run away

>NATO fighting with NATO
I wonder what they will do with article 5.

nice (((((alliance))))))))) you've got there. jej. dont frogs eat roaches?

Why are French troops assisting the kurds?Do you think that the kebabs are going to chimp out in France.

>America pulled out,
Kill yourself if you really believe that.

jewnited states of niggerica withdraws and surrender monkeys decide to step in immediately. such little kike tools with their manlet president. sad!

last time these faguettes were in anatolia they lost a battle 1000 vs 44. they know how TURKish D tastes like. you want to protect precious kike tool k*rds? fine but don't forget to prepare your holes. we're going in hard and dry

fucking based, kill as many roaches as you can

We are on the front to fight Isis. That's why we help the Kurds with the USA.
That and because our kike lords want to support a Marxist Kurdish shithole

Turkey & Allah vs godless w*stern kaffir sodomites & kikes

Jihadis are the little pets of the globalists. Don't kid yourself you are only a tool.

Sent we all tools for the powers that be, just in different ways.

Aren't we all*

Kurds are Muslims, though

fucking idiots just let turkey kill them, isis no longer exists

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repetitious numerals for Turkey killing French troops.

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They are civilised and don't behave like monkeys. That's why they hate them.

You guys have balls after all.

There are no jihadis among Turks, only crypto ar*bs and other middle eastern trash imported by US of A, that wretched kike nest

that fucking shitskin prince of saudi ar*bia confessed that wahabism was founded by the (((west))) to supposedly combat communism

who give a shit about kurds, imagine all the fucking roaches that would die lol

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you obviously never met one or a filthy mesopotamian donkey fucker yourself. I don't see any other way how anyone can defend such animals

I know that the ((West)) created them and then lost control. Our biggest enemies are the traitors that created this mess and now open our borders. The jihadis just use the advantages they gave them.

>that fucking shitskin prince of saudi ar*bia confessed that wahabism was founded by the (((west))) to supposedly combat communism

Which is sorta right in a way.

It was fermented to create problems in the ME as much of it was allied with the USSR.

This will piss off the all the filthy turks, nice

Quit making your child bride type all this stupid shit turk roach

sorry I stopped replying to jewnited states posters after seeing Jow Forums meetups and hwndu retardation

opinion thrown into trash you stupid amerinigger

Great. More kurdish refugees, a larger mafia is just what we need here in Berlin!

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PROMOTION .. Gun to sell French ..
FAMAS F1 Brand New Newer used drop once..
Question call 997.

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t. K*rd

Okay since this place is usually a cesspit and it's hard to piece things together, I'll be the guy that pieces things together:

Trump doesn't give a flying fuck about Syria. He doesn't think America should be there (and frankly, neither do I). Syria is a stepping stone to war with Russia.

The Syria gambit failed in any case, and the Globalists/US/Israel and their pawns (ISIS, AlQaeda) got btfo. The turk coup attempt furthermore soured Turkey on relations with the west.

Now the globalists/US have pivoted to establishing kurds in the region as a lynchpin to be used in the future against syria/turkey. Neither Syria, nor Turkey, nor Russia, want this, so they're btfo the """kurds""" (not actually kurds, but US/Israeli/Saudi - and soon french - special forces).

Frankly, from a geopolitical perspective the US/globalists aren't going to win their fight here. But I guess they gotta double down on retarded mistakes.

kek, the bants are real.

They'll probably send FFL troops for deniability. That makes no sense though since they already announced support.

what's the matter hans I thought you loved k*rds? you've been funding and protecting PKK for the last 30 years, letting them reside and get organized in europe. you even handed over european drug trade to them

Wait aren't PPK the good guys?

you think your niggers are good?