No second special counsel

>no second special counsel


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bruh he SLEEP

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Suck on my big ten inch.

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Is this legit news, or is it ((((News))))?

my dad fucks me while i sleep

He was on the cover of Time. He’s confirmed compromised. He fucks and eats little kids with his kike friends, guaranteed. Fuck this guy I’m losing my patience with this country.

Top federal prosecutor investigates federal prosecutors and finds no need for further investigation.

no marijuana not investigating

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It's CNN it's completely fabricated.

How many times will Sessions cuck Trump?

No need for special counsels

>When everyone is going to be tried by Military Tribunal

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Fucking praise kek

Hot dog

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He need some niggas to eat his laundry sauce then bruh

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What a faggot.

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>>no second special counsel
Tweet this.
Cal him a coward
A Pussy
A Traitor
See what happens.

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he should have stayed a senator. Fucking hell give the job to ted cruz


Mueller met with Trump ONE DAY before he was appointed special prosecutor, and they lied about they talked about.


Tony Podesta quit his job and lost his company when Mueller's first indictments came out.


Mueller revoked Comey's immunity and the MSM didn't report it


George Nader, convicted pedophile, and recent Mueller witness, fled the country.


George Nader also worked for Clinton admin, and partied on vacation trips with Podesta and Bill Clinton


Awan case implicates Israel/Mossad in the blackmailing of 70%+ of congress


There are 18,500+ sealed indictments


Mueller will exonerate Trump because he is the special prosecutor Trump promised to appoint


Kike shills can kick and scream all they want, but they can't refute this and they will go down, along with Israel

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Sessions is a complete fucking waste of life.

>mueller flipped guys

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non argument. kys

just like the non-proof of any of it

refute each atatement 1 by 1 then kike

>no enemies of trump indicted
>John "Guardian of Israel" Bolton hired
>Improved relations with Israeli controlled Saudi arabia
>Antagonization of Iran continues
I'll believe it when I see any indictments that go in our favor

Nice strawman.

You said theres zero proof to what was said.

U saying Trump never met with Mueller and this isnt public info?

Podesta never quit his job and lost his company?

George Nader, a convicted pedo, didnt flee the country and work for Clinton admin?

Mueller didnt revoke Comeys immunity?

None of this is public info??? oh wait it is and your just a kike

I'll believe it when any indictments drop, until then none of it means sheeeit

ur still a kike shlomo

Le based orange man letting criminals leave the country, what a good guy

gay,goes to the category things that never will happen

>b-b-but Mueller is /ourguy/
Why does he keep indicting Trump campaign staffers then?

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Good, these special counsels have been a giant fail since before Custer.

Deep state mole

for now.... learn to read cunts

keep swallowing faggot.

Why is obama trying so hard to get his russian plants into the trump campaign?

Trump should have fired this manlet immediately after the recusal. Never trust a manlet.