Why are modern women less accepting of feminine traits and values?
Why are modern women less accepting of feminine traits and values?
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Do you have anything more than manlet incel rage and anecdotes to support that it's even happening?
gibs are free
white knights are everywhere and thirsty AF
no father in their lives because their mom is a worthless slag
>In reference to what I previously said concerning what ancient traditions called the Dark Age (Kali Yuga), I will now describe some of the features of this age found in an ancient Hindu text, the Visnu Purana. I will put in brackets what I consider to be the contemporary applications...
>The women will pay no attention to the commands of their husbands or parents.... They will be selfish, abject and slatternly; they will be scolds and liars; they will be indecent and immoral in their conduct and will ever attach themselves to dissolute men....
>Men having deviated into heresy, iniquity will flourish, and the duration of life will therefore decrease.
The same reason soyboy beta males ridicule masculine men; They're intimidated by their competition.
is this that armenian genocide denying armenian whore who's friends with cenk ugher
I don't think she denied it, Cenk did.
if you're working and earning your own money you're less inclined to do what other people want of you.
(((women's studies))) college degrees
most will bail from having to perform their natural functions because birthing and raising children is hard, so there must be societal pressure to make them.
before the pill they didnt really have much choice but now that they have the consequences are easily seen on the plummeting birth rates.
unfortunately the only societal pressure nowadays is feministic which deepens the problem.
they are forced to. have you tried paying rent these days?
yet she's ok with it
Jow Forums claims it's the Jews, but Jews did not create these fragile egos that think it's OK to demand others change their productive and outstanding behavior, so that the snowflakes don't feel so insecure about themselves.
Can't even blame the nature of women or feminism for this.
It's the coddled mindset of pampered big children. it's like when babies cry, because their was a loud noise in the room, and now it's your fault for upsetting it.
Cause they are really Saudi agents.
It's the twist of all time.
So what do you blame it on, globalism?
>mother roastie
sounds like the kali yuga is going hard.
>I'm not some butthurt overweight fat girl
>im an otherwise very confident person
>your photos make me feel depressed and inadequate
Soooo, not confident and probably fat
I wish all hardcore redditors would die in a fire.
>but Jews did not create these fragile egos that think it's OK to demand others change their productive and outstanding behavior, so that the snowflakes don't feel so insecure about themselves.
Yes they did. That's exactly what they did.
No, its Chanel Preston and chunk yogurt is banging her everyday.
>men mocking feminine traits and behaviour as weak and stupid
>women stop being feminine
Is she getting fat?
because accepting a (necessary) role in society does jive with their newfound hedonistic and selfish lifestyle. Same reason why they don't have kids.
>men mocking feminine traits and behaviour as weak and stupid
>in men
kike carpet muncher brainwashing pushed as ((education)). For example:
The belief that mene are superior and at an advantage in society. Deprived of all notion of feminity by marxist relativism, women copy typical male rolemodel because they instinctively associate them with success.
Because they've been demanded to pursue them for centuries.
Do you think women give a flying fuck about being shapely? Or about dressing in a cute way so boys will like her? Or in behaving in a way that men find attractive?
No. Women never cared about any of that, but they never had the freedom to express it as back in the day no husband = no future.
Now these traditionally "feminine" traits can still be part of their personality, but they aren't actively pursued because there are bigger and better things to do out there. If men like it, they can take it. If they don't, they can leave it. Everyone is happier for it.
Because modern women have a stake in claiming gender superiority over their male counterparts. They have a laundry list of historical grievances against men that stretch back time immemorial; likewise, when they're not cutting down men, they're brainwashing their own sons to hate themselves. Mysandry -the hatred of men- is the 21st-century equivalent of mid-20th-century misogyny. They are no different than the people they are fighting to destroy.
You are retarded if you don't see how constantly pushing the notion that women are inferior will make women try to be less like women
anyway keep doing this and then reeeeing
Where can I read the rest of the comments?
It's because they are sick disgusting whores.
Women don't hate men, they're apprehensive of men. Men are loose canons filled with testosterone that they were never taught how to cope with, it's amazing how little it takes for a man to think he can hulk out and hurt lots of people for no apparent reason. Knowing this, you'd be apprehensive (or even defensive) too.
Do you have any evidence that manlet incel rage and anecdotes are not evidence?
I thought so.....
>modern women are whores
only in white countries
anna from young turks is hypocritical slut, she keeps saying "women have these high expectation to look like movie stars its so unfair"
>proceeds to get a nose job
>proceeds to die her hair blonde like a bimbo
Right, because this behaviour is not degenerate, eh? Cunt.
by modern women you mean wh*Toid women
>Why are modern women less accepting of feminine traits and values?
ITT: When women do so many manly things that faggots are more feminine than women.
Those who want to get with modern women are gigantic homosexuals.
they are dressed conservative and all cute. her bending over was accidentally cute
accidentally sexy*
Horse shit.
Self-respecting women don't wear skirts. And if they are forced to, they don't bend over, they squat.
>so much cringe
The butthurt in that comment is worthy of an Oscar.
Who ever mocked feminine traits?
For most women it all ends at 25. Past the age of 25 or so they start to remake themselves as relatively culturally conservative compared to what they were. 25 happens to also be the age that parents cut off their kids financially and begin to get serious about romantic relationships. The attitudes of modern feminism are not socially conducive to success professionally or romantically. Very few employers want to hire someone with those attitudes and very few guys want to date women like that. Time is indeed our Ally.
values > gaze > genetic assimilation of traits
she's an excellent anal w**** I heard cenyk you know pound that ass every night ,when he's screaming Allahu Mercy every other third episode is the Armenian Genocide it never happened your mini and genocide never happened
>women are better at being women than men are
>men are better at being men than women are
Men are objectively better at women at most things except raising children. That's perfectly okay, because having children is hard and the primary reason why the female of any species exists. The issue with Western society is that its women want to be more like men and not like women. Of course they will fail in environments that are highly competitive and typically male-dominated, because they are not suited for it. And when they fail they should be ridiculed just like men are. That their fee-fees get hurt is their own problem.
we all know that she's a massive anal whore gets tossed around that Community.. she's a massive islamists apologist. she's kind of like Uma Aberdeen's mother who love the idea of being an authority figure for women
>self-respecting women don't wear feminine clothing
You've done gone full retard son.
I didn't say feminine clothing.
I said degenerate fucking skirts that let you see most of their legs. If they're women give 'em a proper fucking dress, not that slutty shit whores parade around in these days.
Nice coral red interior on that 3er.
She has good taste.
sauce? shes pretty