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If entitlement and privilege caused shootings why dont they ever happen in private schools?
look at the demographics of school shootings and then the demographics of the country sweetie
Jealous inducing huh? How's it feel to know a superior being, David The King Hogg, has single handedly destroyed president Dump and his band of merry alt-shitters?
This thread again?
There are support groups for trannies, queers, women and niggers. Are there any support groups for white men?
Trans shooters usually shoot themselves
they dont give guns to the mentally ill
They're actually the least entitled due to being everyone else's punching bag, just like in this tweet.
Entitlement doesnt cause school shootings. Spaghetti does. I have just as much evidence as the tweet to support my claim.
>l-look at me! I want to be in the bullied category too!
We need another wall.
so how does this translate to the liberal perspective on poverty, allegedly disadvantaged peoples and violence?
wasn't this sort of thing supposed to be the reason Muslims become terrorists?
why cover the name op?
its mr cheung
Sorry sweetie but no
we're reaching levels of projection that shouldn't even be possible
If entitlement caused school shootings, all the school shooters would be women.
How was the brute mutt with jumbo ears entitled is beyond me. He seemed like lowest trash you can possibly find, he was bullied and see what happened.
Trans, queers and women don't shoot other people because they lack the testosterone and aggressivenes, they just kill themselves. POCs however are the ones carrying US violent crime stats.
>poc dont get bullied they do the bullying.
>trans freaks dont get openly bullied to their face or the abuser would instantly be fired/suspended/blacklisted/expelled/harassed/ therefore trannys just kill themselves as they should. also they are positively affirmed by the media/government/society/ 24/7.
>columbine shooters were jews, batman movie theater shooter was a jew, Lanza was a jew (more like a CIA asset), paddock was half jew im pretty sure (irrelevant anyways as he wasn't even the shooter) cruz was a jew/spic mutt. I think only the texas church shooter and Austin bomber were actually white and that is being generous to those 56% monstrosity's. all other mass terror incidents have been minority's.
>44% of jews are in the top 1% despite being only 2% of the countrys population
and jewish. oh wait they are
>entitlement does
so we should turn everyone into slaves?
So by extension, niggers are ten times worse than white men. Let’s solve the problem, user :-D
Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :
>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.
Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.
This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).
It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.
Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)
>trans/queers/females handling guns
I found the the explanation to the high rates of suicides among the lgbtq community!
White men go and shoot bulls in their class because they have a sence of dignity and injustice is one of the worst things which you could experience.
Meanwhile trans, queers and other degenerates reached the moral, physical and social abyss by their own, they can't accomplish anything and are destined to nothing due to absolute adsence of self rspect.
point out that most of the white school shooters have been jewish and that should shut them up real quick. Even that batman theatre shooter was jewish. They have already decided that the ethnicity of the shooters is relevant, if they deny their jewishness is relevant then they will look like hypocrites. They will never concede their jewishness is relevant so they will have to back out of saying their whiteness is relevant too. Checkmate.
It is a massive reach to say entitlement causes school shootings. It makes no sense. They're just looking for something, anything to blame whiteness and white people for school shootings.
Bullying and mental illness causes school shootings. Its obvious why there are fewer female school shooters, but there has been one that I know of, she was one of the first, that redhead girl who shot kids coming out of her school, from her bedroom window. Back in the 70s.
No trans shooters? There's very few trans people, theres millions of white boys being bullied and only a literal handful shoot up their schools, theres far fewer trans people then white boys, so we haven't seen a trans shooter yet.
POC shooters? what about cho? what about all the black shooters in the hood? that father and son that sniped people from a car back in 2002?
White boys aren't the most entitled demographic. Its white women and girls by far, and everybody including OP pic knows that fully well.
they dont give guns to mentally ill people
The wheel will return it's course on the feminists.
>”being a woman is a mental illness”
nigga what
He's not wrong.
>raw story
Oopswrong thread. fpbp
so it's ok to bully people now? Interesting
I can't wait for another Asian to shoot up a school & everyone claim it was because he was bullied
Cho still has the highest kill count in a school shooting by the way, surprised no White kid has topped him
Jewish people are like Hispanics. If they do something bad they are white. If they are victims they are part of an oppressed group and need special protections from the ebil white supramacists.
>was in high school when Cho's shooting happened
>there's a kid of asian decent in my class
>two niggers start laughing at him and saying to his face he looks just like cho
>he begins crying
I would say that more kids should die in school shootings for all I care, but I just know it will be the wrong ones.
5 star post, nigga
These idiots think Trans people are like 10% of the population
Entitled to what? Responsibility for slavery? Child support? Taxation?
>trans, queer, female, POC
Shooting up a school requires (albeit misdirected) initiative and follow-through
If you look at any activity that requires such things, you'll likely find the same demographics at the top and bottom statistically
A lone gunman, Wellington Oliveira, entered the school at around 08:30 local time, identifying himself as a former student and asking to see his school history; as such, he was allowed to enter, but instead of heading to the school's office he proceeded to the second floor and entered an eighth-grade classroom. Some of the victim's accounts say that he was initially very polite, greeting the children and putting his bag on a table, but soon after shot several pupils. A boy who survived the attack said that Oliveira selectively shot to kill girls while shooting boys only to immobilize them. Ten of the twelve children killed were girls.
"According to former schoolmates he was a strange, very reserved person constantly harassed by others, was called "Sherman" (an allusion to a character from American Pie), as swing, because he had a limp leg, and was thrown into a garbage bin. In a video he had recorded two days prior to the shooting Oliveira stated: "The struggle for which many brothers died in the past, and for which I will die, is not solely because of what is known as "bullying". Our fight is against cruel people, cowards, who take advantage of the kindness, the weakness of people unable to defend themselves."
Goblina and her friends would be proud.
Remember that guy Stair or whatever his name was who shot up a grocery store?
He was a transexual.
You can't buy guns if you're mentally ill.
These kids can't even remember Cho, sometimes i forget most of twitter is 14 year olds
If entitlement and whiteness caused school shootings we would see them all over Europe. But we don't. We only see them in the US.
Americans cause school shootings.
Black user here...
5stars fpbp
All those groups are too busy killing themselves though.
Harris and Klebold were NOT jewish
Except school shooters are overwhelmingly black on average. It is just that white kids are the ones that make the news.
OP´s ass was not ready for that
because they are too educated to become far right wing terrorists.
And there's the thread
Kill yourself nigger
How the fuck do these people make such claims and rip their hair off when they hear blacks commit more crime?
gay is a choice, trannies are mentally ill and you're a faggot
Textbook case of fpbp right here