Reminder that Jesus wasnt brown

>Reminder that Jesus wasnt brown
>Arabs that inhabit modern day Palestine and Israel are brown, but they came from the
south in the 600s, far after Christ was born.
>Jesus was much more likely very olive skinned, like other Mediterranean cultures at that time

Attached: jesus.jpg (634x457, 120K)

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And He was Judean, He was jewish from an early mistranslation

Jesus is attractive

Attached: 9DC29229-536E-4D55-B312-F2517A81A852.jpg (800x1003, 122K)

He didn't have a beard

Attached: 15.jpg (255x361, 51K)

Judean means jewish(at least in Latin languages)

Jesus kept Sabbath
Jesus was circumcised
Jesus held the Torah to be the highest Law
Jesus was a particularly left-wing rabbi (itinerant preacher)
He wanted to bring the glory of God to the common people instead of them having to hear about it from corrupt temple """authorities"""
Jesus died in a similar manner to the rest of the messianic leaders of his era, something he could have easily predicted
Jesus quotes Psalm 82 when he is accused of making himself out to be God
Pslam 82 is read each week in Synogogue -- "All are sons of the Most High"
All of Christology is a lie. This is the idea that Jesus is God. This is the idea that leads people to worship a person, rather than follow his teachings.
His purpose was to give you a real human image of what it means to:
3Defend the weak and the fatherless;
uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
The Moral Influence Theory of Atonement, which was held highest by those who knew Jesus personally (not Paul or the author of the Johannine scripture) is correct. This is, for example, how Augustine thought of Jesus.
The race of Jesus does not matter.

Jesus was nothing we expected

Not a jew

Jesus was BLACK


Attached: 14220b3d3c8041b2852354e892f2ab20.jpg (480x255, 21K)

No, he was an ARYAN JEW, who then got baptized

and then he became an ARYAN CHRISTIAN

He regularly attended synagogue (Luke 4:16), and His teaching was respected by the other Jews of His day (Luke 4:15). He taught in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 21:37), and if He were not a Jew, His going into that part of the Temple would simply not have been allowed (Acts 21:28-30).

>respected by the other Jews of His day
The jews hated him beyond measure and they even went to the romans to make them execute him. He was also the first to fight the bankers which made them hate him even more.

Ancient Levantines were whiter than they are today but not by a huge amount. They clustered roughly between Lebanese and Cypriots.

hebrews have some reforming prophets and an opposing establishment all the time, still won't make joshua, saul and his buddies any less of semitic shitskins no matter how you christfags try to turn it around

We're not trying to turn it around, you anti-theist faggots are. People during that time was vastly olive-skinned, much like the pic related. Shitskins didnt come to the places where Israel/Palestine is today before centuries after Jesus was born.

Attached: Olive-skinned.jpg (620x465, 35K)

they would be sort of like modern Lebanese(as bronze age Caanite DNA shows), so rather MENA anyway

But Arabs in the modern day are olive skinned, do you even know what that term means?

Judean is not jewish

no, they dont. Olive-skinned refers to tannish-skin, but lighter than brown.

no they aren't*

Judeanfrom the tribe of Judah, that of Jesus, the most jewish of the jewish...

He was Jewish. The problem is that today's jews are not actually Jewish.

All Jews are sand niggers and should be kill.

You post from Norway, but have no White religion, and no, Meds are just Muds. You are why Norway is turning into Norabia.

It flourished in Europe, and it became a European/white man's religion the moment the Roman Empire deemed it state religion, no matter how much you hate it.
But I follow what I see as the truth. And Jesus is a hell of a lot more legit than some made-up marvel superheroes

Norway isnt turning into "Norabia", we have one of the strictest immigration programs in the west. And who the fuck are you to open your mouth, mr. muttfuck 56%?

Nigga that's Qui gon jinn

This article is the best one on the subject.

Basically Levantine people have more DNA in common with southern Europeans than Arabian peninsula dwelling sand niggers because they were Anatolian originally and the ocean was easier to traverse than mountains and desert.

Good article. Thanks

Just ignore the niggers and illiterate leftists in the comments.

Everything Taleb has written is actually great for ass raping leftists. I suggest people read his books. They've made me far more articulate and capable of embarrassing leftist trash. When you're able to out 'intellectual' them and beat them at their own game they completely fall apart.

True, even though its not like you actually need a deep, factual argument to win debates against most leftists. All you need is a brain with common sense, and eventually they'll just call you a racist and block you.
But thanks, I'm definitely going to check his books out. He seems like an intelligent man

Jesus wasn’t even from Palestine, he was from Asia Minor and traveled to northern Syria. Anatolia is the biblical holy land of the New Testament.

The Hasmoneans kiked history and the Roman city of Aeila Capitolina built near the ruins of be BTFO jewdea was renamed Jerusalem by Cuckstontine

>giving a shit about a fictional character
Get a hobby, you faggot LARPers

Quick rundown:

Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek; later, the Levites would receive tithes from their countrymen. Since Aaron was in Abraham's loins then, it was as if the Aaronic priesthood were paying tithes to Melchizedek. (Heb. 7:4-10)

The one who blesses is always greater than the one being blessed. Thus, Melchizedek was greater than Abraham. As Levi was yet in the loins of Abraham, it follows that Melchizedek is greater than Levi. (Heb. 7:7-10)

If the priesthood of Aaron were effective, God would not have called a new priest in a different order in Psalm 110. (Heb. 7:11)

The basis of the Aaronic priesthood was ancestry; the basis of the priesthood of Melchizedek is everlasting life. That is, there is no interruption due to a priest's death. (Heb. 7:8,15-16,23-25)

Christ, being sinless, does not need a sacrifice for his own sins. (Heb. 7:26-27)

The priesthood of Melchizedek is more effective because it required a single sacrifice once and for all (Jesus), while the Levitical priesthood made endless sacrifices. (Heb. 7:27)

The Aaronic priests serve (or, rather, served) in an earthly copy and shadow of the heavenly Temple, which Jesus serves in. (Heb. 8:5)

The Bogdanoffs bow to Melchizidek.

>reminder that jesus wasnt white
>all these renascent paintings of jesus were made by italian artist who made jesus appear like a very handsome north italian man.

youre literally stupid as shit Norwegian cuck , jesus was a semite