Guys, I am so happy today, finally got my US citizenship!! I will be looking to increase my tribe (I am aryan hindu) and add more flavor to USA's diverse population. Wish me luck!
Got my US citizenship!!!
Godspeed pajeet
Poo in Walmart
come back here fucker
we need people like you here
Great job user
Now kys
You have to go back.
another shitskin in murica. good.
Welcome to the party, pal. I just got my work visa in New Zealand. I can wait to bring my white privilege and toxic Masculinity to the untamed wilderness of Little Australia!
>Says arabian and negrified france.
chutiya go fuck yourslef traitor
More fodder for the zog machine.
Congratulations. Now go buy a gun.
I hope he's house-trained. Good luck, burgers.
Too many dalits taking my job in India, also very unclean place. So chose US as my next best option.
Congrats Mr Pajeet Gundoo on your US citizenship.
>He still thinks America is a good country.
Jokes on him, He'll find out soon enough.
all's good, Hinduism is based
>Too many dalits taking my job in India, also very unclean place
fair enough
>He still thinks America is a good country.
Even at tits worst USA is still 100 times better than india bro.
Enjoy your shitty studio apartment and IT job.
Seriously, I'm sure it will be better than whatever your shithole situation currently is in India.
(Protip: the thing in the room with the shower is not a shrine, its what you are supposed to poo in)
(Protip 2: seriously, if you try shitting in the street you will probably be arrested or shot, it is america after all)
fuck off we're full, fix your own shit ranjeet
honest question, why are all Indians sycophants without a hint of self-esteem?
Why are germans hell-bent on ruining Europe?
This; the first thing you need to do as an American is get a gun and a doggo.
you're an ally against the jews, right?
there are many good ways to attack Germany online, but your post is just disappointing
besides I'm a second generation immigrant to this country, I don't take responsibility for anything that happened
What's a good way to attack Germany online? by referencing some of the extreme, "experimental" pornography produced within its borders?
>i'm a second generation immigrant to this country
Me too! Mine is better than yours though.
Great news OP! Are you bringing family? Mother? Sister? Indian women love my chicken tikka masala.
I am neutral on jews though of late I am wondering why they are pushing feminism and progressiveness so much. I don't know what their endgame is.
If that's where your personal insecurities lie, sure. That's as good a way as any. Another good way is to address the generally cuck'd nature of the German existence post-WW2. No culture, all we have here is stale American left-overs. Very sad and very disturbing.
I humbly disagree, I've been on your side of the pond and while it's great for travelling, most cities I saw didn't fit my lifestyle.
The suburban lifestyle felt very bland to me and the downtown areas were too filthy or just a little too stressful.
Montreal was more to my liking, as it offers a nice balance between Europe and North America.
second on this