How can we get our Namibia back, lads? I want it, I want it badly.
Namibia is rightful German clay
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as a burger you are better off just leaving them to kill themselves. just export all of your rapefugees there and let it burn
No, we love German Africans. They are perfect.
Why do you want to touch niggers?
Those are our Germanic negroes.
I want it too, but only the country, not the people. We could use it to send the refugees there as slave workers like the British did with Australia.
Why do you want negroes? A sane person avoids them.
They are Germanic and speak German.
There is literally nothing there.. A piece of useless desert.. there is no oil, no valuable minerals etc (those are all long mined.. the cherry is long gone)
you cannot grow crops there either.. It looks nice (I've been there) but it's pretty useless.
also the only reason they learn german is because they want to go to germany to get free gibs.
>Germany must pay
>driving a German car
is like niggers never lose a chance to show their stupidity
I wanna genocide the natives on Madagascar and make it our NAZI state
and yes windhoek (the capital) looks nice, but it's like 0.01 % of the country... the other 99.99 % is desert... .a bit like saudi arabia..
it's full of French pedophiles these days.. They buy children there as people are dirt poor and don't give a fuck..
In the hotels there they have warning signs in the showers that you are not allowed to take local children with you in the shower.. It's that bad.
There never was a genocide.
Citation needed
Not a surprise to be honest. Germany was late to the colonialism party and only got the scraps.
kys Nigger
herero was the typical chimpout. we taught those apes their language. they should be grateful because we didnt treat them like the british would have.
>swedish flag speaking sensibly
is that a car of peace they are sending you?
>those are all long mined.. the cherry is long gone)
Yeah keep thinking what the Chinese want you too......
This looks shopped. Namibia and Botswana as far I know are doing just fine and hold no ill feelings towards their old colonial masters.
Not every African country is Rhodesia or South Africa.
well when you cant colonise the 3rd world, you bring the 3rd world to you (and all of use you sick merkel fucks)
why do they have this typical nigger accent no matter what language they speak?
is it genetic?
Same with Italy..
Anyhow. Skeleton coast in Namibia is nice.. it's a gigantic beach full of old washed up ships and whale bones...
Youre quite the retard.
bend over and close ur eyes faggot.
>the other 99.99 % is desert...
Well there's the coast.
Not in Namibia... There are some very rich (white) south african families who own all the valuable resources and mining areas in Namibia and they pay Namibian politicians big money to keep foreigners out..
those families have hundreds of millions and they won't share with the chinese.
You really dont know how the Chinese are getting into the market do you?
Any offer the Namibian government makes, the CCP can simply one up it. Again and again and again until its literally, "welll sheeeeeeiiiiiiit I cant say no to all dis!".
who is going to buy truckloads of Uranium ? It's a nice market for special purposes (like Nuclear reactors, or cancer treatment )
you won't get rich selling Uranium.. Unlike selling gold, diamonds, oil whatever.
You're too late, kraut. Namibia is our clay now: rooskies have already contracted nogs for uranium.
Yeah I wonder what could China do with uranium. Its quite the question..............
Please inform yourself. Dont fall for the "theres fuck all in Africa" or "Chinese are bros" memes.
what can you teach them russki, we made those niggers from nothing in a sterile desert
don't you already have enough niggers?