>chinese people will rule the plane-

Attached: cute dog.webm (853x480, 2.25M)

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better than wh*tes desu


Pretty brutal but it could be worse.

Finally, a use for pit bulls.

China can't be a superpower because they don't have sympathy? How do those two things relate? If anything sympathy is the reason why the West is so fucked.

man i love these types of videos somehow

India don't you have a real stake against China? You guys are in a land dispute over Kashmir, aren't you? Please educate me if I'm wrong

if china is a superpower, there will be no freedom for anyone, you will be treated as dogs



it will make all dictatorships of the past look like sunday school

It's because you're Muslim now, Germany.

... go on?

I'm not saying I like China, but you'd be lying to yourself if you said we didn't do this type of thing to animals as well.
That's fucked up


why should i care what the chinese do to dogs?

So we're gonna nuke these subhumans, right?

I try not to click on this shit, but when I do it always fills me with rage.

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It's because you're a soyboy.

Fucking chink subhumans

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they're not subhumans
but mainlanders have a very bad culture
non mainland chinese are fine and dont do this stuff

Nothing soy about being against barbarians and subhumans.

>God exi-


Attached: Dog Brutally Tortured.webm (640x640, 1.29M)

Once China becomes a superpower organizations like BLM and FEMEN are in for a rude awakening.

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no one cares about the morality of the chinese. it blows my mind. it feels like leftists are completely fine with them becoming the dominant force in the world just because they aren't white men

>India don't you have a real stake against China?
We don't like China. We just want to be friendly with them because they are a big chunk of the global market. It's strictly business.

>You guys are in a land dispute over Kashmir, aren't you?
Yes, we have fought a war for territorial dispute in the past. They consider an entire state in the Northeastern region to be theirs.

>Please educate me if I'm wrong
Not wrong.

Also, I would rather see loud, oil-loving, big-mac eating, freedom loving Americans over Chinks that do not have human emotions and have no, for the lack of a better word, soul. Also their women are flatter than a flat screen TV.

Also is probably a South Indian dalit aka Communist Nigger.

bathing naked with your dog

You're free to go to war with them all by yourself then.

It's so weird how much more fucked Chinese culture is than all the surrounding cultures.

Haha, the jealousy just shines through every time.

pretty sure they fund those groups, not because they believe in their values, but because it weakens rivals from within, when finished with them, they will be disposed

I dont see anything wrong with this. you all sound like a bunch of faggots

The dogs could be your daughters and the chink is actually the boss at your job.


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Yup, its the same like killing any other animal. Why are dogs so special?

Anyone who lived with the chinese knows they're sociopaths.

You need sympathy towards your fellow man if you want to form an effective group. The lack of sympathy is why the chinese got fucked whenever they fought the west.

Turn off your fucking proxy, chankoro!

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Attached: coolcat.jpg (432x444, 196K)

Well, they're doing it in the cruelest way imaginable. They're doing it in a way that makes them feel as much pain as possible meanwhile here they just pop a bullet into their heads.

Have you seen american cow and chicken farms?
Hos is that any better than this?

Attached: 133321121.jpg (400x600, 144K)

So you are saying the Chinese who are not Chinese are better than the Chinese who are Chinese?

mao's communism was terribly destructive, they tried destroying all of their culture and accumulated wisdom, along with all the competent chinese

the smart ones ran away to taiwan, HK, singapore and other places

eventually smart chinese will pop up in the mainland again, but they will be brainwashed

thinking this will stop my yellow fever, what do you think i am? a beta cuck roastie enabler?

>pajeet forgot his communist flag

>than all the surrounding cultures

what is chinese about communist chinese that actively tried to destroy their own culture?

You got it.

But it is good to be a sociopath. You might get real power. Even superpower. Just like China.

bingo, give this man a slice of ukraine.

>t.gook posting with American flag

Sympathy is also why the White man's land has a bunch of niggers and shitskins on it. You guys have too much sympathy, you are literally babysitting other races and letting your own go extinct.

I meant like Korea or even the Mongols.

bingo, sounds like someone just took a black pill.

Sick, weak people. The killing of dogs for food and fur is an abomination against nature. These animals were bred and evolved to live amongst us and trust us. This is the moral equivalent of mass-pedophilia. I pray for the destruction of these people.

God I hate chinks so fucking much.