Aussies, explain yourselves

aussies, explain yourselves

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How many times do I have to fucking tell you! Australia died in the 80s we are now Canada 2.0

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>comments disabled

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>brianna wu and his husband

>50% of Australians in this video are white
>50% of Australians are white
All Australians are 50% white.

>He's 40 and he's wealthy so he's privileged

Of course privilege exists in the sense that a 1st world person is going to have a better life than someone born in a war torn country full of poverty, but that isn't the issue, when it comes to this privilege debate it's talking about people within the same country.


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It is good she wears a nose ring so we can tell what a cow she is.

>believing commie propaganda

are they complaining about people having advantage by speaking the native language compared to not speaking it?

How can they complain about that, of course you're gonna have it better if u speak the native language. like wtf

Nuke Melbourne please.

Isn't ABC tax payer funded?

Ya it's a disgrace


Why is it a disadvantage to be born in certain countries? Is it because they are shitholes?

>the state of first world liberals


True blue Aussie here. What the fuck is this shit? This isn't Aussie, this is fuckin retarded! I reckon these cunts have a few kangas loose in the top paddock!

do these faggots not forget that our parents and their parents needed to work to buiild this country.. have none of these faggots even watched the Bush Tucker Man and listened to the story of Australians?

Do they not know about the Diggers? Ned Kelly? The man from snowy river?

No. No fucking idea these stupid cunts.

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Economic collapse would send all the chinks packing and the africans wouldn't get any more gibs. Economic collapse would solve everything, really unless you're some unprepared city cretin unable to feed yourself.

Australians are pureblooded Asians, you mongrel.

Since when did Australia get mass migration of Chinese and Indian people?

pick 0

oh fucks sake

would snuggle with the Asian.

Immigration rights, probability of being granted a visa. Probabibility of being granted a work visa, Imagine being born in Syria right now that is a massive disadvantage, Being in a Country that I see the people around me make around 1 dollar an hour when I can go home and make 10 gbp per hour for doing easy work makes it obvious to me that it is a disadvantage being born into a shithole.


She’d be a dud root, and give you a UTI, also I have radar for chicks with smelly vaginas and hers fucking reeks it’s why she’s angry at men.
The other one has a cock

And what would you personally do about it?

The response is quite funny though. They had to take this video down. They then put out another one explaining how they were bullied by the internet. They're getting raided there as well lol.

I really hope they keep this shit up. Just shortens the road to defund the ABC.

Wait...are these SJW's culturally appropriating African-Americans?

>They had to take this video down.


I find it interesting the country we exported all of our thieving lowlives (who presumably were oppressed and underprivileged) to is now one of the most highly developed nations on the planet whilst all the nations we give billions in gibs to still don't know how to use toilet paper.

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They basically got raided in the facebook comment section.

Im just going to assume both of them in the video are autistic by their looks, cause i aint watching that shit

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Dang I was hoping it was something more poetic like being reported for "hate speech"

Has Australia always been this cucked?

Fuck off cunts she's mine

I'm gonna jerk off into her lazy eye and fart into her sandwiches

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Just melb and sydney

really diddles the didgeridoo

Nothing, never said I would, but I am responding to a point of view.

I've noticed massive Americanisation in Australia since the early 2000's. No, we were never THIS cucked, to be fair, these are mongrel slappas from Victoria...It's not a big surprise mate!

Angharad 'Rad' Yeo

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They put up another one

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is the ABC ME a state funded thing?

because anglo trash is still better than anything the rest of the world has

south east asians are so fucking ugly, holy shit

I like you, would drink beer with.


That shit made me cringe.
It reminds me of when boomers try to act hip by saying stuff like "dawg" and "homie"

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>being sane

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>having chins

>dat flat justice tho

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Dam son, flex those tendons.


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yeah i took a double-take... like they don't even bother trying to explain how white-privilege works

it's like casting a fireball or some kind of magic, these people are unhinged

>lacking teleportation

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Anything ABC is state funded.

I don't see how you could make the first video and then the second and not know you were a lying piece of shit. Maybe they do know.

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They're trying to twist the logic as to assign blame to the ones being successful.
It's really ironic how they don't see that they're the ones being racist and sexist against themselves.

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they remind me of the underpants gnomes

phase 1
>white privilege
phase 2
phase 3
>instant success/money

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>Syrian woman can swim
Yeah, no. That's unrealistic as fuck

Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.

You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.

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I used to think underpants were an even deeper layer of pants. Trousers -> Pants -> Underpants.

Cuckold Porn is Jewish culture.
Jewish culture is a matrilineal society. A matrilineal society dictates that all offspring are a continuation of the mother's womb and not that of the father's seed. So, it is in this respect, that the Jew is naturally inclined to accept and even promote cuckolding as a cultural norm. The Jew male is not the sex that will pass on the parasidic gene to posterity, rather his job is to raise the woman up above him so that the Jewess can dominate. The male who gets mutilated at birth, therefore, is a sissy slave worker for the Jewish family unit, while the woman is free to fuck and suck off every bull that will seed her womb.
Now, it is important to understand that cuckolding is not just a cultural norm for the Jew. The Jew actually needs to cuckold in order to carry on with the race, or parasite strain. As can be seen clearly in all Jewish children, there is a natural physical and/or mental defect in the racial gene pool that cannot be explained other than by a defective parasite. This means that the Jew will try to breed outside the parasitic strain so that the parasite can survive. But, in order for the physically and mentally defective Jew to accomplish this inter breeding, they must first spread their culture to the host Goy.
The Goy then is a seeder so that the parasidic gene has continuity. You see, the Jew is truly a parasite, such that, the female is open and free to reproduce, even at the cost of a marriage vow or the moral compass of the host nation or race. Cuckolding is a necessity of the Jewish survival, and the goy need to be sold on it before the parasite gene is extinguished from the planet by natural means. In other words. the parasite gene of the Jew will eventually regress into a monsterous subhuman if the parasite does not find a suitable host, and because the Jewish culture is matrilineal, the Jewess must cuckold the Jew males in order for the Jewish parasite gene to survive as a "people."

austria or australia?

propaganda sage and move on

shit teeth

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>he isn't wearing three layers of pants at all times
Boy that inbreeding sure fucked you fellas up, can't even dress up right

Stevie is a Refugee
Born in a country she had to flee
Brought to australia by the taxpayee
Cars, food and housing she gets for free

Stevie has 12 kids, with no jobs
Her husband Rakeesh asks for bobs
5 of her kids commit gang crime
Faggot Melbourne judges give no time

Hard work is privilage you see
According to government funded tv
We got our jobs through diversity.

No u

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We average 200-300 thousand legal immigrants a year. They used to be majority english/kiwi, now it's all chinks and poos.

Australia, I'm stuck in Austria at the moment...fucked up a couple of letters booking the flight home, now I'm stuck in a place that reminds me more of what Australia used to be 20 years ago.

Dont you dare you call her flat

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What is cost of living faggot?

$10 an hour here wouldn't be enough to live on.

That's a good thing btw.

Why is there so many chinks in Australia? Also do Australian chink girls fuck white men ?

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Why is it that every chink i've meet from Australia has at least 1 cocked eye, da faq are you guys doing to them over there?


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>ywn cool your meat in that fridge

>catchy beat
>nice message

10/10 would watch again

Is this how they teach children basic cooking skills down under?

Have you ever heard the expression fuck them until they cant walk straight

Well with asians its fuck em until they cannot see straight

lol i made that

Legit convinced that's a man

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It's also funded by public money.

The Jews are pulling quite a number on our countries.

It all makes sense now.

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>not teleporting yourself to riches and bitches island
I can't even how you guys can't

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post more double doubles bro

Commemts on ABC comedy fuckbook page for this video will give u back some hope. Everyone is sledging them

>nina oyama

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