Quick mafs I see
and all he had to do is write black lives matter in all his assignments.
Good for him. Doesn't contradict the bell curve on race and IQ though. OP needs to learn what statistical data means.
>people who boast about their IQ are loosers
-some retarded white guy
>posts pick of huge white duck
>niggers btfo
>Black boi
This isnt real right
The exception proves the rule.
Great. White and Asian kids frequently do that and no one cares, but when a nigger does it's news.
I wonder why that is. Oh yeah...
Show me this duck that you speak of, I'd very much like to see it.
So what? Einstein was a plagiarist and Bill Gates is an innovator, but I've never heard him praised for his incredible intellect. There are outliers everywhere. There is probably some guy manning a gas pump or fixing a refrigerator that would blow people's minds.
1 Against millions and we all know niggers are 60 range IQ in general - nice try
>NAXALT falacy
come back when you have statistics on race and IQ that favor your argument you cretin.
wtf i love niggers now
Now send him to Africa so he can help fix his people's problems
IQ tests are multiple choice, statistically speaking a monkey would have done better than Einstein eventually.
>nigger ties shoelace
why does his race matter
List of top nfl qb prospects and their corresponding “wonderlic” test scores
literally doesnt matter, if he contributes as much to the world as Einstein or bill gates then you can come back.
Just the nature of based blacks like the based of other ethnic groups. Rising above the retard demographic. Tons of white niggers w/ low IQs. Tons of Asians/etc. The minority in the world are based and intelligent. I have more in common w/ them than some nigger from my own ethnic group.
I think iq tests are a waste of time to see how good you are at pattern recognition.
I thought races don't exist?
that cant be right, thats like mental illness level
Wait, 20 is considered average...
What an obnoxious title and you can tell it was written by someone who is very retarded. No one cares about Bill Gates or Albert Einstein because of their IQ. They care because they are fucking geniuses who did shit in life. Let me know when this dude accomplishes even a fraction of what they have.
Wonderlic is a shit indicator of performance.
So IQ is relevant to them again? Good.
>black boy
Calling him boy is racist
Can't wait to see what he invents to benifit mankind, oh wait, Einstein was full of shit and never invented anything to benifit mankind either. Glad those thought experiments really paid off eh
Are these the same IQ tests that show blacks have low IQs and racists have low IQs?....
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I would like to see a link to an actual story to see why the claim is being made. Hell for all we know he got the black revisionist history test, and majored in ebonics.
Even if he is one in how many. But congrats to him if true.
I too, would like to see this duck that you speak of. I must say I do enjoy thoroughly examining high quality pictures of big, white ducks.
This. OP is a fucking ignorant moron/nigger.
Since neither if them passed an IQ test, not really an achievement.
Liberals only believe in the right part of the IQ bell curves.
Really makes you think...
criminally underrated niche post.
Good for him.
Let's see if he's smart enough to find a solution to the Nigger problem where the White man has so far failed.
lets see him do something useful next
man, the kid he paid to take the test for him must be pissed
I'd like to see his store robing tactics. They must be genious.
Neither Einstein nor Gates are known to have taken an IQ test, and if they have, they certainly haven't published the results.
A Jew and three white guys at the top. And a black guy at the bottom.
anyone else find niggers faces disgusting?
they're desperate to prove Blacks don't ruin every single civilization they rule
kek, this is news worthy
And that is the real truth. There are a ton of supposed highly intelligent people who have done zip with it to improve society.
ting goes SKRAAAA
keep seeing them throw around the phrase "black boy" a lot lately
I took it and got a 32, it’s pretty easy dude must be retarded
1 black kid is smarter
So many honkies are raging right now lol. People feel threatened that their intellectual superior is a black guy.
They called the nigger a boy. HAHAHHAHA
Tell me when this becomes the average. It’s caller a bell curve for a reason.
He still doesn't raise the average nigger IQ to the level of a white man.
One fuckibg smart nigger does not shift the entire fucking black bell curve. He is what we call an outlier. We tend to ignore them to keep consistency.
How convenient. You crackers are always talking about how whites are superior due to having higher IQ scores and when a black guy is smarter than most of your supposed geniuses, all of a sudden they don't matter? Whites truly are stupid.
Who is Rickey Smiley and where is the source of this claim?
This has to be bullshit 'black boy scores'. Like anyone would write that now days.
Who is raging? I am not threatened by a one of the very few. IQ tests only prove you have book knowledge which means squat in the real world. Do they have any usable knowledge, and skill, and above all real common sense?
>A nigger having a high IQ is newsworthy because it is so rare
Oh and even if all niggers had 'high IQs' I still wouldn't want to live around them, not my people. Kys.
Is that fucking comic sans
that is literally a racist headline
Still a nigger
intelligence is genetic. Ill bet he is part white
Didn't slaves get called boy back in the day?
IQ tests are a lot different now than they were back when Einstein and Bill Gates (pictured) took it
>mutations don't exist
I want fundie retards to leave
PS: Most niggers are still retards
PPS: retard
They never took IQ tests.
For the first time you actually used the loo.
That pic is good and needs to be cleaned up.
fucking huge white duck deniers
If he's smart then why is he not rolling in money and being used by whites to write this BS "news"?
What this really says:"White women are THAT fucking stupid."
Great, since this outlier is capable can we now remove social support from the lot since they should be able to help themselves?
If they need everyone else's tax money to survive they're literally pets, if not then they can finally rise and join society as a whole.
This is what is disgusting about leftists: if they were horribly racist scumbags the article title would be “[name] scores higher on IQ...”. The compulsion to instead identify him by his race implies that it is his RACE and not his IQ that is the focal point of the news piece; a tacit admission that they look down on blacks and that this is a newsworthy development.
I got banned last time I posted my dick.
thats a big chicken
Which IQ test did he take? Was his phone taken away to prevent test takers from cheating?
>These questions are not rhetorical
Lets see his accomplishments before you compare him with the greatest minds in history
Lets judge at that point.
Einstein was never tested
Albert Einstein never took an IQ test
>saved for when he's caught robbing a Popeye's
>greatest minds in history
Best goy.
>t. I don't understand what a distribution is
It won't be long before he murders someone because he thinks he deserves something for it and becomes bitter and chimps out.
Lemme guess, you’re on the same idiot boat that thinks General Relativity doesn’t exist?
today its easy to be smart, you can just google everything, tell that to einstein
>adjusted for affirmative action
change the chair into a fence and Connie Chung into a cop and the black kid can do that, too
why they have to say is black? isn't he same as the other boys?
That's not it at all. The whole "Democrats are the real racists"-shtick is stupid.